Package org.drools.workbench.models.commons.shared.rule

Examples of org.drools.workbench.models.commons.shared.rule.RuleModel

        checkMarshallUnmarshall( s, m );

    public void textIsNullOperator() {
        final RuleModel m = new RuleModel(); = "IsNullOperator";
        final FactPattern pat = new FactPattern( "Person" );
        final SingleFieldConstraint con = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        con.setFieldName( "age" );
        con.setOperator( "== null" );
        pat.addConstraint( con );

        m.addLhsItem( pat );

        String s = BRDRLPersistence.getInstance().marshal( m );
        assertTrue( s.indexOf( "Person( age == null )" ) != -1 );
        checkMarshallUnmarshall( s, m );
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        checkMarshallUnmarshall( s, m );

    public void textIsNotNullOperator() {
        final RuleModel m = new RuleModel(); = "IsNotNullOperator";
        final FactPattern pat = new FactPattern( "Person" );
        final SingleFieldConstraint con = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        con.setFieldName( "age" );
        con.setOperator( "!= null" );
        pat.addConstraint( con );

        m.addLhsItem( pat );

        String s = BRDRLPersistence.getInstance().marshal( m );
        assertTrue( s.indexOf( "Person( age != null )" ) != -1 );
        checkMarshallUnmarshall( s, m );
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        assertTrue( s.indexOf( "Person( age != null )" ) != -1 );
        checkMarshallUnmarshall( s, m );

    private RuleModel getModelWithNoConstraints() {
        final RuleModel m = new RuleModel(); = "Complex Rule";
        final FactPattern pat = new FactPattern( "Person" );
        pat.setBoundName( "p1" );
        final SingleFieldConstraint con = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        con.setFieldBinding( "f1" );
        con.setFieldName( "age" );
        // con.operator = "<";
        // con.value = "42";
        pat.addConstraint( con );

        m.addLhsItem( pat );

        return m;
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        return m;

    public void testOrComposite() throws Exception {
        RuleModel m = new RuleModel(); = "or";
        CompositeFactPattern cp = new CompositeFactPattern(
                CompositeFactPattern.COMPOSITE_TYPE_OR );
        FactPattern p1 = new FactPattern( "Person" );
        SingleFieldConstraint sf1 = new SingleFieldConstraint( "age" );
        sf1.setOperator( "==" );
        sf1.setValue( "42" );
        p1.addConstraint( sf1 );

        cp.addFactPattern( p1 );

        FactPattern p2 = new FactPattern( "Person" );
        SingleFieldConstraint sf2 = new SingleFieldConstraint( "age" );
        sf2.setOperator( "==" );
        sf2.setValue( "43" );
        p2.addConstraint( sf2 );

        cp.addFactPattern( p2 );

        m.addLhsItem( cp );

        String result = BRDRLPersistence.getInstance().marshal( m );
        assertTrue( result.indexOf( "( Person( age == 42 ) or Person( age == 43 ) )" ) > 0 );

        checkMarshallUnmarshall( result, m );
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        checkMarshallUnmarshall( result, m );

    public void testExistsMultiPatterns() throws Exception {
        RuleModel m = getCompositeFOL( CompositeFactPattern.COMPOSITE_TYPE_EXISTS );
        String result = BRDRLPersistence.getInstance().marshal( m );
        assertTrue( result.indexOf( "exists (Person( age == 42 ) and Person( age == 43 ))" ) > 0 );
        checkMarshallUnmarshall( result, m );
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        checkMarshallUnmarshall( result, m );

    public void testNotMultiPatterns() throws Exception {
        RuleModel m = getCompositeFOL( CompositeFactPattern.COMPOSITE_TYPE_NOT );
        String result = BRDRLPersistence.getInstance().marshal( m );
        assertTrue( result.indexOf( "not (Person( age == 42 ) and Person( age == 43 ))" ) > 0 );
        checkMarshallUnmarshall( result, m );
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        checkMarshallUnmarshall( result, m );

    public void testSingleExists() throws Exception {
        RuleModel m = new RuleModel(); = "or";
        CompositeFactPattern cp = new CompositeFactPattern( CompositeFactPattern.COMPOSITE_TYPE_EXISTS );
        FactPattern p1 = new FactPattern( "Person" );
        SingleFieldConstraint sf1 = new SingleFieldConstraint( "age" );
        sf1.setOperator( "==" );
        sf1.setValue( "42" );
        p1.addConstraint( sf1 );

        cp.addFactPattern( p1 );

        m.addLhsItem( cp );

        String result = BRDRLPersistence.getInstance().marshal( m );

        assertTrue( result.indexOf( "exists (Person( age == 42 )) " ) > 0 );
        checkMarshallUnmarshall( result, m );
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        assertTrue( result.indexOf( "exists (Person( age == 42 )) " ) > 0 );
        checkMarshallUnmarshall( result, m );

    private RuleModel getCompositeFOL( String type ) {
        RuleModel m = new RuleModel(); = "or";
        CompositeFactPattern cp = new CompositeFactPattern( type );
        FactPattern p1 = new FactPattern( "Person" );
        SingleFieldConstraint sf1 = new SingleFieldConstraint( "age" );
        sf1.setOperator( "==" );
        sf1.setValue( "42" );
        p1.addConstraint( sf1 );

        cp.addFactPattern( p1 );

        FactPattern p2 = new FactPattern( "Person" );
        SingleFieldConstraint sf2 = new SingleFieldConstraint( "age" );
        sf2.setOperator( "==" );
        sf2.setValue( "43" );
        p2.addConstraint( sf2 );

        cp.addFactPattern( p2 );

        m.addLhsItem( cp );

        return m;
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        return m;

    public void testCompositeConstraints() {
        RuleModel m = new RuleModel(); = "with composite";

        FactPattern p1 = new FactPattern( "Person" );
        p1.setBoundName( "p1" );
        m.addLhsItem( p1 );

        FactPattern p = new FactPattern( "Goober" );
        m.addLhsItem( p );
        CompositeFieldConstraint comp = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        comp.setCompositeJunctionType( CompositeFieldConstraint.COMPOSITE_TYPE_OR );
        p.addConstraint( comp );

        final SingleFieldConstraint X = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        X.setFieldName( "goo" );
        X.setFieldType( DataType.TYPE_STRING );
        X.setConstraintValueType( SingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        X.setValue( "foo" );
        X.setOperator( "==" );
        X.setConnectives( new ConnectiveConstraint[ 1 ] );
        X.getConnectives()[ 0 ] = new ConnectiveConstraint();
        X.getConnectives()[ 0 ].setConstraintValueType( ConnectiveConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        X.getConnectives()[ 0 ].setFieldType( DataType.TYPE_STRING );
        X.getConnectives()[ 0 ].setOperator( "|| ==" );
        X.getConnectives()[ 0 ].setValue( "bar" );
        comp.addConstraint( X );

        final SingleFieldConstraint Y = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        Y.setFieldName( "goo2" );
        Y.setFieldType( DataType.TYPE_STRING );
        Y.setConstraintValueType( SingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        Y.setValue( "foo" );
        Y.setOperator( "==" );
        comp.addConstraint( Y );

        CompositeFieldConstraint comp2 = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        comp2.setCompositeJunctionType( CompositeFieldConstraint.COMPOSITE_TYPE_AND );
        final SingleFieldConstraint Q1 = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        Q1.setFieldType( DataType.TYPE_STRING );
        Q1.setFieldName( "goo" );
        Q1.setOperator( "==" );
        Q1.setValue( "whee" );
        Q1.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );

        comp2.addConstraint( Q1 );

        final SingleFieldConstraint Q2 = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        Q2.setFieldType( DataType.TYPE_STRING );
        Q2.setFieldName( "gabba" );
        Q2.setOperator( "==" );
        Q2.setValue( "whee" );
        Q2.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );

        comp2.addConstraint( Q2 );

        // now nest it
        comp.addConstraint( comp2 );

        final SingleFieldConstraint Z = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        Z.setFieldName( "goo3" );
        Z.setConstraintValueType( SingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        Z.setFieldType( DataType.TYPE_STRING );
        Z.setValue( "foo" );
        Z.setOperator( "==" );

        p.addConstraint( Z );

        ActionInsertFact ass = new ActionInsertFact( "Whee" );
        m.addRhsItem( ass );

        String actual = BRDRLPersistence.getInstance().marshal( m );
        String expected = "rule \"with composite\"\n" +
                "\tdialect \"mvel\"\n" +
                "\twhen\n" +
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        checkMarshallUnmarshall( expected, m );

    public void testFieldsDeclaredButNoConstraints() {
        RuleModel m = new RuleModel(); = "boo";

        FactPattern p = new FactPattern( "Person" );

        // this isn't an effective constraint, so it should be ignored.
        p.addConstraint( new SingleFieldConstraint( "field1" ) );

        m.addLhsItem( p );

        String actual = BRDRLPersistence.getInstance().marshal( m );

        String expected = "rule \"boo\" \tdialect \"mvel\"\n when Person() then end";
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Related Classes of org.drools.workbench.models.commons.shared.rule.RuleModel

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