List<String> seqName, String charsetName) throws IOException {
String lastConflictingName = null; // is set to non-null whenever we are
// in a conflict
boolean threeWayMerge = (res.getSequences().size() == 3);
for (MergeChunk chunk : res) {
RawText seq = res.getSequences().get(chunk.getSequenceIndex());
if (lastConflictingName != null
&& chunk.getConflictState() != ConflictState.NEXT_CONFLICTING_RANGE) {
// found the end of an conflict
out.write((">>>>>>> " + lastConflictingName + "\n").getBytes(charsetName)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
lastConflictingName = null;
if (chunk.getConflictState() == ConflictState.FIRST_CONFLICTING_RANGE) {
// found the start of an conflict
out.write(("<<<<<<< " + seqName.get(chunk.getSequenceIndex()) + //$NON-NLS-1$
"\n").getBytes(charsetName)); //$NON-NLS-1$
lastConflictingName = seqName.get(chunk.getSequenceIndex());
} else if (chunk.getConflictState() == ConflictState.NEXT_CONFLICTING_RANGE) {
// found another conflicting chunk
* In case of a non-three-way merge I'll add the name of the
* conflicting chunk behind the equal signs. I also append the
* name of the last conflicting chunk after the ending
* greater-than signs. If somebody knows a better notation to
* present non-three-way merges - feel free to correct here.
lastConflictingName = seqName.get(chunk.getSequenceIndex());
out.write((threeWayMerge ? "=======\n" : "======= " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ lastConflictingName + "\n").getBytes(charsetName)); //$NON-NLS-1$
// the lines with conflict-metadata are written. Now write the chunk
for (int i = chunk.getBegin(); i < chunk.getEnd(); i++) {
seq.writeLine(out, i);
// one possible leftover: if the merge result ended with a conflict we
// have to close the last conflict here