super.checkNullSpecInheritance(currentMethod, srcMethod, hasNonNullDefault, complain, inheritedMethod, scope, inheritedNonNullnessInfos);
void reportRawReferences() {
CompilerOptions compilerOptions = this.type.scope.compilerOptions();
if (compilerOptions.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5 // shouldn't whine at all
|| compilerOptions.reportUnavoidableGenericTypeProblems) { // must have already whined
/* Code below is only for a method that does not override/implement a super type method. If it were to,
it would have been handled in checkAgainstInheritedMethods.
Object [] methodArray = this.currentMethods.valueTable;
for (int s = methodArray.length; --s >= 0;) {
if (methodArray[s] == null) continue;
MethodBinding[] current = (MethodBinding[]) methodArray[s];
for (int i = 0, length = current.length; i < length; i++) {
MethodBinding currentMethod = current[i];
if ((currentMethod.modifiers & (ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccImplementing | ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccOverriding)) == 0) {
AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDecl = currentMethod.sourceMethod();
if (methodDecl == null) return;
TypeBinding [] parameterTypes = currentMethod.parameters;
Argument[] arguments = methodDecl.arguments;
for (int j = 0, size = currentMethod.parameters.length; j < size; j++) {
TypeBinding parameterType = parameterTypes[j];
Argument arg = arguments[j];
if (parameterType.leafComponentType().isRawType()
&& compilerOptions.getSeverity(CompilerOptions.RawTypeReference) != ProblemSeverities.Ignore
&& (arg.type.bits & ASTNode.IgnoreRawTypeCheck) == 0) {
methodDecl.scope.problemReporter().rawTypeReference(arg.type, parameterType);
if (!methodDecl.isConstructor() && methodDecl instanceof MethodDeclaration) {
TypeReference returnType = ((MethodDeclaration) methodDecl).returnType;
TypeBinding methodType = currentMethod.returnType;
if (returnType != null) {
if (methodType.leafComponentType().isRawType()
&& compilerOptions.getSeverity(CompilerOptions.RawTypeReference) != ProblemSeverities.Ignore
&& (returnType.bits & ASTNode.IgnoreRawTypeCheck) == 0) {
methodDecl.scope.problemReporter().rawTypeReference(returnType, methodType);