Package org.drools.spi

Examples of org.drools.spi.RuleFlowGroup

        final RuleTerminalNode node0 = new RuleTerminalNode( 3,
                                                             new MockTupleSource( 2 ),
                                                             rule0.getLhs() );

        final RuleFlowGroup ruleFlowGroup0 = agenda.getRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );

        // Create an activation for both rules
        final ReteTuple tuple0 = new ReteTuple( new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                       "cheese" ) );
        node0.assertTuple( tuple0,
                           workingMemory );

        node1.assertTuple( tuple1,
                           workingMemory );

        // RuleFlowGroup should be populated, but the agenda shouldn't be
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // Activate the RuleFlowGroup, the activations stay in the group, but should now also be in the Agenda
        agenda.activateRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // As we fire the rule, rule0 should execute first, as it has higher salience.
        // Rule0 should deactivate rule1 as well, so the everything should be empty
        agenda.fireNextItem( null );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

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        final RuleTerminalNode node0 = new RuleTerminalNode( 1,
                                                             new MockTupleSource( 2 ),
                                                             rule0.getLhs() );

        final RuleFlowGroup ruleFlowGroup0 = agenda.getRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );

        // create context
        final PropagationContext context0 = new PropagationContextImpl( 0,
                                                                        null );

        // Create two activation for this rule
        final ReteTuple tuple0 = new ReteTuple( new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                       "cheese" ) );
        node0.assertTuple( tuple0,
                           workingMemory );
        final ReteTuple tuple1 = new ReteTuple( new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                       "cheese" ) );
        node0.assertTuple( tuple1,
                           workingMemory );

        // RuleFlowGroup should be populated, but the agenda shouldn't be
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // Activate the RuleFlowGroup, the activations stay in the group, but
        // should now also be in the Agenda
        agenda.activateRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // Reactivate an already active RuleFlowGroup should not have any effect
        agenda.activateRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // Deactivate the RuleFlowGroup, the activations should be removed from
        // the agenda but still in the RuleFlowGroup
        agenda.deactivateRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // Reactivate the RuleFlowGroup, the activations stay in the group, but
        // should now also be in the Agenda again
        agenda.activateRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

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        final RuleTerminalNode node0 = new RuleTerminalNode( idGenerator.getNextId(),
                                                             new MockTupleSource( idGenerator.getNextId() ),
                                                             rule0.getLhs() );

        final RuleFlowGroup ruleFlowGroup0 = agenda.getRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        assertTrue( ruleFlowGroup0.isAutoDeactivate() );
        ruleFlowGroup0.setAutoDeactivate( false );
        assertFalse( ruleFlowGroup0.isAutoDeactivate() );

        // create context
        final PropagationContext context0 = new PropagationContextImpl( 0,
                                                                        null );

        // Create an activation for this rule
        final ReteTuple tuple0 = new ReteTuple( new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                       "cheese" ) );
        node0.assertTuple( tuple0,
                           workingMemory );

        // RuleFlowGroup should be populated, but the agenda shouldn't be
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // Activate the RuleFlowGroup, the activations stay in the group, but
        // should now also be in the Agenda
        agenda.activateRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // Execute activation
        agenda.fireNextItem( null );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );
        assertTrue( ruleFlowGroup0.isActive() );

        // Set auto-deactivation status to true
        ruleFlowGroup0.setAutoDeactivate( true );
        assertTrue( ruleFlowGroup0.isAutoDeactivate() );
        assertFalse( ruleFlowGroup0.isActive() );

        // Add another activation and activate RuleFlowGroup again
        final ReteTuple tuple1 = new ReteTuple( new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                       "cheese" ) );
        node0.assertTuple( tuple1,
                           workingMemory );
        agenda.activateRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );
        assertTrue( ruleFlowGroup0.isActive() );

        // Execute the activation, the RuleFlowGroup should automatically deactivate
        agenda.fireNextItem( null );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );
        assertFalse( ruleFlowGroup0.isActive() );

        // A new activation should now be added to the RuleFlowGroup but not to the agenda
        final ReteTuple tuple2 = new ReteTuple( new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                       "cheese" ) );
        node0.assertTuple( tuple2,
                           workingMemory );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );
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        final Rule rule0 = new Rule( "test-rule0" );
        rule0.setRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        rule0.setConsequence( consequence0 );

        final RuleFlowGroup ruleFlowGroup0 = agenda.getRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        assertTrue( ruleFlowGroup0.isAutoDeactivate() );

        // RuleFlowGroup should be empty, as well as the agenda
        assertEquals( 0,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // Activate the RuleFlowGroup, the activations stay in the group, but
        // should now also be in the Agenda
        agenda.activateRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        assertFalse( ruleFlowGroup0.isActive() );
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        return activationGroup;

    public RuleFlowGroup getRuleFlowGroup(final String name) {
        RuleFlowGroup ruleFlowGroup = (RuleFlowGroup) this.ruleFlowGroups.get( name );
        if ( ruleFlowGroup == null ) {
            ruleFlowGroup = new RuleFlowGroupImpl( name );
            ((InternalRuleFlowGroup) ruleFlowGroup).setWorkingMemory( (InternalWorkingMemory) getWorkingMemory() );
            this.ruleFlowGroups.put( name,
                                     ruleFlowGroup );
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    public void clearAndCancelRuleFlowGroup(final String name) {
        final RuleFlowGroup ruleFlowGrlup = (RuleFlowGroup) this.ruleFlowGroups.get( name );
        if ( ruleFlowGrlup != null ) {
            clearAndCancelAndCancel( ruleFlowGrlup );
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    public boolean isRuleActiveInRuleFlowGroup(String ruleflowGroupName,
                                               String ruleName,
                                               long processInstanceId) {

        RuleFlowGroup systemRuleFlowGroup = this.getRuleFlowGroup( ruleflowGroupName );

        for ( Iterator<ActivationNode> activations = systemRuleFlowGroup.iterator(); activations.hasNext(); ) {
            Activation activation =;
            if ( ruleName.equals( activation.getRule().getName() ) ) {
                if ( checkProcessInstance( activation,
                                           processInstanceId ) ) {
                    return true;
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                agendaGroup.add( item );
            } else {
                //There is  a RuleFlowNode so add it there, instead  of the Agenda
                RuleFlowGroup rfg = memory.getRuleFlowGroup();
                // Lazy cache ruleFlowGroup
                if ( rfg == null ) {
                    rfg = workingMemory.getAgenda().getRuleFlowGroup( this.rule.getRuleFlowGroup() );
                    memory.setRuleFlowGroup( rfg );

                // do not add the activation if the rule is "lock-on-active" and the RuleFlowGroup is active
                // we must check the context to determine if its a new tuple or an exist re-activated tuple as part of the retract               
                if ( context.getType() == PropagationContext.MODIFICATION ) {
                    if ( this.rule.isLockOnActive() && rfg.isActive() ) {
                        Activation justifier = context.removeRetractedTuple( this.rule,
                                                                             tuple );
                        if ( justifier == null ) {
                            // This rule is locked and active, do not allow new tuples to activate
                        } else if ( this.rule.hasLogicalDependency() ) {
                            copyLogicalDependencies( context,
                                                     justifier );
                    } else if ( this.rule.hasLogicalDependency() ) {
                        Activation justifier = context.removeRetractedTuple( this.rule,
                                                                             tuple );
                        copyLogicalDependencies( context,
                                                 justifier );
                } else if ( this.rule.isLockOnActive() && rfg.isActive() ) {

                ((InternalRuleFlowGroup) memory.getRuleFlowGroup()).addActivation( item );
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    protected MilestoneNode getMilestoneNode() {
        return (MilestoneNode) getNode();

    public void trigger(final RuleFlowNodeInstance from) {
      RuleFlowGroup systemRuleFlowGroup = getProcessInstance().getAgenda().getRuleFlowGroup("DROOLS_SYSTEM");
      String rule = "RuleFlow-Milestone-" + getProcessInstance().getProcess().getId()
        + "-" + getNode().getId();
      for (Iterator activations = systemRuleFlowGroup.iterator(); activations.hasNext(); ) {
        Activation activation = ((RuleFlowGroupNode);
        if (rule.equals(activation.getRule().getName())) {
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            case Split.TYPE_XOR :
                outgoing = split.getOutgoingConnections();
                int priority = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                Connection selected = null;
              RuleFlowGroup systemRuleFlowGroup = getProcessInstance().getAgenda().getRuleFlowGroup("DROOLS_SYSTEM");
                for ( final Iterator iterator = outgoing.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
                    final Connection connection = (Connection);
                    Constraint constraint = split.getConstraint(connection);
                    if (constraint != null && constraint.getPriority() < priority) {
                      String rule = "RuleFlow-Split-" + getProcessInstance().getProcess().getId() + "-" +
                    getNode().getId() + "-" + connection.getTo().getId();
                      for (Iterator activations = systemRuleFlowGroup.iterator(); activations.hasNext(); ) {
                        Activation activation = ((RuleFlowGroupNode);
                        if (rule.equals(activation.getRule().getName())) {
                            selected = connection;
                            priority = constraint.getPriority();
                if (selected == null) {
                  throw new IllegalArgumentException("XOR split could not find at least one valid outgoing connection for split " + getSplitNode().getName());
                getProcessInstance().getNodeInstance( selected.getTo() ).trigger( this );
            case Split.TYPE_OR :
                outgoing = split.getOutgoingConnections();
                boolean found = false;
              systemRuleFlowGroup = getProcessInstance().getAgenda().getRuleFlowGroup("DROOLS_SYSTEM");
                for ( final Iterator iterator = outgoing.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
                    final Connection connection = (Connection);
                    Constraint constraint = split.getConstraint(connection);
                    if (constraint != null) {
                      String rule = "RuleFlow-Split-" + getProcessInstance().getProcess().getId() + "-" +
                        getNode().getId() + "-" + connection.getTo().getId();
                      for (Iterator activations = systemRuleFlowGroup.iterator(); activations.hasNext(); ) {
                        Activation activation = ((RuleFlowGroupNode);
                        if (rule.equals(activation.getRule().getName())) {
                                getProcessInstance().getNodeInstance( connection.getTo() ).trigger( this );
                                found = true;
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Related Classes of org.drools.spi.RuleFlowGroup

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