public void testLeafSplitsWhenFull() throws Exception {
RevBlob data1 = tr.blob("data1");
MutableObjectId idBuf = new MutableObjectId();
RevCommit r = tr.commit() //
.add(data1.name(), data1) //
NoteMap map = NoteMap.read(reader, r);
for (int i = 0; i < 254; i++) {
idBuf.setByte(Constants.OBJECT_ID_LENGTH - 1, i);
map.set(idBuf, data1);
RevCommit n = commitNoteMap(map);
TreeWalk tw = new TreeWalk(reader);
while (tw.next())
assertFalse("no fan-out subtree", tw.isSubtree());
for (int i = 254; i < 256; i++) {
idBuf.setByte(Constants.OBJECT_ID_LENGTH - 1, i);
map.set(idBuf, data1);
idBuf.setByte(Constants.OBJECT_ID_LENGTH - 2, 1);
map.set(idBuf, data1);
n = commitNoteMap(map);
// The 00 bucket is fully split.
String path = fanout(38, idBuf.name());
tw = TreeWalk.forPath(reader, path, n.getTree());
assertNotNull("has " + path, tw);
// The other bucket is not.
path = fanout(2, data1.name());