Concrete implementation of a dialog settings (
) using a hash table and XML. The dialog store can be read from and saved to a stream. All keys and values must be strings or array of strings. Primitive types are converted to strings.
This class was not designed to be subclassed. Here is an example of using a DialogSettings:
DialogSettings settings = new DialogSettings("root"); settings.put("Boolean1",true); settings.put("Long1",100); settings.put("Array1",new String[]{"aaaa1","bbbb1","cccc1"}); DialogSettings section = new DialogSettings("sectionName"); settings.addSection(section); section.put("Int2",200); section.put("Float2",1.1); section.put("Array2",new String[]{"aaaa2","bbbb2","cccc2"});"c:\\temp\\test\\dialog.xml");
@noextend This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.