// find the first mirror remote - there should only be one
StoredConfig rc = repository.getConfig();
RemoteConfig mirror = null;
List<RemoteConfig> configs = RemoteConfig.getAllRemoteConfigs(rc);
for (RemoteConfig config : configs) {
if (config.isMirror()) {
mirror = config;
if (mirror == null) {
// repository does not have a mirror remote
logger.debug("mirror is skipping {} no mirror remote found", repositoryName);
logger.debug("checking {} remote {} for ref updates", repositoryName, mirror.getName());
final boolean testing = false;
Git git = new Git(repository);
FetchResult result = git.fetch().setRemote(mirror.getName()).setDryRun(testing).call();
Collection<TrackingRefUpdate> refUpdates = result.getTrackingRefUpdates();
if (refUpdates.size() > 0) {
ReceiveCommand ticketBranchCmd = null;
for (TrackingRefUpdate ru : refUpdates) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();