* @param project
public static void setProjectPathVariables(IProject project, IPath platformPath) {
IPath PinPath = platformPath.append(ArduinoConst.VARIANTS_FOLDER);
IPath arduinoHardwareLibraryPath = platformPath.append(ArduinoConst.LIBRARY_PATH_SUFFIX);
IPathVariableManager pathMan = project.getPathVariableManager();
try {
// TODO the code below was changed for issue #34 (better multiple user support) but fails on Mac
// So i split it to use the old code on mac.
// but they should be merged
// then it turned out nothing worked anymore. So I reverted to the old code
// Path arduinoPath = new Path(pathMan.getURIValue(ArduinoConst.WORKSPACE_PATH_VARIABLE_NAME_ARDUINO).getRawPath());
// if (Platform.getOS().equals(Platform.OS_MACOSX)) {
pathMan.setURIValue(ArduinoConst.WORKSPACE_PATH_VARIABLE_NAME_HARDWARE_LIB, URIUtil.toURI(arduinoHardwareLibraryPath));
pathMan.setURIValue(ArduinoConst.PATH_VARIABLE_NAME_ARDUINO_PLATFORM, URIUtil.toURI(platformPath));
pathMan.setURIValue(ArduinoConst.PATH_VARIABLE_NAME_ARDUINO_PINS, URIUtil.toURI(PinPath));
// } else {
// String prefix = "${" + ArduinoConst.WORKSPACE_PATH_VARIABLE_NAME_ARDUINO + "}/";
// String test = prefix + arduinoHardwareLibraryPath.makeRelativeTo(arduinoPath).toString();
// // URI uriTest = URIUtil.toURI(test, false);