Package org.drools.rule

Examples of org.drools.rule.TypeDeclaration$DurationAccessorSetter


    private boolean inspectForTraitability( Object value, WorkingMemory wm ) {
        Package pack = wm.getRuleBase().getPackage( value.getClass().getPackage().getName() );
        if ( pack != null ) {
            TypeDeclaration decl = pack.getTypeDeclaration( value.getClass() );
            if ( decl != null ) {
                return decl.getTypeClassDef().isFullTraiting();
        Traitable tbl =  value.getClass().getAnnotation( Traitable.class );
        return tbl != null && tbl.logical();
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                    pkg.getClassFieldAccessorStore().merge( newPkg.getClassFieldAccessorStore() );
                    // we have to do this before the merging, as it does some classloader resolving
                    TypeDeclaration lastType = null;
                    try {
                        // Add the type declarations to the RuleBase
                        if ( newPkg.getTypeDeclarations() != null ) {
                            // add type declarations
                            for ( TypeDeclaration type : newPkg.getTypeDeclarations().values() ) {
                                lastType = type;
                                type.setTypeClass( this.rootClassLoader.loadClass( type.getTypeClassName() ) );
                                // @TODO should we allow overrides? only if the class is not in use.
                                if ( !this.classTypeDeclaration.containsKey( type.getTypeClass() ) ) {
                                    // add to rulebase list of type declarations                       
                                    this.classTypeDeclaration.put( type.getTypeClass(),
                                                                   type );
                    } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
                        throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "unable to resolve Type Declaration class '" + lastType.getTypeName()+"'" );           
                    // now merge the new package into the existing one
                    mergePackage( pkg,
                                  newPkg );
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        // adding the newly created pattern to the build stack this is necessary in case of local declaration usage
        context.getBuildStack().push( pattern );

        if ( pattern.getObjectType() instanceof ClassObjectType ) {
            Class< ? > cls = ((ClassObjectType) pattern.getObjectType()).getClassType();
            TypeDeclaration typeDeclr = context.getPackageBuilder().getTypeDeclaration( cls );
            if ( typeDeclr != null ) {
                context.setTypesafe( typeDeclr.isTypesafe() );
            } else {
                context.setTypesafe( true );
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                                    final PatternDescr patternDescr,
                                    final Pattern pattern,
                                    final ExprConstraintDescr descr ) {
        if ( descr.getType() == ExprConstraintDescr.Type.POSITIONAL && pattern.getObjectType() instanceof ClassObjectType ) {
            Class< ? > klazz = ((ClassObjectType) pattern.getObjectType()).getClassType();
            TypeDeclaration tDecl = context.getPackageBuilder().getTypeDeclaration( klazz );

            if ( tDecl == null ) {
                context.getErrors().add( new DescrBuildError( context.getParentDescr(),
                                                              "Unable to find @positional definitions for :" + klazz + "\n" ) );

            ClassDefinition clsDef = tDecl.getTypeClassDef();           
            if ( clsDef == null ) {
                context.getErrors().add( new DescrBuildError( context.getParentDescr(),
                                                              "Unable to find @positional field " + descr.getPosition() + " for class " + tDecl.getTypeName() + "\n" ) );
            FieldDefinition field = clsDef.getField( descr.getPosition() );
            if ( field == null ) {
                context.getErrors().add( new DescrBuildError( context.getParentDescr(),
                                                              "Unable to find @positional field " + descr.getPosition() + " for class " + tDecl.getTypeName() + "\n" ) );

            // TODO: WTH is this??????
            DRLLexer lex = new DRLLexer( new ANTLRStringStream( descr.getExpression() ) );
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                        // add type declarations
                        for ( TypeDeclaration newDecl : newPkg.getTypeDeclarations().values() ) {
                            lastType = newDecl.getTypeClassName();

                            TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = this.classTypeDeclaration.get( newDecl.getTypeClassName() );
                            if ( typeDeclaration == null ) {
                                String className = newDecl.getTypeClassName();

                                byte [] def = ((JavaDialectRuntimeData) newPkg.getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getDialectData( "java" )).getClassDefinition(
                                        JavaDialectRuntimeData.convertClassToResourcePath( className )

                                Class<?> definedKlass = registerAndLoadTypeDefinition( className, def );

                                if ( definedKlass == null && typeDeclaration.isNovel() ) {
                                    throw new RuntimeException( "Registering nyll bytes for class " + className );

                                newDecl.getTypeClassDef().setDefinedClass( definedKlass );
                                newDecl.setTypeClass( definedKlass );

                                this.classTypeDeclaration.put( className, newDecl );
                                typeDeclaration = newDecl;
                            } else {
                                Class<?> definedKlass = typeDeclaration.getTypeClass();

                                newDecl.getTypeClassDef().setDefinedClass( definedKlass );
                                newDecl.setTypeClass( definedKlass );

                                mergeTypeDeclarations( typeDeclaration,
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        public TypeDeclaration candidate = null;
        public int             score     = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    public TypeDeclaration getTypeDeclaration( Class<?> clazz ) {
        TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = this.classTypeDeclaration.get( clazz.getName() );
        if (typeDeclaration == null) {
            // check super classes and keep a score of how up in the hierarchy is there a declaration
            TypeDeclarationCandidate candidate = checkSuperClasses( clazz );
            // now check interfaces
            candidate = checkInterfaces( clazz,
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    private TypeDeclarationCandidate checkSuperClasses( Class<?> clazz ) {

        TypeDeclarationCandidate candidate = null;
        TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = null;
        Class<?> current = clazz.getSuperclass();
        int score = 0;
        while ( typeDeclaration == null && current != null ) {
            typeDeclaration = this.classTypeDeclaration.get( current.getName() );
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            TypeDeclarationCandidate baseline,
            int level ) {
        TypeDeclarationCandidate candidate = null;
        if (baseline == null || level < baseline.score) {
            // search
            TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration;
            for (Class<?> ifc : clazz.getInterfaces()) {
                typeDeclaration = this.classTypeDeclaration.get( ifc.getName() );
                if (typeDeclaration != null) {
                    candidate = new TypeDeclarationCandidate();
                    candidate.candidate = typeDeclaration;
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        builtinTypes = new HashMap<String, TypeDeclaration>();

    private void initBuiltinTypeDeclarations() {
        TypeDeclaration colType = new TypeDeclaration( "Collection" );
        colType.setTypesafe( false );
        colType.setTypeClass( Collection.class );
        builtinTypes.put( "java.util.Collection",
                          colType );

        TypeDeclaration mapType = new TypeDeclaration( "Map" );
        mapType.setTypesafe( false );
        mapType.setTypeClass( Map.class );
        builtinTypes.put( "java.util.Map",
                          mapType );
        TypeDeclaration activationType = new TypeDeclaration( "Activation" );
        activationType.setTypesafe( false );
        activationType.setTypeClass( Activation.class );
        builtinTypes.put( Activation.class.getCanonicalName(),
                          activationType );

        TypeDeclaration thingType = new TypeDeclaration( Thing.class.getName() );
        thingType.setFormat( TypeDeclaration.Format.TRAIT );
        thingType.setTypeClass( Thing.class );
        builtinTypes.put( Thing.class.getCanonicalName(),
                          thingType );
        ClassDefinition def = new ClassDefinition();
            def.setClassName( thingType.getTypeClass().getName() );
            def.setDefinedClass( Thing.class );
        TraitRegistry.getInstance().addTrait( def );

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        pkg.getClassFieldAccessorStore().merge( newPkg.getClassFieldAccessorStore() );

        // we have to do this before the merging, as it does some classloader resolving
        TypeDeclaration lastType = null;
        try {
            // Resolve the class for the type declaation
            if ( newPkg.getTypeDeclarations() != null ) {
                // add type declarations
                for ( TypeDeclaration type : newPkg.getTypeDeclarations().values() ) {
                    lastType = type;
                    type.setTypeClass( this.rootClassLoader.loadClass( type.getTypeClassName() ) );
        } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
            throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "unable to resolve Type Declaration class '" + lastType.getTypeName() + "'" );

        // now merge the new package into the existing one
        mergePackage( pkg,
                      newPkg );
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Related Classes of org.drools.rule.TypeDeclaration$DurationAccessorSetter

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