private TextEdit probeFormatting(String source, int indentationLevel, String lineSeparator, IRegion[] regions, boolean includeComments) {
if (PROBING_SCANNER == null) {
// scanner use to check if the kind could be K_JAVA_DOC, K_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT or K_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT
// do not tokenize white spaces to get single comments even with spaces before...
PROBING_SCANNER = new Scanner(true, false/*do not tokenize whitespaces*/, false/*nls*/, ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6, ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6, null/*taskTags*/, null/*taskPriorities*/, true/*taskCaseSensitive*/);
IRegion coveredRegion = getCoveredRegion(regions);
int offset = coveredRegion.getOffset();