Package org.drools.verifier.components

Examples of org.drools.verifier.components.ObjectType

                System.out.println( "\t" + msg.getFaulty() );

            Collection<ObjectType> classes = result.getVerifierData().getAll( VerifierComponentType.OBJECT_TYPE );
            for ( Iterator iterator = classes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
                ObjectType c = (ObjectType);

                Collection<VerifierRule> cr = result.getVerifierData().getRulesByObjectTypePath( c.getPath() );
                System.err.println( "Class rules:" + cr );
                Set<Field> flds = c.getFields();
                for ( Iterator iterator2 = flds.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext(); ) {
                    Field f = (Field);
                    cr = result.getVerifierData().getRulesByFieldPath( f.getPath() );
                    System.err.println( "Field rules: " + cr );
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        Pattern pattern = VerifierComponentMockFactory.createPattern1();
        saveVerifierComponentAndGet( pattern );

        saveVerifierComponentAndGet( new InlineEvalDescr( pattern ) );
        saveVerifierComponentAndGet( new ObjectType(new PackageDescr("testPackage1")) );
        saveVerifierComponentAndGet( new RuleOperatorDescr( new AndDescr(), rule,
                                                            OperatorDescrType.AND ) );
        saveVerifierComponentAndGet( new PatternOperatorDescr( pattern,
                                                               OperatorDescrType.AND ) );
        saveVerifierComponentAndGet( new SubPattern( pattern,
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        VerifierRule rule = VerifierComponentMockFactory.createRule1();
        assertNotNull( rule.getName() );
        assertEquals( "testRule1",
                      rule.getName() );

        ObjectType objectType = new ObjectType(new PackageDescr("testPackage1"));
        Pattern pattern = VerifierComponentMockFactory.createPattern1();

        assertNotNull( pattern.getRulePath() );
        assertEquals( rule.getPath(),
                      pattern.getRulePath() );

        assertNotNull( pattern.getName() );
        assertEquals( rule.getName(),
                      pattern.getRuleName() );

        pattern.setObjectTypePath( objectType.getPath() );
        assertNotNull( pattern.getObjectTypePath() );
        assertEquals( objectType.getPath(),
                      pattern.getObjectTypePath() );

        data.add( rule );
        data.add( objectType );
        data.add( pattern );

        Collection<VerifierComponent> all = data.getAll();

        assertEquals( 3,
                      all.size() );
        assertTrue( all.contains( pattern ) );
        assertTrue( all.contains( objectType ) );
        assertTrue( all.contains( rule ) );

        Collection<VerifierComponent> components = data.getAll( pattern.getVerifierComponentType() );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      components.size() );
        assertEquals( pattern,
                      components.toArray()[0] );

        VerifierComponent objectType2 = data.getVerifierObject( objectType.getVerifierComponentType(),
                                                                objectType.getPath() );

        assertNotNull( objectType2 );
        assertEquals( objectType,
                      objectType2 );
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    private void saveVerifierComponentAndGet(Field field) {
        VerifierData data = VerifierReportFactory.newVerifierData();

        ObjectType objectType = new ObjectType(new PackageDescr("testPackage1"));

        field.setObjectTypePath( objectType.getPath() );

        data.add( objectType );
        data.add( field );

        Collection<VerifierComponent> all = data.getAll();

        assertEquals( 2,
                      all.size() );
        assertTrue( all.contains( objectType ) );
        assertTrue( all.contains( field ) );

        Collection<VerifierComponent> fields = data.getAll( field.getVerifierComponentType() );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      fields.size() );
        assertEquals( field,
                      fields.toArray()[0] );

        VerifierComponent field2 = data.getVerifierObject( field.getVerifierComponentType(),
                                                           field.getPath() );

        assertNotNull( field2 );
        assertEquals( field,
                      field2 );

        Collection<VerifierComponent> objectTypes = data.getAll( objectType.getVerifierComponentType() );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      objectTypes.size() );
        assertEquals( objectType,
                      objectTypes.toArray()[0] );

        VerifierComponent objectType2 = data.getVerifierObject( objectType.getVerifierComponentType(),
                                                                objectType.getPath() );

        assertNotNull( objectType2 );
        assertEquals( objectType,
                      objectType2 );
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    private void saveVerifierComponentAndGet(Restriction component) {
        VerifierData data = VerifierReportFactory.newVerifierData();

        ObjectType objectType = new ObjectType(new PackageDescr("testPackage1"));

        Field field = new Field(new PackageDescr("testPackage1"));
        field.setObjectTypePath( objectType.getPath() );

        component.setFieldPath( field.getPath() );

        assertNotNull( component.getFieldPath() );

        data.add( objectType );
        data.add( field );
        data.add( component );

        Collection<VerifierComponent> all = data.getAll();

        assertEquals( 3,
                      all.size() );
        assertTrue( all.contains( objectType ) );
        assertTrue( all.contains( field ) );
        assertTrue( all.contains( component ) );

        Collection<VerifierComponent> components = data.getAll( component.getVerifierComponentType() );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      components.size() );
        assertEquals( component,
                      components.toArray()[0] );

        VerifierComponent component2 = data.getVerifierObject( component.getVerifierComponentType(),
                                                               component.getPath() );

        assertNotNull( component2 );
        assertEquals( component,
                      component2 );

        Collection<VerifierComponent> fields = data.getAll( field.getVerifierComponentType() );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      fields.size() );
        assertEquals( field,
                      fields.toArray()[0] );

        VerifierComponent field2 = data.getVerifierObject( field.getVerifierComponentType(),
                                                           field.getPath() );

        assertNotNull( field2 );
        assertEquals( field,
                      field2 );

        Collection<VerifierComponent> objectTypes = data.getAll( objectType.getVerifierComponentType() );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      objectTypes.size() );
        assertEquals( objectType,
                      objectTypes.toArray()[0] );

        VerifierComponent objectType2 = data.getVerifierObject( objectType.getVerifierComponentType(),
                                                                objectType.getPath() );

        assertNotNull( objectType2 );
        assertEquals( objectType,
                      objectType2 );
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            EnumField enumField = (EnumField) data.getFieldByObjectTypeAndFieldName( base,
                                                                                     fieldName );
            if ( enumField == null ) {

                ObjectType objectType = data.getObjectTypeByFullName( base );

                if ( objectType == null ) {
                    Import objectImport = data.getImportByName( base );

                    if ( objectImport != null ) {
                        objectType = ObjectTypeFactory.createObjectType( objectImport );
                    } else {
                        objectType = ObjectTypeFactory.createObjectType( base );

                    data.add( objectType );

                enumField = new EnumField();

                enumField.setObjectTypePath( objectType.getPath() );
                enumField.setObjectTypeName( objectType.getName() );
                enumField.setName( fieldName );

                objectType.getFields().add( enumField );

                data.add( enumField );

            EnumRestriction restriction = new EnumRestriction( pattern );
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            Import objectImport = new Import( rulePackage );
            objectImport.setName( fullPath );
            objectImport.setShortName( name );
            data.add( objectImport );

            ObjectType objectType = fullPath );

            if ( objectType == null ) {
                objectType = new ObjectType();

            objectType.setName( name );
            objectType.setFullName( fullPath );
            data.add( objectType );

        SuggestionCompletionLoader loader = new SuggestionCompletionLoader();
        SuggestionCompletionEngine engine = loader.getSuggestionEngine( header.toString(),
                                                                        Collections.EMPTY_LIST );
        for ( String factTypeName : engine.getFactTypes() ) {
            for ( String fieldName : engine.getFieldCompletions( factTypeName ) ) {
                ObjectType objectType = factTypeName,
                                                                                               rulePackage.getName() );

                Field field = data.getFieldByObjectTypeAndFieldName( objectType.getFullName(),
                                                                     fieldName );
                if ( field == null ) {
                    field = ObjectTypeFactory.createField( fieldName,
                                                           objectType );
                    field.setFieldType( engine.getFieldType( objectType.getName(),
                                                             fieldName ) );
                    data.add( field );
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    public Collection<ObjectType> getObjectTypesByRuleName(String ruleName) {
        Set<ObjectType> set = new HashSet<ObjectType>();

        for ( Pattern pattern : patternsByRuleName.get( ruleName ) ) {
            ObjectType objectType = (ObjectType) getVerifierObject( VerifierComponentType.OBJECT_TYPE,
                                                                    pattern.getObjectTypePath() );
            set.add( objectType );

        return set;
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    public void add(VerifierComponent object) {
        if ( VerifierComponentType.FIELD.equals( object.getVerifierComponentType() ) ) {
            Field field = (Field) object;
            ObjectType objectType = (ObjectType) getVerifierObject( VerifierComponentType.OBJECT_TYPE,
                                                                    field.getObjectTypePath() );
            fieldsByObjectTypeAndFieldName.put( objectType.getFullName() + "." + field.getName(),
                                                field );

            fieldsByObjectTypeId.put( field.getObjectTypePath(),
                                      field );
        } else if ( VerifierComponentType.RULE.equals( object.getVerifierComponentType() ) ) {
            VerifierRule rule = (VerifierRule) object;
            rulesByName.put( rule.getName(),
                             rule );
            if ( rule.getMetadata().containsKey( "category" ) ) {
                rulesByCategory.put( rule.getMetadata().get( "category" ),
                                     rule );
        } else if ( VerifierComponentType.VARIABLE.equals( object.getVerifierComponentType() ) ) {
            Variable variable = (Variable) object;
            variablesByRuleAndVariableName.put( variable.getRuleName() + "." + variable.getName(),
                                                variable );
        } else if ( VerifierComponentType.PATTERN.equals( object.getVerifierComponentType() ) ) {
            Pattern pattern = (Pattern) object;

            patternsByObjectTypeId.put( pattern.getObjectTypePath(),
                                        pattern );
            patternsByRuleName.put( pattern.getRuleName(),
                                    pattern );
        } else if ( VerifierComponentType.RESTRICTION.equals( object.getVerifierComponentType() ) ) {
            Restriction restriction = (Restriction) object;

            restrictionsByFieldId.put( restriction.getFieldPath(),
                                       restriction );
        } else if ( VerifierComponentType.RULE_PACKAGE.equals( object.getVerifierComponentType() ) ) {
            RulePackage rulePackage = (RulePackage) object;

            packagesByName.put( rulePackage.getName(),
                                rulePackage );
        } else if ( VerifierComponentType.IMPORT.equals( object.getVerifierComponentType() ) ) {
            Import objectImport = (Import) object;
            importsByName.put( objectImport.getName(),
                               objectImport );
        } else if ( VerifierComponentType.OBJECT_TYPE.equals( object.getVerifierComponentType() ) ) {
            ObjectType objectType = (ObjectType) object;
            objectTypesByFullName.put( objectType.getFullName(),
                                       objectType );
        } else if ( VerifierComponentType.ENTRY_POINT_DESCR.equals( object.getVerifierComponentType() ) ) {
            EntryPoint entryPoint = (EntryPoint) object;
            entryPointsByEntryId.put( entryPoint.getEntryPointName(),
                                      entryPoint );
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    public static String visitField(String sourceFolder,
                                    Field field,
                                    VerifierReport result) {
        VerifierData data = result.getVerifierData();
        ObjectType objectType = data.getVerifierObject( VerifierComponentType.OBJECT_TYPE,
                                                        field.getObjectTypePath() );
        Collection<VerifierRule> rules = data.getRulesByFieldPath( field.getPath() );

        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        map.put( "sourceFolder",
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Related Classes of org.drools.verifier.components.ObjectType

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