Package org.drools.runtime.rule

Examples of org.drools.runtime.rule.Activation


        ArgumentCaptor<AfterActivationFiredEvent> cap = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( AfterActivationFiredEvent.class );
        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterActivationFired( cap.capture() );

        Activation activation = cap.getValue().getActivation();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 18 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 6 ) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 2nd scenario
        final int index = 1;
        cheese[index].setPrice( 9 );
        ksession.update( cheeseHandles[index],
                         cheese[index] );

        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterActivationFired( cap.capture() );

        activation = cap.getValue().getActivation();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 24 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 5 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 8 ) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 3rd scenario
        bob.setLikes( "brie" );
        ksession.update( bobHandle,
                         bob );

        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterActivationFired( cap.capture() );

        activation = cap.getValue().getActivation();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 32 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 15 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 16 ) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 4th scenario
        ksession.retract( cheeseHandles[3] );

        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterActivationFired( cap.capture() );

        activation = cap.getValue().getActivation();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 17 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 17 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 17 ) );
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        ArgumentCaptor<AfterActivationFiredEvent> cap = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( AfterActivationFiredEvent.class );
        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterActivationFired( cap.capture() );

        Activation activation = cap.getValue().getActivation();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 18 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 6 ) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 2nd scenario
        final int index = 1;
        cheese[index].setPrice( 9 );
        ksession.update( cheeseHandles[index],
                         cheese[index] );

        Mockito.verify( ael, Mockito.never() ).afterActivationFired( Mockito.any(AfterActivationFiredEvent.class) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 3rd scenario
        bob.setLikes( "brie" );
        ksession.update( bobHandle,
                         bob );

        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterActivationFired( cap.capture() );

        activation = cap.getValue().getActivation();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 20 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 10 ) );

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        ArgumentCaptor<AfterActivationFiredEvent> cap = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( AfterActivationFiredEvent.class );
        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterActivationFired( cap.capture() );

        Activation activation = cap.getValue().getActivation();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 18 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 6 ) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 2nd scenario
        final int index = 1;
        cheese[index].setPrice( 9 );
        ksession.update( cheeseHandles[index],
                         cheese[index] );

        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterActivationFired( cap.capture() );

        activation = cap.getValue().getActivation();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 24 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 5 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 8 ) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 3rd scenario
        bob.setLikes( "brie" );
        ksession.update( bobHandle,
                         bob );

        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterActivationFired( cap.capture() );

        activation = cap.getValue().getActivation();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 32 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 15 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 16 ) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 4th scenario
        ksession.retract( cheeseHandles[3] );

        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterActivationFired( cap.capture() );

        activation = cap.getValue().getActivation();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 17 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 17 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 17 ) );
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        ArgumentCaptor<AfterActivationFiredEvent> cap = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( AfterActivationFiredEvent.class );
        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterActivationFired( cap.capture() );

        Activation activation = cap.getValue().getActivation();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 18 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 6 ) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 2nd scenario
        final int index = 1;
        cheese[index].setPrice( 9 );
        ksession.update( cheeseHandles[index],
                         cheese[index] );

        Mockito.verify( ael, Mockito.never() ).afterActivationFired( Mockito.any(AfterActivationFiredEvent.class) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 3rd scenario
        bob.setLikes( "brie" );
        ksession.update( bobHandle,
                         bob );

        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterActivationFired( cap.capture() );

        activation = cap.getValue().getActivation();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 20 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 10 ) );

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                           TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
        ksession.insert( tick8 );

        ArgumentCaptor<ActivationCreatedEvent> arg = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( ActivationCreatedEvent.class );
        verify( ael ).activationCreated( arg.capture() );
        Activation activation = arg.getValue().getActivation();
        assertThat( activation.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "metby" ) );


        ArgumentCaptor<AfterActivationFiredEvent> aaf = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( AfterActivationFiredEvent.class );
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                           TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
        ksession.insert( tick8 );

        ArgumentCaptor<ActivationCreatedEvent> arg = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( ActivationCreatedEvent.class );
        verify( ael ).activationCreated( arg.capture() );
        Activation activation = arg.getValue().getActivation();
        assertThat( activation.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "metby" ) );


        ArgumentCaptor<AfterActivationFiredEvent> aaf = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( AfterActivationFiredEvent.class );
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        verify( ael,
                times( 7 ) ).afterActivationFired( captor.capture() );

        List<AfterActivationFiredEvent> values = captor.getAllValues();
        // first rule
        Activation act = values.get( 0 ).getActivation();
        assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "launch" ) );

        // second rule
        act = values.get( 1 ).getActivation();
        assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "ba" ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(),
                    is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(),
                    is( 2 ) );

        // third rule
        act = values.get( 2 ).getActivation();
        assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "ab" ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(),
                    is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(),
                    is( 2 ) );

        // fourth rule
        act = values.get( 3 ).getActivation();
        assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "ba" ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(),
                    is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(),
                    is( 1 ) );

        // fifth rule
        act = values.get( 4 ).getActivation();
        assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "ab" ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(),
                    is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(),
                    is( 1 ) );

        // sixth rule
        act = values.get( 5 ).getActivation();
        assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "ba" ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(),
                    is( 2 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(),
                    is( 1 ) );

        // seventh rule
        act = values.get( 6 ).getActivation();
        assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "ab" ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(),
                    is( 2 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(),
                    is( 1 ) );

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                           TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
        ksession.insert( tick8 );

        ArgumentCaptor<ActivationCreatedEvent> arg = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( ActivationCreatedEvent.class );
        verify( ael ).activationCreated( arg.capture() );
        Activation activation = arg.getValue().getActivation();
        assertThat( activation.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "metby" ) );


        ArgumentCaptor<AfterActivationFiredEvent> aaf = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( AfterActivationFiredEvent.class );
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                           TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
        ksession.insert( tick8 );

        ArgumentCaptor<ActivationCreatedEvent> arg = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( ActivationCreatedEvent.class );
        verify( ael ).activationCreated( arg.capture() );
        Activation activation = arg.getValue().getActivation();
        assertThat( activation.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "metby" ) );


        ArgumentCaptor<AfterActivationFiredEvent> aaf = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( AfterActivationFiredEvent.class );
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        verify( ael,
                times( 7 ) ).afterActivationFired( captor.capture() );

        List<AfterActivationFiredEvent> values = captor.getAllValues();
        // first rule
        Activation act = values.get( 0 ).getActivation();
        assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "launch" ) );
        // second rule
        act = values.get( 1 ).getActivation();
        assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "ba" ) );
        assertThat( ((Number)act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(), is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number)act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(), is( 2 ) );
        // third rule
        act = values.get( 2 ).getActivation();
        assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "ab" ) );
        assertThat( ((Number)act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(), is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number)act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(), is( 2 ) );
        // fourth rule
        act = values.get( 3 ).getActivation();
        assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "ba" ) );
        assertThat( ((Number)act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(), is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number)act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(), is( 1 ) );
        // fifth rule
        act = values.get( 4 ).getActivation();
        assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "ab" ) );
        assertThat( ((Number)act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(), is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number)act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(), is( 1 ) );
        // sixth rule
        act = values.get( 5 ).getActivation();
        assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "ba" ) );
        assertThat( ((Number)act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(), is( 2 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number)act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(), is( 1 ) );
        // seventh rule
        act = values.get( 6 ).getActivation();
        assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "ab" ) );
        assertThat( ((Number)act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(), is( 2 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number)act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(), is( 1 ) );

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Related Classes of org.drools.runtime.rule.Activation

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