HttpFields fields = new HttpFields();
// Short name, short value
final String shortShortName = "REQUEST_METHOD";
final String shortShortValue = "GET";
fields.put(new HttpField(shortShortName, shortShortValue));
// Short name, long value
final String shortLongName = "REQUEST_URI";
// Be sure it's longer than 127 chars to test the large value
final String shortLongValue = "/api/0.6/map?bbox=-64.217736,-31.456810,-64.187736,-31.432322,filler=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
fields.put(new HttpField(shortLongName, shortLongValue));
// Long name, short value
// Be sure it's longer than 127 chars to test the large name
final String longShortName = "FEDCBA9876543210FEDCBA9876543210FEDCBA9876543210FEDCBA9876543210FEDCBA9876543210FEDCBA9876543210FEDCBA9876543210FEDCBA9876543210";
final String longShortValue = "";
fields.put(new HttpField(longShortName, longShortValue));
// Long name, long value
char[] chars = new char[ClientGenerator.MAX_PARAM_LENGTH];
Arrays.fill(chars, 'z');
final String longLongName = new String(chars);
final String longLongValue = new String(chars);
fields.put(new HttpField(longLongName, longLongValue));
ByteBufferPool byteBufferPool = new MappedByteBufferPool();
ClientGenerator generator = new ClientGenerator(byteBufferPool);
final int id = 13;
Generator.Result result = generator.generateRequestHeaders(id, fields, null);