// As different indexes / sort options may require different columns to be displayed
// try to obtain a custom configuration based for the browse that has been performed
if (browseInfo != null)
SortOption so = browseInfo.getSortOption();
BrowseIndex bix = browseInfo.getBrowseIndex();
// We have obtained the index that was used for this browse
if (bix != null)
// First, try to get a configuration for this browse and sort option combined
if (so != null && browseListLine == null)
browseListLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist.browse." + bix.getName() + ".sort." + so.getName() + ".columns");
browseWidthLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist.browse." + bix.getName() + ".sort." + so.getName() + ".widths");
// We haven't got a sort option defined, so get one for the index
// - it may be required later
if (so == null)
so = bix.getSortOption();
// If no config found, attempt to get one for this sort option
if (so != null && browseListLine == null)
browseListLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist.sort." + so.getName() + ".columns");
browseWidthLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist.sort." + so.getName() + ".widths");
// If no config found, attempt to get one for this browse index
if (bix != null && browseListLine == null)
browseListLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist.browse." + bix.getName() + ".columns");
browseWidthLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist.browse." + bix.getName() + ".widths");
// If no config found, attempt to get a general one, using the sort name
if (so != null && browseListLine == null)
browseListLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist." + so.getName() + ".columns");
browseWidthLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist." + so.getName() + ".widths");
// If no config found, attempt to get a general one, using the index name
if (bix != null && browseListLine == null)