Package org.drools.workflow.core.node

Examples of org.drools.workflow.core.node.TimerNode

              if (faultNode.getFaultName() == null) {
                errors.add(new ProcessValidationErrorImpl(process,
                        "Fault node '" + node.getName() + "' [" + node.getId() + "] has no fault name."));
            } else if (node instanceof TimerNode) {
              TimerNode timerNode = (TimerNode) node;
                if (timerNode.getFrom() == null && !acceptsNoIncomingConnections(node)) {
                    errors.add(new ProcessValidationErrorImpl(process,
                        "Timer node '" + node.getName() + "' [" + node.getId() + "] has no incoming connection."));
                if (timerNode.getTo() == null && !acceptsNoOutgoingConnections(node)) {
                    errors.add(new ProcessValidationErrorImpl(process,
                        "Timer node '" + node.getName() + "' [" + node.getId() + "] has no outgoing connection."));
                if (timerNode.getTimer() == null) {
                    errors.add(new ProcessValidationErrorImpl(process,
                        "Timer node '" + node.getName() + "' [" + node.getId() + "] has no timer specified."));
                } else {
                  validateTimer(timerNode.getTimer(), node, process, errors);
            } else {
              errors.add(new ProcessValidationErrorImpl(process,
                    "Unknown node type '" + node.getClass().getName() + "'"));
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                // reuse already created EventNode
                handleMessageNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
            } else if ("timerEventDefinition".equals(nodeName)) {
                // create new timerNode
                TimerNode timerNode = new TimerNode();
                timerNode.setMetaData("UniqueId", node.getMetaData().get("UniqueId"));
                node = timerNode;
                handleTimerNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
            } else if ("conditionalEventDefinition".equals(nodeName)) {
                // create new stateNode
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    protected void handleTimerNode(final Node node, final Element element, final String uri,
            final String localName, final ExtensibleXmlParser parser) throws SAXException {
        super.handleNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
        TimerNode timerNode = (TimerNode) node;
        org.w3c.dom.Node xmlNode = element.getFirstChild();
        while (xmlNode != null) {
            String nodeName = xmlNode.getNodeName();
            if ("timerEventDefinition".equals(nodeName)) {
                Timer timer = new Timer();
                org.w3c.dom.Node subNode = xmlNode.getFirstChild();
                while (subNode instanceof Element) {
                    String subNodeName = subNode.getNodeName();
                    if ("timeCycle".equals(subNodeName)) {
                        String period = subNode.getTextContent();
                    subNode = subNode.getNextSibling();
            xmlNode = xmlNode.getNextSibling();
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  public Class generateNodeFor() {
        return TimerNode.class;

  public void writeNode(Node node, StringBuilder xmlDump, int metaDataType) {
      TimerNode timerNode = (TimerNode) node;
    writeNode("intermediateCatchEvent", timerNode, xmlDump, metaDataType);
    xmlDump.append(">" + EOL);
    xmlDump.append("      <timerEventDefinition>" + EOL);
    if (timerNode.getTimer() != null && timerNode.getTimer().getDelay() != null) {
        xmlDump.append("        <timeCycle>" + XmlDumper.replaceIllegalChars(timerNode.getTimer().getDelay()) + "</timeCycle>" + EOL);
    xmlDump.append("      </timerEventDefinition>" + EOL);
    endNode("intermediateCatchEvent", xmlDump);
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        process.setPackageName( "org.drools.test" );
        StartNode start = new StartNode();
        start.setId( 1 );
        start.setName( "Start" );
        process.addNode( start );
        TimerNode timerNode = new TimerNode();
        timerNode.setId( 2 );
        timerNode.setName( "Timer" );
        Timer timer = new Timer();
        timer.setDelay( "2000" );
        timerNode.setTimer( timer );
        process.addNode( timerNode );
        new ConnectionImpl( start,
                            Node.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE );
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        process.setPackageName( "org.drools.test" );
        StartNode start = new StartNode();
        start.setId( 1 );
        start.setName( "Start" );
        process.addNode( start );
        TimerNode timerNode = new TimerNode();
        timerNode.setId( 2 );
        timerNode.setName( "Timer" );
        Timer timer = new Timer();
        timer.setDelay( "0" );
        timerNode.setTimer( timer );
        process.addNode( timerNode );
        new ConnectionImpl( start,
                            Node.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE );
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        process.addNode(new Join());
        process.addNode(new MilestoneNode());
        process.addNode(new RuleSetNode());
        process.addNode(new SubProcessNode());
        process.addNode(new WorkItemNode());
        process.addNode(new TimerNode());
        process.addNode(new HumanTaskNode());
        process.addNode(new ForEachNode());
        process.addNode(new CompositeContextNode());
        process.addNode(new EventNode());
        process.addNode(new FaultNode());
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        humanTaskNode.setActions(ExtendedNodeImpl.EVENT_NODE_ENTER, actions);
        humanTaskNode.setActions(ExtendedNodeImpl.EVENT_NODE_EXIT, actions);
        connection = new ConnectionImpl(workItemNode, Node.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE, humanTaskNode, Node.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE);
        TimerNode timerNode = new TimerNode();
        timerNode.setMetaData("x", 1);
        timerNode.setMetaData("y", 2);
        timerNode.setMetaData("width", 3);
        timerNode.setMetaData("height", 4);
        timer = new Timer();
        new ConnectionImpl(humanTaskNode, Node.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE, timerNode, Node.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE);
        ForEachNode forEachNode = new ForEachNode();
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              if (faultNode.getFaultName() == null) {
                errors.add(new ProcessValidationErrorImpl(process,
                        "Fault node '" + node.getName() + "' [" + node.getId() + "] has no fault name."));
            } else if (node instanceof TimerNode) {
              TimerNode timerNode = (TimerNode) node;
                if (timerNode.getFrom() == null && !acceptsNoIncomingConnections(node)) {
                    errors.add(new ProcessValidationErrorImpl(process,
                        "Timer node '" + node.getName() + "' [" + node.getId() + "] has no incoming connection."));
                if (timerNode.getTo() == null && !acceptsNoOutgoingConnections(node)) {
                    errors.add(new ProcessValidationErrorImpl(process,
                        "Timer node '" + node.getName() + "' [" + node.getId() + "] has no outgoing connection."));
                if (timerNode.getTimer() == null) {
                    errors.add(new ProcessValidationErrorImpl(process,
                        "Timer node '" + node.getName() + "' [" + node.getId() + "] has no timer specified."));
                } else {
                  validateTimer(timerNode.getTimer(), node, process, errors);
            } else {
              errors.add(new ProcessValidationErrorImpl(process,
                    "Unknown node type '" + node.getClass().getName() + "'"));
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    public TimerNodeFactory(RuleFlowNodeContainerFactory nodeContainerFactory, NodeContainer nodeContainer, long id) {
        super(nodeContainerFactory, nodeContainer, id);

    protected Node createNode() {
        return new TimerNode();
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Related Classes of org.drools.workflow.core.node.TimerNode

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