private int executeExample() throws Exception {
//first we compile the decision table into a whole lot of rules.
final ExternalSpreadsheetCompiler converter = new ExternalSpreadsheetCompiler();
final List<DataListener> listeners = new ArrayList<DataListener>();
TemplateDataListener l1 = new TemplateDataListener(10, 3, getBasePricingRulesStream());
TemplateDataListener l2 = new TemplateDataListener(30, 3, getPromotionalPricingRulesStream());
converter.compile(getSpreadsheetStream(), InputType.XLS, listeners);
String baseRules = l1.renderDRL();
//Uncomment to see the base pricing rules
String promotionalRules = l2.renderDRL();
//Uncomment to see the promotional pricing rules
final RuleBase rb = buildRuleBase(baseRules, promotionalRules);