* @return Verifier object that implements the Consequence interface.
private Consequence visitConsequence(VerifierComponent parent,
Object o) {
TextConsequence consequence = new TextConsequence( rule );
String text = o.toString();
* Strip all comments out of the code.
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer( text );
int commentIndex = buffer.indexOf( "//" );
while ( commentIndex != -1 ) {
buffer = buffer.delete( commentIndex,
buffer.indexOf( "\n",
commentIndex ) );
commentIndex = buffer.indexOf( "//" );
text = buffer.toString();
* Strip all useless characters out of the code.
text = text.replaceAll( "\n",
"" );
text = text.replaceAll( "\r",
"" );
text = text.replaceAll( "\t",
"" );
text = text.replaceAll( " ",
"" );
consequence.setText( text );
consequence.setParentPath( parent.getPath() );
consequence.setParentType( parent.getVerifierComponentType() );
data.add( consequence );
return consequence;