// Implementation methods
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
protected CamelServlet createServletForConnector(Server server, Connector connector,
List<Handler> handlers, JettyHttpEndpoint endpoint) throws Exception {
ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler(server, "/", ServletContextHandler.NO_SECURITY | ServletContextHandler.NO_SESSIONS);
context.setConnectorNames(new String[] {connector.getName()});
if (handlers != null && !handlers.isEmpty()) {
for (Handler handler : handlers) {
if (handler instanceof HandlerWrapper) {
((HandlerWrapper) handler).setHandler(server.getHandler());
} else {
HandlerCollection handlerCollection = new HandlerCollection();
CamelServlet camelServlet;
boolean jetty = endpoint.getUseContinuation() != null ? endpoint.getUseContinuation() : isUseContinuation();
if (jetty) {
// use Jetty continuations
CamelContinuationServlet jettyServlet = new CamelContinuationServlet();
// configure timeout and log it so end user know what we are using
Long timeout = endpoint.getContinuationTimeout() != null ? endpoint.getContinuationTimeout() : getContinuationTimeout();
if (timeout != null) {
LOG.info("Using Jetty continuation timeout: " + timeout + " millis for: " + endpoint);
} else {
LOG.info("Using default Jetty continuation timeout for: " + endpoint);
// use the jetty servlet
camelServlet = jettyServlet;
} else {
// do not use jetty so use a plain servlet
camelServlet = new CamelServlet();
LOG.info("Jetty continuation is disabled for: " + endpoint);
ServletHolder holder = new ServletHolder();
context.addServlet(holder, "/*");
return camelServlet;