Package org.drools.rule.builder

Examples of org.drools.rule.builder.RuleBuildContext


    public void testBuildDurationExpression() throws Exception {
        // creates mock objects
        final RuleBuildContext context = mock( RuleBuildContext.class );
        final Rule rule = mock( Rule.class );

        // creates input object
        final RuleDescr ruleDescr = new RuleDescr( "my rule" );
        ruleDescr.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "duration",
                                                    "( 1h30m )" ) );
        ruleDescr.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "calendars",
                                                    "[\"cal1\", \"cal2\"]" ) );

        // defining expectations on the mock object
        when( context.getRule() ).thenReturn( rule );
        when( context.getRuleDescr() ).thenReturn( ruleDescr );

        // calling the build method
        RuleBuilder builder = new RuleBuilder();
        builder.buildAttributes( context );
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        ruleDescr.setResource( resource );

        PackageRegistry pkgRegistry = this.pkgRegistryMap.get( ruleDescr.getNamespace() );

        DialectCompiletimeRegistry ctr = pkgRegistry.getDialectCompiletimeRegistry();
        RuleBuildContext context = new RuleBuildContext( this,
                                                         ctr.getDialect( pkgRegistry.getDialect() ) ); context );

        this.results.addAll( context.getErrors() );

        if ( resource != null && ((InternalResource) resource).hasURL() ) {
            context.getRule().setResource( resource );

        context.getDialect().addRule( context );

        if ( this.ruleBase != null ) {
            if ( pkgRegistry.getPackage().getRule( ruleDescr.getName() ) != null ) {
                this.ruleBase.removeRule( pkgRegistry.getPackage(),
                                          pkgRegistry.getPackage().getRule( ruleDescr.getName() ) );

        pkgRegistry.getPackage().addRule( context.getRule() );
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            // process pattern
            Package pkg = pkgRegistry.getPackage();
            DialectCompiletimeRegistry ctr = pkgRegistry.getDialectCompiletimeRegistry();
            RuleDescr dummy = new RuleDescr( wd.getName() + " Window Declaration" );
            dummy.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "dialect", "java" ) );
            RuleBuildContext context = new RuleBuildContext( this,
                                                             ctr.getDialect( pkgRegistry.getDialect() ) );
            final RuleConditionBuilder builder = (RuleConditionBuilder) context.getDialect().getBuilder( wd.getPattern().getClass() );
            if (builder != null) {
                final Pattern pattern = (Pattern) context,
                                                                 null );

                window.setPattern( pattern );
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeDroolsException(
                                                  "BUG: builder not found for descriptor class " + wd.getPattern().getClass() );

            if(!context.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
                for( DroolsError error : context.getErrors() ) {
                    this.results.add( error );
            } else {
                pkgRegistry.getPackage().addWindowDeclaration( window );
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        PackageRegistry pkgRegistry = this.pkgRegistryMap.get( ruleDescr.getNamespace() );

        Package pkg = pkgRegistry.getPackage();
        DialectCompiletimeRegistry ctr = pkgRegistry.getDialectCompiletimeRegistry();
        RuleBuildContext context = new RuleBuildContext( this,
                                                         ctr.getDialect( pkgRegistry.getDialect() ) ); context );

        this.results.addAll( context.getErrors() );

        context.getRule().setResource( ruleDescr.getResource() );

        context.getDialect().addRule( context );

        if (this.ruleBase != null) {
            if (pkg.getRule( ruleDescr.getName() ) != null) {
                try {
                    // XXX: this one notifies listeners
                    this.ruleBase.removeRule( pkg,
                                              pkg.getRule( ruleDescr.getName() ) );
                } finally {

        pkg.addRule( context.getRule() );
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    public void testBuildAttributes() throws Exception {
        // creates mock objects
        final RuleBuildContext context = mock( RuleBuildContext.class );
        final Rule rule = mock( Rule.class );

        // creates input object
        final RuleDescr ruleDescr = new RuleDescr( "my rule" );
        ruleDescr.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "no-loop",
                                                    "true" ) );
        ruleDescr.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "auto-focus",
                                                    "false" ) );
        ruleDescr.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "agenda-group",
                                                    "my agenda" ) );
        ruleDescr.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "activation-group",
                                                    "my activation" ) );
        ruleDescr.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "ruleflow-group",
                                                    "mygroup" ) );
        ruleDescr.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "lock-on-active",
                                                    "" ) );
        ruleDescr.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "enabled",
                                                    "false" ) );
        ruleDescr.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "duration",
                                                    "60" ) );
        ruleDescr.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "calendars",
                                                    "\"cal1\"" ) );
        ruleDescr.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "date-effective",
                                                    "10-Jul-1974" ) );
        ruleDescr.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "date-expires",
                                                    "10-Jul-2040" ) );

        // creates expected results
        final Calendar effective = Calendar.getInstance();
        effective.setTime( DateUtils.parseDate( "10-Jul-1974",
                                                new DateFormatsImpl() ) );
        final Calendar expires = Calendar.getInstance();
        expires.setTime( DateUtils.parseDate( "10-Jul-2040",
                                              new DateFormatsImpl() ) );

        // defining expectations on the mock object
        when( context.getRule() ).thenReturn( rule );
        when( context.getRuleDescr() ).thenReturn( ruleDescr );
        when( context.getPackageBuilder() ).thenReturn( new PackageBuilder() );

        // calling the build method
        RuleBuilder builder = new RuleBuilder();
        builder.buildAttributes( context );
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    public void testBuildMetaAttributes() throws Exception {
        // creates mock objects
        final RuleBuildContext context = mock( RuleBuildContext.class );
        final Rule rule = mock( Rule.class );

        // creates input object
        final RuleDescr ruleDescr = new RuleDescr( "my rule" );
        ruleDescr.addAnnotation( "ruleId",
                                 "123" );
        ruleDescr.addAnnotation( "author",
                                 "Bob Doe" );
        ruleDescr.addAnnotation( "text",
                                 "\"It's a quoted\" string\"" );

        // creates expected results
        // defining expectations on the mock object
        when( context.getRule() ).thenReturn( rule );
        when( context.getRuleDescr() ).thenReturn( ruleDescr );
        when( context.getPackageBuilder() ).thenReturn( new PackageBuilder() );

        // calling the build method
        RuleBuilder builder = new RuleBuilder();
        builder.buildMetaAttributes( context );
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    public void testBuildDurationExpression() throws Exception {
        // creates mock objects
        final RuleBuildContext context = mock( RuleBuildContext.class );
        final Rule rule = mock( Rule.class );

        // creates input object
        final RuleDescr ruleDescr = new RuleDescr( "my rule" );
        ruleDescr.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "duration",
                                                    "( 1h30m )" ) );
        ruleDescr.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "calendars",
                                                    "[\"cal1\", \"cal2\"]" ) );

        // defining expectations on the mock object
        when( context.getRule() ).thenReturn( rule );
        when( context.getRuleDescr() ).thenReturn( ruleDescr );

        // calling the build method
        RuleBuilder builder = new RuleBuilder();
        builder.buildAttributes( context );
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        PackageRegistry pkgRegistry = this.pkgRegistryMap.get( ruleDescr.getNamespace() );

        Package pkg = pkgRegistry.getPackage();
        DialectCompiletimeRegistry ctr = pkgRegistry.getDialectCompiletimeRegistry();
        RuleBuildContext context = new RuleBuildContext( this,
                                                         ctr.getDialect( pkgRegistry.getDialect() ) ); context );

        this.results.addAll( context.getErrors() );

        if ( resource != null ) {
            context.getRule().setResource( resource );

        context.getDialect().addRule( context );

        if ( this.ruleBase != null ) {
            if ( pkg.getRule( ruleDescr.getName() ) != null ) {
                try {
                    // XXX: this one notifies listeners
                    this.ruleBase.removeRule( pkg,
                                              pkg.getRule( ruleDescr.getName() ) );
                } finally {

        pkg.addRule( context.getRule() );
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        ruleDescr.setResource( resource );

        PackageRegistry pkgRegistry = this.pkgRegistryMap.get( ruleDescr.getNamespace() );

        DialectCompiletimeRegistry ctr = pkgRegistry.getDialectCompiletimeRegistry();
        RuleBuildContext context = new RuleBuildContext( this,
                                                         ctr.getDialect( pkgRegistry.getDialect() ) ); context );

        this.results.addAll( context.getErrors() );

        if ( resource != null && ((InternalResource) resource).hasURL() ) {
            context.getRule().setResource( resource );

        context.getDialect().addRule( context );

        if ( this.ruleBase != null ) {
            if ( pkgRegistry.getPackage().getRule( ruleDescr.getName() ) != null ) {
                this.ruleBase.removeRule( pkgRegistry.getPackage(),
                                          pkgRegistry.getPackage().getRule( ruleDescr.getName() ) );

        pkgRegistry.getPackage().addRule( context.getRule() );
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        String[] split = expr.split("\\.");
        if (split.length < 3) {
            return split.length == 2 ? split : null;

        RuleBuildContext ruleContext = context.getRuleContext();
        // check non-FQN case first
        if (findClassByName(ruleContext, split[0]) != null) {
            return new String[] { split[0], concatDotSeparated(split, 1, split.length) };

        ClassLoader cl = ruleContext.getPackageBuilder().getRootClassLoader();
        for (int i = split.length-1; i > 1; i++) {
            String className = concatDotSeparated(split, 0, i);
            if (findClass(className, cl) != null) {
                return new String[] { className, concatDotSeparated(split, i, split.length) };
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Related Classes of org.drools.rule.builder.RuleBuildContext

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