log.info("Start import " + new Date());
// foreach researcher element in xml
for (int i = 0; i < grantxml.size(); i++)
log.info("Number " + i + " of " + grantxml.size());
Project grant = null;
Element node = grantxml.get(i);
// check if staffNo and rpid exists as attribute
// String nodeId = (String) xpath.evaluate(XPATH_RULES[1], node,
// XPathConstants.STRING);
// String rpId = (String) xpath.evaluate(XPATH_RULES[3], node,
// XPathConstants.STRING);
String nodeId = node
String rgId = node
Project clone = null;
// use dto to fill dynamic metadata
AnagraficaObjectDTO dto = new AnagraficaObjectDTO();
AnagraficaObjectDTO clonedto = new AnagraficaObjectDTO();
boolean update = false; // if update a true then set field to
// null
// on case of empty element
if (nodeId == null || nodeId.isEmpty())
log.error("Grant discarded ( code not founded) [position grant: "
+ i + "]");
throw new RuntimeException(
"Grant discarded (code not founded whilst rgId is on xml) [position grant: "
+ i + "]");
// if there is rgid then try to get grant by code
// and
// set to null all structural metadata lists
log.info("Grant staffNo : " + nodeId
+ " / rg identifier : " + rgId);
if (rgId != null && !rgId.isEmpty())
grant = applicationService
if (grant == null)
log.error("Grant discarded (code not founded whilst rgId is on xml) [position grant: "
+ i + "]");
throw new RuntimeException(
"Grant discarded (code not founded whilst rgId is on xml) [position grant: "
+ i + "]");
if (!rgId.equals(grant.getId().toString()))
log.error("Grant discarded (rgId don't match persistent identifier) [position grant: "
+ i + "]");
throw new RuntimeException(
"Grant discarded (rgId don't match persistent identifier) [position grant: "
+ i + "]");
// clone dynamic data and structural on dto
clone = (Project) grant.clone();
ProjectAdditionalFieldStorage additionalTemp = new ProjectAdditionalFieldStorage();
update = true;
// here there is perhaps a new grant
grant = applicationService
if (grant == null)
grant = new Project();
// use -active in command line to change default
// status to active.
clone = (Project) grant.clone();
ProjectAdditionalFieldStorage additionalTemp = new ProjectAdditionalFieldStorage();