// Check if compilation errors exist, and if so check the project
// settings for what to do about that...
Action buildAction = Action.build;
if (hasBlockingErrors()) {
ScopedPreferenceStore store = new ScopedPreferenceStore(new ProjectScope(getProject()), BndtoolsConstants.CORE_PLUGIN_ID);
switch (CompileErrorAction.parse(store.getString(CompileErrorAction.PREFERENCE_KEY))) {
case skip :
addBuildMarkers(String.format("Will not build OSGi bundle(s) for project %s until compilation problems are fixed.", model.getName()), IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR);
log(LOG_BASIC, "SKIPPING due to Java problem markers");
return false;
case build :
buildAction = Action.build;
case delete :
buildAction = Action.delete;
} else if (!classpathErrors.isEmpty()) {
ScopedPreferenceStore store = new ScopedPreferenceStore(new ProjectScope(getProject()), BndtoolsConstants.CORE_PLUGIN_ID);
switch (CompileErrorAction.parse(store.getString(CompileErrorAction.PREFERENCE_KEY))) {
case skip :
addBuildMarkers(String.format("Will not build OSGi bundle(s) for project %s until classpath resolution problems are fixed.", model.getName()), IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR);
log(LOG_BASIC, "SKIPPING due to classpath resolution problem markers");
return false;