Interval[][] source = new Interval[size][];
for ( int row = 0; row < size; row++ ) {
source[row] = new Interval[size];
for ( int col = 0; col < size; col++ ) {
if ( row == col ) {
source[row][col] = new Interval( 0,
0 );
} else {
source[row][col] = new Interval( Interval.MIN,
Interval.MAX );
Interval[][] result;
if ( size > 1 ) {
List<Declaration> declarations = new ArrayList<Declaration>();
int eventIndex = 0;
// populate the matrix
for ( Pattern event : events ) {
// references to other events are always backward references, so we can build the list as we go
declarations.add( event.getDeclaration() );
Map<Declaration, Interval> temporal = new HashMap<Declaration, Interval>();
gatherTemporalRelationships( event.getConstraints(),
temporal );
// intersect default values with the actual constrained intervals
for ( Map.Entry<Declaration, Interval> entry : temporal.entrySet() ) {
int targetIndex = declarations.indexOf( entry.getKey() );
Interval interval = entry.getValue();
// FIXME: should it always be intersection or sometimes it would be union?????
source[targetIndex][eventIndex].intersect( interval );
source[eventIndex][targetIndex].intersect( new Interval( -interval.getUpperBound(),
-interval.getLowerBound() ) );
result = TimeUtils.calculateTemporalDistance( source );
} else {