Package org.eclipse.dltk.ast

Examples of org.eclipse.dltk.ast.ASTNode

          return lookForMatchingTypes(tags, sourceModule, offset,
              end, cache);
    ASTNode node = ASTUtils.findMinimalNode(parsedUnit, offset, end);
    if (node != null) {

      IContext context = ASTUtils.findContext(sourceModule, parsedUnit,
      if (context != null) {
        if (context instanceof IModelCacheContext) {
          ((IModelCacheContext) context).setCache(cache);
        // Function call:
        if (node instanceof PHPCallExpression) {
          PHPCallExpression callExpression = (PHPCallExpression) node;
          if (callExpression.getReceiver() != null) {
            IEvaluatedType receiverType = PHPTypeInferenceUtils
                .resolveExpression(sourceModule, parsedUnit,
                    context, callExpression.getReceiver());
            // (new class1())->avc2()[1][1]->avc1()
            if ((receiverType instanceof MultiTypeType)
                && callExpression.getReceiver() instanceof PHPCallExpression) {
              PHPCallExpression receiverCallExpression = (PHPCallExpression) callExpression
              if (((PHPCallArgumentsList) receiverCallExpression
                  .getArgs()).getArrayDereferenceList() != null
                  && !((PHPCallArgumentsList) receiverCallExpression
                      .getChilds().isEmpty()) {
                receiverType = new AmbiguousType(
                    ((MultiTypeType) receiverType)
                            new IEvaluatedType[0]));
            if (receiverType != null) {
              IModelElement[] elements = null;
              if ((receiverType instanceof PHPClassType)
                  && ((PHPClassType) receiverType).isGlobal()) {

                IDLTKSearchScope scope = SearchEngine
                elements = PhpModelAccess.getDefault()
                        MatchRule.EXACT, 0, 0, scope,
                LinkedList<IModelElement> result = new LinkedList<IModelElement>();
                for (IModelElement element : elements) {
                  IModelElement parent = element.getParent();
                  while (parent.getParent() instanceof IType) {
                    parent = parent.getParent();
                  if ((parent instanceof IType)
                      && PHPFlags
                          .isNamespace(((IType) parent)
                              .getFlags())) {
                    // Do nothing
                  } else {
                elements = result.toArray(new IType[result
              } else {
                elements = PHPTypeInferenceUtils
                        (ISourceModuleContext) context,
              List<IModelElement> methods = new LinkedList<IModelElement>();
              if (elements != null) {
                for (IModelElement element : elements) {
                  if (element instanceof IType) {
                    IType type = (IType) element;
                    try {
                      IMethod[] method = PHPModelUtils
                                  type, null),
                              true, null);
                    } catch (CoreException e) {
              return methods.toArray(new IModelElement[methods
          } else {
            SimpleReference callName = callExpression.getCallName();
            String methodName = callName instanceof FullyQualifiedReference ? ((FullyQualifiedReference) callName)
                .getFullyQualifiedName() : callName.getName();
            IMethod[] functions = PHPModelUtils.getFunctions(
                methodName, sourceModule, offset, cache, null);
            return functions == null ? EMPTY : functions;
        // Static field or constant access:
        else if (node instanceof StaticDispatch) {
          StaticDispatch dispatch = (StaticDispatch) node;
          String fieldName = null;
          if (dispatch instanceof StaticConstantAccess) {
            fieldName = ((StaticConstantAccess) dispatch)
          } else if (dispatch instanceof StaticFieldAccess) {
            ASTNode field = ((StaticFieldAccess) dispatch)
            if (field instanceof VariableReference) {
              fieldName = ((VariableReference) field).getName();
          if (fieldName != null && dispatch.getDispatcher() != null) {
            IEvaluatedType dispatcherType = PHPTypeInferenceUtils
                .resolveExpression(sourceModule, parsedUnit,
                    context, dispatch.getDispatcher());
            if (dispatcherType != null) {
              IModelElement[] elements = PHPTypeInferenceUtils
                      (ISourceModuleContext) context,
              List<IModelElement> fields = new LinkedList<IModelElement>();
              if (elements != null) {
                for (IModelElement element : elements) {
                  if (element instanceof IType) {
                    IType type = (IType) element;
                    try {
                              new NullProgressMonitor()),
                          fieldName, true,
                          new NullProgressMonitor())));
                    } catch (Exception e) {
              return fields.toArray(new IModelElement[fields
        // Dynamic field access:
        else if (node instanceof FieldAccess) {
          FieldAccess fieldAccess = (FieldAccess) node;
          ASTNode field = fieldAccess.getField();
          String fieldName = null;
          if (field instanceof SimpleReference) {
            fieldName = ((SimpleReference) field).getName();
          if (fieldName != null
              && fieldAccess.getDispatcher() != null) {
            IEvaluatedType dispatcherType = PHPTypeInferenceUtils
                .resolveExpression(sourceModule, parsedUnit,
                    context, fieldAccess.getDispatcher());
            if (dispatcherType != null) {
              IModelElement[] elements = PHPTypeInferenceUtils
                      (ISourceModuleContext) context,
              List<IModelElement> fields = new LinkedList<IModelElement>();
              if (elements != null) {
                for (IModelElement element : elements) {
                  if (element instanceof IType) {
                    IType type = (IType) element;
                    try {
                    } catch (ModelException e) {
              return fields.toArray(new IModelElement[fields
        } else if (node instanceof NamespaceReference) {
          String name = ((NamespaceReference) node).getName();
          IType[] namespace = PHPModelUtils.getNamespaceOf(name
              + NamespaceReference.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR,
              sourceModule, offset, cache, null);
          return namespace == null ? EMPTY : namespace;
        // Class/Interface reference:
        else if (node instanceof TypeReference) {
          IEvaluatedType evaluatedType = PHPTypeInferenceUtils
              .resolveExpression(sourceModule, node);
          if (evaluatedType == null) {
            return EMPTY;
          String name = evaluatedType.getTypeName();
          IType[] types = PHPModelUtils.getTypes(name, sourceModule,
              offset, cache, null,
              !(evaluatedType instanceof PHPTraitType));
          if (types == null || types.length == 0) {
            // This can be a constant or namespace in PHP 5.3:
            if (name.charAt(0) == NamespaceReference.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR) {
              name = name.substring(1);
            IDLTKSearchScope scope = SearchEngine
            if (evaluatedType instanceof PHPTraitType) {
              types = PhpModelAccess.getDefault().findTraits(
                  null, name, MatchRule.EXACT,
                  Modifiers.AccNameSpace, 0, scope, null);
            } else {
              types = PhpModelAccess.getDefault().findTypes(null,
                  name, MatchRule.EXACT,
                  Modifiers.AccNameSpace, 0, scope, null);

            if (types == null || types.length == 0) {
              name = NamespaceReference.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR
                  + name;
              return PHPModelUtils.getFields(name, sourceModule,
                  offset, cache, null);
          return types;
        // 'new' statement
        else if (node instanceof ClassInstanceCreation) {
          ClassInstanceCreation newNode = (ClassInstanceCreation) node;

          Expression className = newNode.getClassName();

          if ((className instanceof SimpleReference || className instanceof FullyQualifiedReference)) {
            IEvaluatedType evaluatedType = PHPTypeInferenceUtils
                .resolveExpression(sourceModule, node);
            return getConstructorsIfAny(extractClasses(PHPModelUtils
                    sourceModule, offset, cache, null)));
          } else if ((className instanceof StaticFieldAccess)) {
            StaticFieldAccess staticFieldAccess = (StaticFieldAccess) className;
            if ((offset >= staticFieldAccess.getDispatcher()
                && (offset <= staticFieldAccess.getDispatcher()
                    .sourceEnd())) {
              className = staticFieldAccess.getDispatcher();
              IEvaluatedType evaluatedType = PHPTypeInferenceUtils
                  .resolveExpression(sourceModule, className);
              return extractClasses(PHPModelUtils.getTypes(
                  evaluatedType.getTypeName(), sourceModule,
                  offset, cache, null));
            } else if ((offset >= staticFieldAccess.getField()
                && (offset <= staticFieldAccess.getField()
                    .sourceEnd())) {
              className = staticFieldAccess.getField();

              String fieldName = null;
              ASTNode field = staticFieldAccess.getField();
              if (field instanceof VariableReference) {
                fieldName = ((VariableReference) field)
              if (fieldName != null
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  public void traverse(ASTVisitor visitor) throws Exception {
    if (visitor.visit(this)) {
      if (getChilds() != null) {
        for (Iterator iter = getChilds().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
          ASTNode s = (ASTNode);
      if (arrayDereferenceList != null) {
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    try {
      ModuleDeclaration rootNode = SourceParserUtil
      ASTNode node;
      if (gotoStatementContext.getCurrentElement() != null) {
        node = PHPModelUtils.getNodeByElement(rootNode,
      } else {
        node = rootNode;
      GotoStatementVisitor vistor = new GotoStatementVisitor(node, prefix);
      List<String> getoLabels = vistor.getGotoLabels();
      SourceRange range = getReplacementRange(context);
      for (String label : getoLabels) {
        reporter.reportKeyword(label, "", range); //$NON-NLS-1$
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      PHPModuleDeclaration phpModule = (PHPModuleDeclaration) module;
      List<PHPDocBlock> phpDocBlocks = phpModule.getPhpDocBlocks();
      if (phpDocBlocks != null && !phpDocBlocks.isEmpty()) {
        List statements = phpModule.getStatements();
        ISourceRange sourceRange = field.getNameRange();
        ASTNode previousStatement = null;
        for (Iterator iterator = statements.iterator(); iterator
            .hasNext();) {
          ASTNode statement = (ASTNode);
          if (statement.sourceStart() <= sourceRange.getOffset()
              && statement.sourceEnd() >= (sourceRange
                  .getOffset() + sourceRange.getLength())) {
            // define statement
            phpDocBlocks = getPHPDocBlockBetweenStatements(
                previousStatement, statement, phpDocBlocks);
            if (phpDocBlocks.isEmpty()) {
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    protected void checkElementDeclaration(PHPCallExpression s) {
      if (s.getName().equals(DEFINE)) {
        CallArgumentsList args = s.getArgs();
        if (args != null && args.getChilds() != null) {
          ASTNode argument = (ASTNode) args.getChilds().get(0);
          if (argument instanceof Scalar) {
            String constant = ASTUtils
                .stripQuotes(((Scalar) argument).getValue());
            if (constant.equals(elementName)) {
              int astStart = s.sourceStart();
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    try {
      ISourceModule sourceModule = field.getSourceModule();
      ModuleDeclaration moduleDeclaration = SourceParserUtil
      ASTNode fieldDeclaration = PHPModelUtils.getNodeByField(
          moduleDeclaration, field);
      if (fieldDeclaration instanceof IPHPDocAwareDeclaration) {
        return ((IPHPDocAwareDeclaration) fieldDeclaration).getPHPDoc();
      } else if (fieldDeclaration == null) {
        return DefineMethodUtils.getDefinePHPDocBlockByField(
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      IRegion wordRegion) {
    IModelElement[] elements = null;
    ModuleDeclaration parsedUnit = SourceParserUtil.getModuleDeclaration(
        sourceModule, null);

    ASTNode node = ASTUtils.findMinimalNode(parsedUnit,
        wordRegion.getOffset() + wordRegion.getLength());
    if (node instanceof Scalar) {
      Scalar scalar = (Scalar) node;
      if (PHPModelUtils.isQuotesString(scalar.getValue())
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  public IModelElement getFieldByPosition(int start, int length)
      throws Exception {
    SourceRange sourceRange = new SourceRange(start, length);
    ContextFinder contextFinder = getContext(sourceRange);
    ASTNode node = contextFinder.getNode();

    if (node instanceof VariableReference) {
      ASTNode localScopeNode = rootNode;
      IContext context = contextFinder.getContext();
      if (context instanceof MethodContext) {
        localScopeNode = ((MethodContext) context).getMethodNode();
      VariableReferenceEvaluator.LocalReferenceDeclSearcher varDecSearcher = new VariableReferenceEvaluator.LocalReferenceDeclSearcher(
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    List<ASTNode> superClassNames = superClasses.getChilds();
    List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(superClassNames.size());
    Iterator<ASTNode> iterator = superClassNames.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      ASTNode nameNode =;
      String name;
      if (nameNode instanceof FullyQualifiedReference) {
        FullyQualifiedReference fullyQualifiedName = (FullyQualifiedReference) nameNode;
        name = fullyQualifiedName.getFullyQualifiedName();
        if (fullyQualifiedName.getNamespace() != null) {
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  public final boolean visit(Expression node) throws Exception {
    if (!isInteresting(node)) {
      return false;
    ASTNode parent = nodesStack.peek();
    if (isConditional(parent)) {
      getScope().enterInnerBlock((Statement) parent);

    if (node instanceof Assignment) {
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Related Classes of org.eclipse.dltk.ast.ASTNode

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