public IRJRClasspathEntry[] getChildren(ILaunchConfiguration configuration) {
try {
IRuntimeClasspathEntry delegate = getDelegate();
if (delegate.getType() == IRuntimeClasspathEntry.PROJECT) {
List<IRuntimeClasspathEntry> childs;
IResource ir = delegate.getResource();
IJavaProject project = JavaCore.create(ir.getProject());
childs = RunJettyRunClasspathUtil
.getProjectClasspathsForUserlibs(project, isUnderMavenDependency);
return create(childs, isUnderMavenDependency);
} else if (delegate.getType() == IRuntimeClasspathEntry.CONTAINER) {
// Note: 2011/12/14 Tony:
// Here the reason we also handle the webapplication container
// for maven resolving issue is,
// the web app is impossible to have project as web app .
// In general case , WTP resolved jars in WEB-INF/lib ,
// when we have M2E to resolved pom file , sometimes it will
// load dependency in WEBAPP Container ,
// yep , it's weird , I mean it should only use existing M2E
// Container ,
// but it does happened in some case , I decide to check the
// project entry in WEB APP Conainer.
// There shouldn't be proejct entrys in general case, so it
// should be working fine.
if (RunJettyRunClasspathResolver.isM2EMavenContainer(delegate)
|| RunJettyRunClasspathResolver
.isWebAppContainer(delegate)) {
IClasspathContainer container = JavaCore
if (container == null) {
return null;
IClasspathEntry[] cpes = container.getClasspathEntries();
if (cpes == null || cpes.length == 0) {