Package org.drools.rule.constraint

Examples of org.drools.rule.constraint.MvelConstraint$ConditionJitter

    public void testDoubleAlphaWithBeta() {

        final CompositeObjectSinkAdapter ad = new CompositeObjectSinkAdapter();

        final MvelConstraint lit = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "type == \"stilton\"",
                                                               new ObjectFieldImpl( "stilton" ),
                                                               new MockExtractor() );

        final AlphaNode al = new AlphaNode( buildContext.getNextId(),
                                            new MockObjectSource( 0 ),
                                            buildContext );

        ad.addObjectSink( al );

        assertNull( ad.otherSinks );
        assertNotNull( ad.hashedFieldIndexes );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ad.hashableSinks.size() );
        assertEquals( al,
                      ad.getSinks()[0] );

        final MvelConstraint lit2 = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "type == \"cheddar\"",
                                                               new ObjectFieldImpl( "cheddar" ),
                                                               new MockExtractor() );

        final AlphaNode al2 = new AlphaNode( buildContext.getNextId(),
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        final CompositeObjectSinkAdapter ad = new CompositeObjectSinkAdapter();
        InternalReadAccessor extractor = store.getReader( Cheese.class,
                                                          this.getClass().getClassLoader() );

        final MvelConstraint lit = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "type == \"stilton\"",
                                                                new ObjectFieldImpl( "stilton" ),
                                                                new MockExtractor() );

        final AlphaNode al = new AlphaNode( buildContext.getNextId(),
                                            new MockObjectSource( buildContext.getNextId() ),
                                            buildContext );

        ad.addObjectSink( al );

        assertNull( ad.otherSinks );
        assertNotNull( ad.hashedFieldIndexes );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ad.hashableSinks.size() );
        assertEquals( al,
                      ad.getSinks()[0] );

        final MvelConstraint lit2 = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "type == \"cheddar\"",
                                                                new ObjectFieldImpl( "cheddar" ),
                                                                new MockExtractor() );

        final AlphaNode al2 = new AlphaNode( buildContext.getNextId(),
                                             new MockObjectSource( buildContext.getNextId() ),
                                             buildContext );

        ad.addObjectSink( al2 );

        assertNull( ad.hashedSinkMap );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ad.hashableSinks.size() );

        final MvelConstraint lit3 = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "type == \"stinky\"",
                                                                new ObjectFieldImpl( "stinky" ),
                                                                new MockExtractor() );

        final AlphaNode al3 = new AlphaNode( buildContext.getNextId(),
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        final CompositeObjectSinkAdapter ad = new CompositeObjectSinkAdapter();
        InternalReadAccessor extractor = store.getReader( Cheese.class,
                                                          this.getClass().getClassLoader() );

        final MvelConstraint lit = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "charType == 65",
                                                               new LongFieldImpl( 65 ),
                                                               extractor );

        final AlphaNode al = new AlphaNode( buildContext.getNextId(),
                                            new MockObjectSource( buildContext.getNextId() ),
                                            buildContext );

        ad.addObjectSink( al );

        assertNull( ad.otherSinks );
        assertNotNull( ad.hashedFieldIndexes );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ad.hashableSinks.size() );
        assertEquals( al,
                      ad.getSinks()[0] );

        final MvelConstraint lit2 = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "charType == 66",
                                                                new LongFieldImpl( 66 ),
                                                                extractor );

        final AlphaNode al2 = new AlphaNode( buildContext.getNextId(),
                                             new MockObjectSource( buildContext.getNextId() ),
                                             buildContext );

        ad.addObjectSink( al2 );

        assertNull( ad.hashedSinkMap );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ad.hashableSinks.size() );

        final MvelConstraint lit3 = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "charType == 67",
                                                                new LongFieldImpl( 67 ),
                                                                extractor );

        final AlphaNode al3 = new AlphaNode( buildContext.getNextId(),
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        final CompositeObjectSinkAdapter ad = new CompositeObjectSinkAdapter();
        InternalReadAccessor extractor = store.getReader( Cheese.class,
                                                          this.getClass().getClassLoader() );

        final MvelConstraint lit = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "charObjectType == 65",
                                                               new LongFieldImpl( 65 ),
                                                               extractor );

        final AlphaNode al = new AlphaNode( buildContext.getNextId(),
                                            new MockObjectSource( buildContext.getNextId() ),
                                            buildContext );

        ad.addObjectSink( al );

        assertNull( ad.otherSinks );
        assertNotNull( ad.hashedFieldIndexes );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ad.hashableSinks.size() );
        assertEquals( al,
                      ad.getSinks()[0] );

        final MvelConstraint lit2 = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "charObjectType == 66",
                                                                new LongFieldImpl( 66 ),
                                                                extractor );

        final AlphaNode al2 = new AlphaNode( buildContext.getNextId(),
                                             new MockObjectSource( buildContext.getNextId() ),
                                             buildContext );

        ad.addObjectSink( al2 );

        assertNull( ad.hashedSinkMap );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ad.hashableSinks.size() );

        final MvelConstraint lit3 = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "charObjectType == 67",
                                                                new LongFieldImpl( 67 ),
                                                                extractor );

        final AlphaNode al3 = new AlphaNode( buildContext.getNextId(),
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        final CompositeObjectSinkAdapter ad = new CompositeObjectSinkAdapter();
        InternalReadAccessor extractor = store.getReader( Cheese.class,
                                                          this.getClass().getClassLoader() );

        final MvelConstraint lit1 = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "type == \"stilton\"",
                                                                new ObjectFieldImpl( "stilton" ),
                                                                new MockExtractor() );

        final AlphaNode al1 = new AlphaNode( buildContext.getNextId(),
                                             new MockObjectSource( buildContext.getNextId() ),
                                             buildContext );

        final MvelConstraint lit2 = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "type == \"brie\"",
                new ObjectFieldImpl( "brie" ),
                new MockExtractor() );

        final AlphaNode al2 = new AlphaNode( buildContext.getNextId(),
                                             new MockObjectSource( buildContext.getNextId() ),
                                             buildContext );

        final MvelConstraint lit3 = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "type == \"muzzarela\"",
                                                                new ObjectFieldImpl( "muzzarela" ),
                                                                new MockExtractor() );

        final AlphaNode al3 = new AlphaNode( buildContext.getNextId(),
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        final ClassFieldReader extractor = store.getReader( Cheese.class,
                                                            getClass().getClassLoader() );

        final MvelConstraint constraint = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "type == \"stilton\"",
                                                                      FieldFactory.getInstance().getFieldValue( "stilton" ),
                                                                      extractor );

        final List list = new ArrayList();
        final Cheese cheese1 = new Cheese( "cheddar",
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        final Declaration declaration = new Declaration( "age",
                                                         pattern );

        MvelConstraint variableConstraint = new MvelConstraintTestUtil("price == age", declaration, priceExtractor);

        final RuleBaseConfiguration configuration = new RuleBaseConfiguration();
        configuration.setIndexRightBetaMemory( false );
        configuration.setIndexLeftBetaMemory( false );
        final BetaConstraints betaConstraints = new SingleBetaConstraints( variableConstraint,
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                                                                           (ReteooRuleBase) RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase() );
        final ClassFieldReader extractor = store.getReader( Cheese.class,
                                                            getClass().getClassLoader() );

        final MvelConstraint constraint = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "type == \"stilton\"",
                                                                      extractor );

        final List list = new ArrayList();
        final Cheese cheese1 = new Cheese( "stilton",
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        ClassFieldReader extractor = store.getReader(DroolsQuery.class,

        MvelConstraint constraint = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "name == \"query-1\"",
                                                                FieldFactory.getInstance().getFieldValue( "query-1" ),
                                                                extractor );

        AlphaNode alphaNode = new AlphaNode( this.buildContext.getNextId(),
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        final FieldValue field = FieldFactory.getInstance().getFieldValue( "cheddar" );

        final MvelConstraint constraint = new MvelConstraintTestUtil("type == \"cheddar\"", field, extractor);

        // With Memory
        final AlphaNode alphaNode = new AlphaNode( buildContext.getNextId(),
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Related Classes of org.drools.rule.constraint.MvelConstraint$ConditionJitter

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