Package org.eclipse.jst.pagedesigner.css2.layout

Examples of org.eclipse.jst.pagedesigner.css2.layout.BlockBox


  private void setFontinfoForLine(LineBox line) {

    ICSSStyle style = getCSSStyle();
    if (style != null) {
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  protected void preLayout() {
    // super.preLayout will setup the block box.

    ICSSStyle style = this.getCSSStyle();

    _hspacing = _vspacing = 3; // default value

    if (style != null) {
      Object borderspacing = style
      if (borderspacing instanceof int[]) {
        int[] intvalues = (int[]) borderspacing;
        _hspacing = intvalues[0];
        _vspacing = intvalues[1];
      } else {
        ITagEditInfo info = (ITagEditInfo) style
        if (info != null && info.needTableDecorator()) {
          // default decorating value. to make things look more
          // separated.
          if (_hspacing < 5) {
            _hspacing = 5;
          if (_vspacing < 5) {
            _vspacing = 5;

    // TODO: support caption
    _tableInfo = new TableInfo(getCSSFigure());

    // construct the table structure.

    // calculate the user specified width/height for table and cells.
    // contentWidth is the user specified content width. If <= 0 means no
    // user
    // specification.
    int contentWidth = this._blockBox.getContentWidth();
    int availableWidth = this._blockBox.getRecommendedContentWidth();
    int contentHeight = this._blockBox.getContentHeight();

    _tableInfo.calculateWidth(contentWidth, availableWidth);

    int columnCount = _tableInfo.getColumnCount();

    int columnMinWidths[] = new int[columnCount];
    int columnMaxWidths[] = new int[columnCount];

    // For each column, determine a maximum and minimum column width from
    // the cells that span only that column. The minimum is that required by
    // the cell with the largest minimum cell width (or the column 'width',
    // whichever is larger). The maximum is that required by the cell with
    // the
    // largest maximum cell width (or the column 'width', whichever is
    // larger).
    List cells = _tableInfo.getCells();
    for (int i = 0, size = cells.size(); i < size; i++) {
      TableCellInfo cellinfo = (TableCellInfo) cells.get(i);
      if (cellinfo.getColSpan() == 1) {
        int column = cellinfo.getColumnIndex();
        Dimension mincw = cellinfo.getMinCWDimension();
        Dimension maxcw = cellinfo.getMaxCWDimension();
        if (maxcw.width < mincw.width) {
          maxcw.width = mincw.width;
        if (mincw.width > columnMinWidths[column]) {
          columnMinWidths[column] = mincw.width;
        if (maxcw.width > columnMaxWidths[column]) {
          columnMaxWidths[column] = maxcw.width;
    // For caption, determine a maximum and minimum width from it.
    int captionWidth = 0;
    if (_tableInfo.getCaption() != null) {
      captionWidth = _tableInfo.getCaption().getDimension().width;

    // For each cell that spans more than one column, increase the
    // minimum widths of the columns it spans so that together, they
    // are at least as wide as the cell. Do the same for the maximum
    // widths. If possible, widen all spanned columns by approximately
    // the same amount.
    for (int i = 0, size = cells.size(); i < size; i++) {
      TableCellInfo cellinfo = (TableCellInfo) cells.get(i);
      int colspan = cellinfo.getColSpan();
      if (colspan > 1) {
        int column = cellinfo.getColumnIndex();
        Dimension mincw = cellinfo.getMinCWDimension();
        Dimension maxcw = cellinfo.getMaxCWDimension();

        adjustWidth(column, colspan, mincw.width, columnMinWidths);
        adjustWidth(column, colspan, maxcw.width, columnMaxWidths);

    int sigmaMinWidth = 0;
    int sigmaMaxWidth = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < columnMinWidths.length; i++) {
      sigmaMinWidth += columnMinWidths[i];
      if (columnMaxWidths[i] == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
        sigmaMaxWidth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
      } else if (sigmaMaxWidth != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
        sigmaMaxWidth += columnMaxWidths[i];
        if (sigmaMaxWidth < 0) {
          sigmaMaxWidth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int spacingall = (columnMinWidths.length + 1) * _hspacing;
    sigmaMinWidth += spacingall;
    if (sigmaMaxWidth != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
      sigmaMaxWidth += spacingall;
      if (sigmaMaxWidth < 0) {
        sigmaMaxWidth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    int tableWidth = _tableInfo.getTableWidth();
    if (tableWidth > 0) {
      // If the 'table' or 'inline-table' element's 'width' property has a
      // specified value (W) other than 'auto', the property's computed
      // value
      // is the greater of W and the minimum width required by all the
      // columns
      // plus cell spacing or borders (MIN). If W is greater than MIN, the
      // extra
      // width should be distributed over the columns.
      int maxMin = Math.max(captionWidth, sigmaMinWidth);
      if (maxMin >= tableWidth) {
        tableWidth = maxMin;
      distribute(tableWidth - sigmaMinWidth, columnMinWidths,
    } else {
      // If the 'table' or 'inline-table' element has 'width: auto', the
      // computed
      // table width is the greater of the table's containing block width
      // and MIN.
      // However, if the maximum width required by the columns plus cell
      // spacing or
      // borders (MAX) is less than that of the containing block, use MAX.
      // int availableWidth = this.getCurrentLine().getAvailableWidth();
      int maxMin = Math.max(captionWidth, sigmaMaxWidth);
      if (maxMin <= availableWidth) {
        // TODO: if _tableInfo.hasWidthPercentage, then we need take
        // that into consideration
        // to distribute the column width. Left to next version.
        tableWidth = maxMin;
        // columnMinWidths = columnMaxWidths;
      } else {
        tableWidth = availableWidth;
      distribute(tableWidth - sigmaMinWidth, columnMinWidths,

    // now columnMinWidths contains width for each column
    _columnWidths = columnMinWidths;

    // ok, we have finished calculating column width.
    // next we need to find out row heights.
    _rowHeights = new int[_tableInfo.getRowCount()];

    // first find out those TR that has height settings and use them.
    List rows = _tableInfo.getRows();
    for (int i = 0, size = rows.size(); i < size && i < _rowHeights.length; i++) {
      TableRowInfo rowInfo = (TableRowInfo) rows.get(i);
      if (rowInfo.getSpecifiedRowHeight() > 0) {
        _rowHeights[i] = rowInfo.getSpecifiedRowHeight();

    // First the cells don't span multiple rows.
    cells = _tableInfo.getCells();
    for (int i = 0, size = cells.size(); i < size; i++) {
      TableCellInfo cellinfo = (TableCellInfo) cells.get(i);
      IFigure figure = cellinfo.getFigure();
      int rowspan = cellinfo.getRowSpan();
      if (rowspan == 1) {
        int cellWidth = getCellWidth(cellinfo, _columnWidths);
        Dimension d = figure.getPreferredSize(cellWidth, cellinfo
        if (d.height > _rowHeights[cellinfo.getRowIndex()]) {
          _rowHeights[cellinfo.getRowIndex()] = d.height;

    // Next those cells span multiple rows.
    cells = _tableInfo.getCells();
    for (int i = 0, size = cells.size(); i < size; i++) {
      TableCellInfo cellinfo = (TableCellInfo) cells.get(i);
      IFigure figure = cellinfo.getFigure();
      int rowspan = cellinfo.getRowSpan();
      if (rowspan > 1) {
        int cellWidth = getCellWidth(cellinfo, _columnWidths);
        Dimension d = figure.getPreferredSize(cellWidth, cellinfo
        if (d.height > getCellHeight(cellinfo, _rowHeights)) {
          adjustHeight(cellinfo.getRowIndex(), rowspan, d.height,

    // Next we may need distribute height.
    int sigmaHeight = (_tableInfo.getRowCount() + 1) * _vspacing;
    for (int i = 0; i < _rowHeights.length; i++) {
      sigmaHeight += _rowHeights[i];
    if (sigmaHeight < contentHeight) {
      distributeHeights(contentHeight - sigmaHeight, _rowHeights);

    // now we have calculated the width and height of all cells.
    // FIXME: border?
    Insets insets = (style == null ? new Insets() : style.getBorderInsets()
    _internalTableWidth = (_tableInfo.getColumnCount() + 1) * _hspacing;
    for (int i = 0; i < _columnWidths.length; i++) {
      _internalTableWidth += _columnWidths[i];
    int minWidth = getLengthValue(style, ICSSPropertyID.ATTR_MIN_WIDTH);
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   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.eclipse.jst.pagedesigner.css2.layout.ICSSPainter#paintFigure(org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics)
  public void paintFigure(Graphics g) {
    ICSSStyle style = this.getCSSStyle();
    if (style != null) {
      ITagEditInfo info = (ITagEditInfo) style
      if (info != null && info.needTableDecorator()) {
        List cells = _tableInfo.getCells();
        for (int i = 0, size = cells.size(); i < size; i++) {
          TableCellInfo cellInfo = (TableCellInfo) cells.get(i);
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  private int getDefaultHeight() {
    ICSSStyle style = this.getCSSStyle();
    if (style == null) {
      style = DefaultStyle.getInstance();
    ICSSFont font = style.getCSSFont();
    Font swtfont = font.getSwtFont();
    int fontSize = FigureUtilities.getFontMetrics(swtfont).getHeight();
    return fontSize + VERTICAL_INCREMENT;
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    if (_options != null) {
      ICSSStyle style = this.getCSSStyle();
      if (style == null) {
        style = DefaultStyle.getInstance();
      ICSSFont font = style.getCSSFont();
      Font swtFont = font.getSwtFont();
      for (int i = 0; i < _options.length; i++) {
        int width = FigureUtilities.getTextWidth(_options[i], swtFont);
        if (width > longestStringWidth) {
          longestStringWidth = width;
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  public int getDefaultHeight() {
    ICSSStyle style = this.getCSSStyle();
    if (style == null) {
      style = DefaultStyle.getInstance();
    ICSSFont font = style.getCSSFont();
    Font swtfont = font.getSwtFont();
    int fontHeight = FigureUtilities.getFontMetrics(swtfont).getHeight();
    return (fontHeight) * _rows + VERTICAL_PADDING;
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    if (_options != null) {
      ICSSStyle style = this.getCSSStyle();
      if (style == null) {
        style = DefaultStyle.getInstance();
      ICSSFont font = style.getCSSFont();
      Font swtfont = font.getSwtFont();

      Color newColor = null;
      Object color = style.getColor();
      if (color instanceof Color) {
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  private int getDefaultHeight() {
    ICSSStyle style = this.getCSSStyle();
    if (style == null) {
      style = DefaultStyle.getInstance();
    ICSSFont font = style.getCSSFont();
    Font swtfont = font.getSwtFont();
    int fontHeight = FigureUtilities.getFontMetrics(swtfont).getHeight();

    return (fontHeight) * _rows + VERTICAL_PADDING;
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  private int getDefaultWidth() {
    ICSSStyle style = this.getCSSStyle();
    if (style == null) {
      style = DefaultStyle.getInstance();
    ICSSFont font = style.getCSSFont();

    int fontWidth = FigureUtilities.getFontMetrics(font.getSwtFont())
    return _columns * fontWidth + ARRAWWIDTH + HORIZONTAL_PADDING;
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        style = DefaultStyle.getInstance();
      int decoration = ((Integer) style
      ICSSFont font = style.getCSSFont();

      Color newColor = null;
      Object color = style.getColor();
      if (color instanceof Color) {
        g.setForegroundColor((Color) color);
      } else if (color instanceof RGB) {
        newColor = new Color(Display.getCurrent(), (RGB) color);
      } else {

      Object textAlign = style
      int begin = 0;
      int end = 0;
      int fontHeight = FigureUtilities.getFontMetrics(font.getSwtFont())

      int fontWidth = FigureUtilities.getFontMetrics(font.getSwtFont())
      int columns = (rect.width - HORIZONTAL_PADDING) / fontWidth;

      int i = 0;
      while (true) {
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Related Classes of org.eclipse.jst.pagedesigner.css2.layout.BlockBox

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