Package org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor

        if (registeredObject == rmiClone && !shouldForceCascade()) {
            //need to find better better fix.  prevents merging into itself.
            return rmiClone;

        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getSession().getDescriptor(rmiClone);
        try {
            ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
            if (registeredObject != rmiClone && descriptor.usesVersionLocking() && ! mergedNewObjects.containsKey(registeredObject)) {
                VersionLockingPolicy policy = (VersionLockingPolicy) descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy();
                if (policy.isStoredInObject()) {
                    Object currentValue = builder.extractValueFromObjectForField(registeredObject, policy.getWriteLockField(), session);
                    if (policy.isNewerVersion(currentValue, rmiClone, session.keyFromObject(rmiClone), session)) {
                        throw OptimisticLockException.objectChangedSinceLastMerge(rmiClone);
            // Toggle change tracking during the merge.
            boolean cascadeOnly = false;
            if (registeredObject == rmiClone || mergedNewObjects.containsKey(registeredObject)) {   
                // GF#1139 Cascade merge operations to relationship mappings even if already registered
                cascadeOnly = true;
            // Merge into the clone from the original and use the clone as
            // backup as anything different should be merged.
            builder.mergeIntoObject(registeredObject, false, rmiClone, this, cascadeOnly, false)
        } finally {

        return registeredObject;
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     * Recursively merge to original from its parent into the clone.
     * The map is used to resolve recursion.
    protected Object mergeChangesOfOriginalIntoWorkingCopy(Object clone) {
        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getSession().getDescriptor(clone);

        // Find the original object, if it is not there then do nothing.
        Object original = ((UnitOfWorkImpl)getSession()).getOriginalVersionOfObjectOrNull(clone, descriptor);

        if (original == null) {
            return clone;
        // Toggle change tracking during the merge.
        try {
            // Merge into the clone from the original, use clone as backup as anything different should be merged.
            descriptor.getObjectBuilder().mergeIntoObject(clone, false, original, this);
        } finally {
        //update the change policies with the refresh
        descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().revertChanges(clone, descriptor, (UnitOfWorkImpl)this.getSession(), ((UnitOfWorkImpl)this.getSession()).getCloneMapping());
        Vector primaryKey = getSession().keyFromObject(clone);
        if (descriptor.usesOptimisticLocking()) {
            descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy().mergeIntoParentCache((UnitOfWorkImpl)getSession(), primaryKey, clone);

        CacheKey parentCacheKey = ((UnitOfWorkImpl)getSession()).getParent().getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getCacheKeyForObjectForLock(primaryKey, clone.getClass(), descriptor);
        CacheKey uowCacheKey = getSession().getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getCacheKeyForObjectForLock(primaryKey, clone.getClass(), descriptor);

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                     && (!((UnitOfWorkImpl)parent).isCloneNewObject(originalNewObject)) && (!unitOfWork.isUnregisteredNewObjectInParent(originalNewObject))) {
                requiresToRegisterInParent = true;

        ClassDescriptor descriptor = unitOfWork.getDescriptor(clone.getClass());
        ObjectBuilder objectBuilder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
        // This always finds an original different from the clone, even if it has to create one.
        // This must be done after special cases have been computed because it registers unregistered new objects.
        Object original = unitOfWork.getOriginalVersionOfObjectOrNull(clone, objectChangeSet, descriptor);

        // Always merge into the original.
        try {
            if (original == null) {
                // If original does not exist then we must merge the entire object.
                original = unitOfWork.buildOriginal(clone);
                if (objectChangeSet == null) {
                    objectBuilder.mergeIntoObject(original, true, clone, this, false, !descriptor.getCopyPolicy().buildsNewInstance());
                } else if (!objectChangeSet.isNew()) {
                    // Once the original is created we must put it in the cache and
                    // lock it to prevent a reading thread from creating it as well
                    // there will be no deadlock situation because no other threads
                    // will be able to reference this object.
                    original = parent.getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getWriteLockManager().appendLock(objectChangeSet.getPrimaryKeys(), original, descriptor, this, parent);
                    objectBuilder.mergeIntoObject(original, true, clone, this, false, !descriptor.getCopyPolicy().buildsNewInstance());
                } else {
                    objectBuilder.mergeChangesIntoObject(original, objectChangeSet, clone, this, !descriptor.getCopyPolicy().buildsNewInstance());
                    // PERF: If PersistenceEntity is caching the primary key this must be cleared as the primary key may have changed in new objects.
                updateCacheKeyProperties(unitOfWork, original, clone, objectChangeSet, descriptor);
            } else if (objectChangeSet == null) {
                // PERF: If we have no change set if it is existing, then no merging is required.
                // If it is new, then merge the object (normally a new object would have a change set, so this is an odd case.
                if (unitOfWork.isCloneNewObject(clone)) {
                    objectBuilder.mergeIntoObject(original, true, clone, this, false, !descriptor.getCopyPolicy().buildsNewInstance());
                    updateCacheKeyProperties(unitOfWork, original, clone, objectChangeSet, descriptor);
            } else {
                // Invalidate any object that was marked invalid during the change calculation, even if it was new as multiple flushes
                // and custom SQL could still produce invalid new objects.
                if (objectChangeSet.shouldInvalidateObject(original, parent)) {
                    // no need to update cacheKey properties here
                if (objectChangeSet.isNew()) {
                    // PERF: If PersistenceEntity is caching the primary key this must be cleared as the primary key may have changed in new objects.
                // Regardless if the object is new, old, valid or invalid, merging will ensure there is a stub of an object in the
                // shared cache for filling in foreign reference relationships. If merge did not occur in some cases (new  objects, garbage
                // collection objects, object read in a transaction) then no object would be in the shared cache and foreign reference
                // mappings would be set to null when they should be set to an object.
                if (objectChangeSet.hasChanges()){
                    //if there are no changes then we just need a reference to the object so skip the merge
                    // saves trying to lock related objects after the fact producing deadlocks
                    objectBuilder.mergeChangesIntoObject(original, objectChangeSet, clone, this, false);
                    updateCacheKeyProperties(unitOfWork, original, clone, objectChangeSet, descriptor);
        } catch (QueryException exception) {
            // Ignore validation errors if unit of work validation is suppressed.
            // Also there is a very specific case under EJB wrappering where
            // a related object may have never been accessed in the unit of work context
            // but is still valid, so this error must be ignored.
            if (unitOfWork.shouldPerformNoValidation() || (descriptor.hasWrapperPolicy())) {
                if ((exception.getErrorCode() != QueryException.BACKUP_CLONE_DELETED) && (exception.getErrorCode() != QueryException.BACKUP_CLONE_IS_ORIGINAL_FROM_PARENT) && (exception.getErrorCode() != QueryException.BACKUP_CLONE_IS_ORIGINAL_FROM_SELF)) {
                    throw exception;
                return clone;
            } else {
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        // This will return the object from the parent unit of work (original unit of work).
        Object original = unitOfWork.getOriginalVersionOfObject(clone);

        // The original is used as the backup to merge everything different from it.
        // This makes this type of merge quite different than the normal unit of work merge.
        ClassDescriptor descriptor = unitOfWork.getDescriptor(clone);
        descriptor.getObjectBuilder().mergeIntoObject(original, false, clone, this);

        if (((RemoteUnitOfWork)unitOfWork.getParent()).getUnregisteredNewObjectsCache().contains(original)) {
            // Can use a new instance as backup and original.
            Object backupClone = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildNewInstance();
            Object newInstance = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildNewInstance();
            ((UnitOfWorkImpl)unitOfWork.getParent()).registerOriginalNewObjectFromNestedUnitOfWork(original, backupClone, newInstance, descriptor);

        Vector primaryKey = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(clone, unitOfWork);

        // Must ensure the get and put of the cache occur as a single operation.
        // Cache key hold a reference to a concurrency manager which is used for the lock/release operation
        CacheKey cacheKey = unitOfWork.getParent().getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().acquireLock(primaryKey, original.getClass(), descriptor);
        try {
            if (descriptor.usesOptimisticLocking()) {
            } else {
                // Always put in the parent im for root because it must now be persistent.
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     * The newly merged object will then be added to the cache.
    public Object mergeNewObjectIntoCache(ObjectChangeSet changeSet) {
        if (changeSet.isNew()) {
            Class objectClass = changeSet.getClassType(session);
            ClassDescriptor descriptor = getSession().getDescriptor(objectClass);
            // Try to find the object first we may have merged it all ready.
            Object object = changeSet.getTargetVersionOfSourceObject(getSession(), false);
            if (object == null) {
                if (!getObjectsAlreadyMerged().containsKey(changeSet)) {
                    // if we haven't merged this object already then build a new object
                    // otherwise leave it as null which will stop the recursion
                    object = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildNewInstance();
                    //Store the changeset to prevent us from creating this new object again
                    getObjectsAlreadyMerged().put(changeSet, object);
                } else {
                    //we have all ready created the object, must be in a cyclic
                    //merge on a new object so get it out of the alreadymerged collection
                    object = getObjectsAlreadyMerged().get(changeSet);
            } else {
                object = changeSet.getTargetVersionOfSourceObject(getSession(), true);
            mergeChanges(object, changeSet);
            Object implementation = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().unwrapObject(object, getSession());

            return getSession().getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().putInIdentityMap(implementation, descriptor.getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(implementation, getSession()), changeSet.getWriteLockValue(), getSystemTime(), descriptor);
        return null;
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     * When merging from a clone when the cache cannot be guaranteed the object must be first read if it is existing
     * and not in the cache. Otherwise no changes will be detected as the original state is missing.
    protected Object registerObjectForMergeCloneIntoWorkingCopy(Object clone) {
        UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork = (UnitOfWorkImpl)getSession();
        ClassDescriptor descriptor = unitOfWork.getDescriptor(clone.getClass());
        Vector primaryKey = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(clone, unitOfWork);

        // Must use the java class as this may be a bean that we are merging and it may not have the same class as the
        // objects in the cache.  As of EJB 2.0.
        Object objectFromCache = unitOfWork.getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getFromIdentityMap(primaryKey, descriptor.getJavaClass(), false, descriptor);
        if (objectFromCache == null) {
            // Ensure we return the working copy if this has already been registered.
            objectFromCache = unitOfWork.checkIfAlreadyRegistered(clone, descriptor);
        if (objectFromCache != null) {
            // gf830 - merging a removed entity should throw exception.
            if (unitOfWork.isObjectDeleted(objectFromCache)) {
                if (shouldMergeCloneIntoWorkingCopy() || shouldMergeCloneWithReferencesIntoWorkingCopy()) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("cannot_merge_removed_entity", new Object[] { clone }));
            return objectFromCache;

        org.eclipse.persistence.queries.DoesExistQuery existQuery = descriptor.getQueryManager().getDoesExistQuery();
        // Optimize cache option to avoid executing the does exist query.
        if (existQuery.shouldCheckCacheForDoesExist()) {
            if (descriptor.usesVersionLocking()){
                VersionLockingPolicy policy = (VersionLockingPolicy)descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy();
                Object baseValue = policy.getBaseValue();
                Object objectLockValue = policy.getWriteLockValue(clone, primaryKey, unitOfWork);
                if ( policy.isNewerVersion(objectLockValue, baseValue) ) {
                    throw OptimisticLockException.objectChangedSinceLastMerge(clone);
            Object registeredObject = unitOfWork.internalRegisterObject(clone, descriptor);
            if (unitOfWork.hasNewObjects() && unitOfWork.getNewObjectsOriginalToClone().containsKey(clone)) {
                mergedNewObjects.put(registeredObject, registeredObject);
            return registeredObject;

        // Check early return to check if it is a new object, i.e. null primary key.
        Boolean doesExist = (Boolean)existQuery.checkEarlyReturn(clone, primaryKey, unitOfWork, null);
        if (doesExist == Boolean.FALSE) {
            //bug272704: throw an exception if this object is new yet has a version set to avoid merging in deleted objects
            if (descriptor.usesVersionLocking()){
                VersionLockingPolicy policy = (VersionLockingPolicy)descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy();
                Object baseValue = policy.getBaseValue();
                Object objectLockValue = policy.getWriteLockValue(clone, primaryKey, unitOfWork);
                if ( policy.isNewerVersion(objectLockValue, baseValue) ) {
                    throw OptimisticLockException.objectChangedSinceLastMerge(clone);
            Object registeredObject = unitOfWork.internalRegisterObject(clone, descriptor);
            mergedNewObjects.put(registeredObject, registeredObject);
            return registeredObject;
        // Otherwise it is existing and not in the cache so it must be read.
        Object object = unitOfWork.readObject(clone);
        if (object == null) {
            //bug272704: throw an exception if this object is new yet has a version set to avoid merging in deleted objects
            if (descriptor.usesVersionLocking()){
                VersionLockingPolicy policy = (VersionLockingPolicy)descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy();
                Object baseValue = policy.getBaseValue();
                Object objectLockValue = policy.getWriteLockValue(clone, primaryKey, unitOfWork);
                if ( policy.isNewerVersion(objectLockValue, baseValue) ) {
                    throw OptimisticLockException.objectChangedSinceLastMerge(clone);
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     * ADVANCED:
     * Return if their is an object for the primary key.
    public boolean containsObjectInIdentityMap(Vector primaryKey, Class theClass) {
        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getSession().getDescriptor(theClass);
        return containsObjectInIdentityMap(primaryKey, theClass, descriptor);
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     * INTERNAL: (public to allow test cases to check)
     * Return the identity map for the class, if missing create a new one.
    public IdentityMap getIdentityMap(Class theClass) {
        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getSession().getDescriptor(theClass);
        if (descriptor == null) {
            throw ValidationException.missingDescriptor(theClass.toString());
        return this.getIdentityMap(descriptor);
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     * TopLink's cache invalidation feature and returns the difference between the next expiry
     * time of the object and its read time.  The method will return 0 for invalidated objects.
    public long getRemainingValidTime(Object object) {
        Vector primaryKey = getSession().keyFromObject(object);
        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getSession().getDescriptor(object);
        CacheKey key = getCacheKeyForObjectForLock(primaryKey, object.getClass(), descriptor);
        if (key == null) {
            throw QueryException.objectDoesNotExistInCache(object);
        return descriptor.getCacheInvalidationPolicy().getRemainingValidTime(key);
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     * Set an object to be invalid in the TopLink identity maps.
     * If the object does not exist in the cache, this method will return
     * without any action
    public void invalidateObject(Vector primaryKey, Class theClass) {
        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getSession().getDescriptor(theClass);
        //forward the call to getCacheKeyForObject locally in case subclasses overload
        CacheKey key = this.getCacheKeyForObjectForLock(primaryKey, theClass, descriptor);
        if (key != null) {
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Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor

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