public void before() throws Exception {
repositoryFile = createProjectAndCommitToRepository();
remoteRepositoryFile = createRemoteRepository(repositoryFile);
// now let's clone the remote repository
URIish uri = new URIish("file:///" + remoteRepositoryFile.getPath());
File workdir = new File(getTestDirectory(), "ClonedRepo");
CloneOperation op = new CloneOperation(uri, true, null, workdir,
"refs/heads/master", "origin", 0);
clonedRepositoryFile = new File(workdir, Constants.DOT_GIT);
// now let's clone the remote repository
uri = new URIish(remoteRepositoryFile.getPath());
workdir = new File(getTestDirectory(), "ClonedRepo2");
op = new CloneOperation(uri, true, null, workdir, "refs/heads/master",
"origin", 0);