, "Checking out plugin source files to [" + buildDir.getFullyQualifiedName()
+ "] via 'git'");
Git repo = GitUtils.clone(buildDir, gitRepo);
Ref ref = null;
String targetRef = refName;
if (targetRef == null)
// Default to Forge runtime version if no Ref name is supplied.
targetRef = environment.getRuntimeVersion();
if (targetRef != null)
// Try to find a Tag matching the given Ref name or runtime version
Map<String, Ref> tags = repo.getRepository().getTags();
ref = tags.get(targetRef);
// Now try to find a matching Branch
if (ref == null)
List<Ref> refs = GitUtils.getRemoteBranches(repo);
for (Ref branchRef : refs)
String branchName = branchRef.getName();
if (branchName != null && branchName.endsWith(targetRef))
ref = repo.branchCreate().setName(targetRef).setUpstreamMode(SetupUpstreamMode.TRACK)
.setStartPoint("origin/" + targetRef).call();
// Now try to find a tag or branch with same Major.Minor.(x) version.
if (ref == null)
// All
List<String> sortedVersions = new ArrayList<String>();
// Branches
for (Ref branchRef : GitUtils.getRemoteBranches(repo))
String branchName = branchRef.getName();
branchName = branchName.replaceFirst("refs/heads/", "");
if (InstalledPluginRegistry.isApiCompatible(targetRef, branchName))
// Tags
// Branches
for (String tag : tags.keySet())
if (InstalledPluginRegistry.isApiCompatible(targetRef, tag))
// Sort
if (!sortedVersions.isEmpty())
String version = sortedVersions.get(sortedVersions.size() - 1);
if (InstalledPluginRegistry.isApiCompatible(targetRef, version))
ref = tags.get(version);
if (ref == null)
ref = repo.branchCreate().setName(version).setUpstreamMode(SetupUpstreamMode.TRACK)
.setStartPoint("origin/" + version).call();
if (ref == null)
ref = repo.getRepository().getRef("master");
if (ref != null)
{, "Switching to branch/tag [" + ref.getName() + "]");
GitUtils.checkout(repo, ref, false, SetupUpstreamMode.TRACK, false);
else if (refName != null)
throw new RuntimeException("Could not locate ref [" + targetRef + "] in repository ["