b.setToolTipText(WrapAndCaseUtils.wrap("Enabling this will allow the editor to automatically write the"
+ "'import' string when you write a space after you've written 'from xxx '.", TOOLTIP_WIDTH));
addCheckBox(appearanceComposite, "Add 'self' automatically when declaring methods?", AUTO_ADD_SELF, 0);
KeySequence down = KeyBindingHelper.getCommandKeyBinding(ITextEditorActionDefinitionIds.MOVE_LINES_DOWN);
KeySequence up = KeyBindingHelper.getCommandKeyBinding(ITextEditorActionDefinitionIds.MOVE_LINES_UP);
String downKey = down != null ? down.format() : "Alt+Down"; //set the default if not there
String upKey = up != null ? up.format() : "Alt+Up"; //set the default if not there
com.aptana.shared_core.string.StringUtils.format("Smart move for line up (%s) and line down (%s)?.", upKey, downKey),
addLabel(appearanceComposite, "Note: smart move line up/down change applied on editor restart.", 20);