Package org.eclipse.emf.common.util

Examples of org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EMap$InternalMapView

        if (changeSummary.isLogging())
            ((ChangeSummaryImpl) changeSummary).summarize();
        ChangeDescription changeDescription = (ChangeDescription) changeSummary;
        Iterator createdDataObjects = changeDescription.getObjectsToDetach().iterator();
        deletedDataObjects = changeDescription.getObjectsToAttach();
        EMap objectChanges = changeDescription.getObjectChanges();
        modifiedDataObjects = objectChanges.keySet(); // may contain DO(s) from createdDataObjects and/or deletedDataObjects

         * 6-2. Prepare to compute (X)Path
         *  input: changeSummary
         *  output: rootResource
        /*not to support DataGraph 3-3
        Object dataGraph = changeSummary.getDataGraph();
        if (dataGraph == null) {
            DataObject rootObject = changeSummary.getRootObject();
            // assert rootObject != null;
            rootResource = rootObject.getContainer() == null ? ((EObject) rootObject).eResource() // Can be null since this *StAX* writer does NOT
                    // require rootObject contained by an *EMF* Resource
                    : null; // eResource() direct content may not necessarily always be the XML document
        } else
            // assert dataGraph instanceof DataGraphImpl;
            rootResource = ((org.apache.tuscany.sdo.impl.DataGraphImpl) dataGraph).getRootResource(); */

         * 6-2. Start ChangeSummary element
         *  input: writer, options, elementCS, changeSummary & changeDescription (6-1)
        nsPrefixSuffix = 0;
        this.writer = writer;
        this.options = options;
        lineBreak = "";
        indent = margin = pathRootObject = STRING_OPTION;
        nest = 0;
        changeSummaryElementNS = changeSummaryElement.getNamespaceURI();
        changeSummaryElementName = changeSummaryElement.getLocalPart();
        writeStartElement(changeSummaryElement.getPrefix(), changeSummaryElementNS, changeSummaryElementName);
        lineBreak = STRING_OPTION;
        rootObject = changeSummary.getRootObject();
        extendedMetaData = (ExtendedMetaData) options.get(XMLResource.OPTION_EXTENDED_META_DATA);
        if (extendedMetaData == null)
            extendedMetaData = ExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE;
            xsdHelper = XSDHelper.INSTANCE;
            xsdHelper = new XSDHelperImpl(extendedMetaData, null);
        Property declaration = changeSummaryElementNS == null
                             ? rootObject.getType().getProperty(changeSummaryElementName)
                             : xsdHelper.getGlobalProperty(changeSummaryElementNS, changeSummaryElementName, true);
        if (declaration != null)
            EClassifier type = changeDescription.eClass();
            if (type != declaration.getType() && type != CHANGE_SUMMARY)
                writeGlobalAttribute(ExtendedMetaData.XSI_PREFIX, ExtendedMetaData.XSI_URI, XMLResource.TYPE, new StringBuffer(prefix(extendedMetaData.getNamespace(type), null))
         * 6-3. "create" attribute
         *  input: createdDataObjects (6-1), rootResource (6-2), changeSummary & writer
        rootElementNS = null;
        this.changeSummary = changeSummary;
        if (createdDataObjects.hasNext()) {
            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
            while (true) {
                dataObject = (DataObject);
                if (!createdDataObjects.hasNext())
                buffer.append(' ');
            writer.writeAttribute(CREATE_ATTRIBUTE, buffer.toString());

         * 6-4. "delete" attribute
         *  input: deletedDataObjects (6-1), modifiedDataObjects (6-1) & writer
        Iterator iterator = deletedDataObjects.iterator();
        if (iterator.hasNext()) {
            lengthDeleted = -1;
            StringBuffer buffer = null;
            do {
                dataObject = (DataObject);
                if (skipDeletedModification(changeSummary.getOldContainer(dataObject)))
                if (buffer == null)
                    buffer = new StringBuffer();
                    buffer.append(' ');
            } while (iterator.hasNext());
            writer.writeAttribute(DELETE_ATTRIBUTE, buffer.toString());

         * 6-5. "logging" attribute
         *  input: changeSummary & writer
        writer.writeAttribute(LOGGING_ATTRIBUTE, changeSummary.isLogging() ? "true" : "false");

         * 6-6. Modified DataObjects
         *  input: modifiedDataObjects (6-1), rootResource (6-2), changeSummary & writer
        iterator = modifiedDataObjects.iterator();
        if (iterator.hasNext()) {
            boolean optimizeList;
            if (options == null)
                optimizeList = false;
                Object option = options.get(OPTION_OPTIMIZE_LIST);
                optimizeList = option == null ? false : ((Boolean)option).booleanValue();
            prefix(SDOAnnotations.COMMONJ_SDO_NS, SDOPackage.eNS_PREFIX);
            do {
                DataObject dataObject = (DataObject);
                if (skipDeletedModification(dataObject))
                Property containmentProperty = dataObject.getContainmentProperty();
                if (containmentProperty == null) {
                    writer.writeStartElement(rootElementNS, rootElementName);
                } else
                this.dataObject = dataObject;

                String lineBreak = null;
                Collection oldValues = (Collection) objectChanges.get(dataObject); // changeSummary.getOldValues repeats Sequence changes
                Iterator settings = oldValues.iterator();
                if (settings.hasNext()) {
                    do {
                        ChangeSummary.Setting oldValue = (ChangeSummary.Setting);
                        if (oldValue.isSet())
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          // use namespace declarations defined in the document (if any)
          EObject eRootObject = eDataGraph.getERootObject();
          EReference xmlnsPrefixMapFeature = extendedMetaData.getXMLNSPrefixMapFeature(eRootObject.eClass());
          if (xmlnsPrefixMapFeature != null)
            EMap xmlnsPrefixMap = (EMap)eRootObject.eGet(xmlnsPrefixMapFeature);
          ChangeSummary changeSummary = eDataGraph.getEChangeSummary();

          if (changeSummary != null)
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              EObject dgroot = eDataGraph.getERootObject();
              if (dgroot == null)
                return null;
              EMap prefixToNamespaceMap = super.recordNamespacesSchemaLocations(dgroot);
              if (prefixToNamespaceMap != null)
                for (Iterator i = prefixToNamespaceMap.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
                  Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                  String prefix = (String)entry.getKey();
                  String namespace = (String)entry.getValue();
                  if (namespace.equals("commonj.sdo"))
              return prefixToNamespaceMap;
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          // use namespace declarations defined in the document (if any)
          EObject eRootObject = eDataGraph.getERootObject();
          EReference xmlnsPrefixMapFeature = extendedMetaData.getXMLNSPrefixMapFeature(eRootObject.eClass());
          if (xmlnsPrefixMapFeature != null)
            EMap xmlnsPrefixMap = (EMap)eRootObject.eGet(xmlnsPrefixMapFeature);
          ChangeSummary changeSummary = eDataGraph.getEChangeSummary();

          if (changeSummary != null)
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              EObject dgroot = eDataGraph.getERootObject();
              if (dgroot == null)
                return null;
              EMap prefixToNamespaceMap = super.recordNamespacesSchemaLocations(dgroot);
              if (prefixToNamespaceMap != null)
                for (Iterator i = prefixToNamespaceMap.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
                  Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                  String prefix = (String)entry.getKey();
                  String namespace = (String)entry.getValue();
                  if (namespace.equals("commonj.sdo"))
              return prefixToNamespaceMap;
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   * @return an EMap containing the schema locations or null when no map
  protected EMap getSchemaLocationMap()
    EMap result = null;
    if ((documentRoot != null) && (extendedMetaData != null))
      EReference xsiSchemaLocationMapFeature = extendedMetaData
      if (xsiSchemaLocationMapFeature != null)
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    return location.toString();

  public String getSchemaLocation()
    EMap xsiSchemaLocationMap = getSchemaLocationMap();
    if (xsiSchemaLocationMap != null)
      if (!xsiSchemaLocationMap.isEmpty())
        StringBuffer xsiSchemaLocation = new StringBuffer();
        for (Iterator i = xsiSchemaLocationMap.entrySet().iterator(); i
          Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
          String namespace = (String) entry.getKey();
          if (namespace != null)
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    return null;

  public void setSchemaLocation(String schemaLocation)
    EMap xsiSchemaLocationMap = getSchemaLocationMap();
    if (xsiSchemaLocationMap != null)
      // only remove the entries from xsiSchemaLocationMap that contain a
      // non-null key
      for (Iterator i = xsiSchemaLocationMap.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
        if (entry.getKey() != null)
      if (xsiSchemaLocationMap.size() == 0)
            XMLResource.OPTION_SCHEMA_LOCATION, Boolean.FALSE);
      if (schemaLocation != null)
        String[] values = schemaLocation.split(WHITESPACE_REGEX);
        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) // note: also incremented in
        // loop
          String key = values[i++];
          if (i < values.length)
            xsiSchemaLocationMap.put(key, resolve(values[i]));
        if (xsiSchemaLocationMap.size() != 0)
              XMLResource.OPTION_SCHEMA_LOCATION, Boolean.TRUE);
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  public String getNoNamespaceSchemaLocation()
    EMap xsiSchemaLocationMap = getSchemaLocationMap();
    if (xsiSchemaLocationMap != null)
      StringBuffer xsiSchemaLocation = new StringBuffer();
      if (!xsiSchemaLocationMap.isEmpty())
        Object valueObject = xsiSchemaLocationMap.get(null);
        if (valueObject != null)
          String valueString = (String) valueObject;
          String[] values = valueString.split(WHITESPACE_REGEX);
          for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
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    return null;

  public void setNoNamespaceSchemaLocation(String schemaLocation)
    EMap xsiSchemaLocationMap = getSchemaLocationMap();
    if (xsiSchemaLocationMap != null)
      // only remove the entries from xsiSchemaLocationMap that contain a null
      // key
      if (xsiSchemaLocationMap.size() == 0)
            XMLResource.OPTION_SCHEMA_LOCATION, Boolean.FALSE);
      if (schemaLocation != null)
        String[] values = schemaLocation.split(WHITESPACE_REGEX);
        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
          xsiSchemaLocationMap.put(null, resolve(values[i]));
        if (xsiSchemaLocationMap.size() != 0)
              XMLResource.OPTION_SCHEMA_LOCATION, Boolean.TRUE);
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Related Classes of org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EMap$InternalMapView

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