//A web xml declared the resource-ref and we're processing a
//web-fragment. Check to see if any injections were declared for it by web.xml.
//If any injection was declared in web.xml then don't merge any injections.
//If it was declared in a web-fragment, then we can keep merging fragments.
Descriptor d = context.getMetaData().getOriginDescriptor("resource-ref."+jndiName+".injection");
if (d==null || d instanceof FragmentDescriptor)
Class<?> typeClass = TypeUtil.fromName(type);
if (typeClass==null)
typeClass = context.loadClass(type);
addInjections(context, descriptor, node, jndiName, TypeUtil.fromName(type));
case WebFragment:
Descriptor otherFragment = context.getMetaData().getOriginDescriptor("resource-ref."+jndiName);
XmlParser.Node otherFragmentRoot = otherFragment.getRoot();
Iterator<Object> iter = otherFragmentRoot.iterator();
XmlParser.Node otherNode = null;
while (iter.hasNext() && otherNode == null)
Object obj = iter.next();