// This must be done after the custom query check, otherwise it will be done twice.
DescriptorEventManager eventManager = descriptor.getEventManager();
if (changeSet.hasChanges()) {
// PERF: Avoid events if no listeners.
if (eventManager.hasAnyEventListeners()) {
DescriptorEvent event = new DescriptorEvent(DescriptorEventManager.PreUpdateWithChangesEvent, writeQuery);
// PreUpdateWithChangesEvent listeners may have altered the object - should recalculate the change set.
UnitOfWorkChangeSet uowChangeSet = (UnitOfWorkChangeSet)((UnitOfWorkImpl)session).getUnitOfWorkChangeSet();
if (!uowChangeSet.isChangeSetFromOutsideUOW() && writeQuery.getObjectChangeSet().shouldRecalculateAfterUpdateEvent()){
// writeQuery.getObjectChangeSet() is mapped to object in uowChangeSet.
// It is first cleared then re-populated by calculateChanges method.
if (!descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().isAttributeChangeTrackingPolicy() ){
// clear the change set without clearing the maps keys since they are not alterable by the event
// if the map is changed, it will be changed in the owning object and the
// change set will be changed there as well.
if (descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().calculateChangesForExistingObject(object, uowChangeSet, ((UnitOfWorkImpl)session), descriptor, false) == null) {
// calculateChanges returns null in case the changeSet doesn't have changes.
// It should be removed from the list of ObjectChangeSets that have changes in uowChangeSet.
// Verify if deep shallow modify is turned on
if (writeQuery.shouldCascadeParts()) {
// The row must not be built until after preUpdate in case the object reference has changed.
// For a user defined update in the uow to row must be built twice to check if any update is required.
Boolean shouldModifyVersionField = changeSet.shouldModifyVersionField();
if (!getModifyRow().isEmpty() || shouldModifyVersionField != null || changeSet.hasCmpPolicyForcedUpdate()) {
// If user defined the entire row is required. Must not be built until change is known.
if (writeQuery.isUserDefined() || writeQuery.isCallQuery()) {
writeQuery.setModifyRow(descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildRow(object, session, WriteType.UNDEFINED));
OptimisticLockingPolicy lockingPolicy = descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy();
// Update the write lock field if required.
if (lockingPolicy != null) {
// Do not lock an object that has previously been optimistically locked within the RWUoW
boolean existingOptimisticLock = false;
if (session instanceof RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork) {
RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork uow = (RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork)session;
if (uow.getOptimisticReadLockObjects().get(object) != null && uow.getCumulativeUOWChangeSet() != null
&& uow.getCumulativeUOWChangeSet().getObjectChangeSetForClone(object) != null) {
existingOptimisticLock = true;
if (!existingOptimisticLock) {
// update the row and object if shouldModifyVersionField is non null and has a value of true (a forced update),
// or if there is no forced update and modifyRow has modifications
if ((shouldModifyVersionField != null && shouldModifyVersionField) || !getModifyRow().isEmpty()) {
// Update the row with newer lock value.
lockingPolicy.updateRowAndObjectForUpdate(writeQuery, object);
} else if (!shouldModifyVersionField && (lockingPolicy instanceof VersionLockingPolicy)) {
// Add the existing write lock value to the for a "read" lock (requires something to update).
((VersionLockingPolicy)lockingPolicy).writeLockValueIntoRow(writeQuery, object);
if (descriptor.hasSerializedObjectPolicy()) {
descriptor.getSerializedObjectPolicy().putObjectIntoRow(getModifyRow(), object, session);
// PERF: Avoid events if no listeners.
if (eventManager.hasAnyEventListeners()) {
DescriptorEvent event = new DescriptorEvent(DescriptorEventManager.AboutToUpdateEvent, writeQuery);
if (QueryMonitor.shouldMonitor()) {
int rowCount = updateObject().intValue();
if (rowCount < 1) {
if (session.hasEventManager()) {
session.getEventManager().noRowsModified(writeQuery, object);
if (lockingPolicy != null) {
lockingPolicy.validateUpdate(rowCount, object, writeQuery);
// Verify if deep shallow modify is turned on
if (writeQuery.shouldCascadeParts()) {
if ((descriptor.getHistoryPolicy() != null) && descriptor.getHistoryPolicy().shouldHandleWrites()) {
// PERF: Avoid events if no listeners.
if (eventManager.hasAnyEventListeners()) {
eventManager.executeEvent(new DescriptorEvent(DescriptorEventManager.PostUpdateEvent, writeQuery));