Enum declaration AST node type (added in JLS3 API).
EnumDeclaration: [ Javadoc ] { ExtendedModifier } enum Identifier [ implements Type { , Type } ] { [ EnumConstantDeclaration { , EnumConstantDeclaration } ] [ , ] [ ; { ClassBodyDeclaration | ; } ] }
The {@link #enumConstants()} list holds the enum constant declarations,while the {@link #bodyDeclarations()} list holds the class body declarationsthat appear after the semicolon.
When a Javadoc comment is present, the source range begins with the first character of the "/**" comment delimiter. When there is no Javadoc comment, the source range begins with the first character of the first modifier or annotation (if present), or the first character of the "enum" keyword (if no modifiers or annotations). The source range extends through the last character of the "}" token following the body declarations.
@since 3.1
@noinstantiate This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients.