packageName = IPackageFragment.DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME;
if (this.owner != null) {
String source = this.owner.findSource(typeName, packageName);
if (source != null) {
ICompilationUnit cu = new BasicCompilationUnit(source.toCharArray(), CharOperation.splitOn('.', packageName.toCharArray()), typeName + Util.defaultJavaExtension());
return new NameEnvironmentAnswer(cu, null);
NameLookup.Answer answer =
false/*exact match*/,
if (answer != null) {
// construct name env answer
if (answer.type instanceof BinaryType) { // BinaryType
try {
return new NameEnvironmentAnswer((IBinaryType) ((BinaryType) answer.type).getElementInfo(), answer.restriction);
} catch (JavaModelException npe) {
// fall back to using owner
} else { //SourceType
try {
// retrieve the requested type
SourceTypeElementInfo sourceType = (SourceTypeElementInfo)((SourceType) answer.type).getElementInfo();
ISourceType topLevelType = sourceType;
while (topLevelType.getEnclosingType() != null) {
topLevelType = topLevelType.getEnclosingType();
// find all siblings (other types declared in same unit, since may be used for name resolution)
IType[] types = sourceType.getHandle().getCompilationUnit().getTypes();
ISourceType[] sourceTypes = new ISourceType[types.length];
// in the resulting collection, ensure the requested type is the first one
sourceTypes[0] = sourceType;
int length = types.length;
for (int i = 0, index = 1; i < length; i++) {
ISourceType otherType =
(ISourceType) ((JavaElement) types[i]).getElementInfo();
if (!otherType.equals(topLevelType) && index < length) // check that the index is in bounds (see
sourceTypes[index++] = otherType;
return new NameEnvironmentAnswer(sourceTypes, answer.restriction);
} catch (JavaModelException jme) {
if (jme.isDoesNotExist() && String.valueOf(TypeConstants.PACKAGE_INFO_NAME).equals(typeName)) {
// in case of the type doesn't exist in the model,
// but the CU may still help in order to fetch package level annotations.
return new NameEnvironmentAnswer((ICompilationUnit)answer.type.getParent(), answer.restriction);
// no usable answer