Package org.drools.rule

Examples of org.drools.rule.GroupElement$Type

                                      "update(stilton);" );
        assertLength( 0,
                      builder.getErrors().getErrors() );

        final GroupElement lhs = rule.getLhs();
        assertLength( 1,
                      lhs.getChildren() );

        final GroupElement or = (GroupElement) lhs.getChildren().get( 0 );
        assertLength( 1,
                      or.getChildren() );
        final Pattern pattern = (Pattern) or.getChildren().get( 0 );

        final LiteralConstraint literalConstarint = (LiteralConstraint) pattern.getConstraints().get( 0 );
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                                      "update(stilton);" );
        assertLength( 0,
                      builder.getErrors().getErrors() );

        final GroupElement lhs = rule.getLhs();
        assertLength( 1,
                      lhs.getChildren() );

        final GroupElement and = (GroupElement) lhs.getChildren().get( 0 );
        assertLength( 1,
                      and.getChildren() );
        final Pattern pattern = (Pattern) and.getChildren().get( 0 );

        final LiteralConstraint literalConstraint = (LiteralConstraint) pattern.getConstraints().get( 0 );
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        final Pattern pattern = new Pattern( 0,
                                             "cheese" );

        final GroupElement subrule = new GroupElement( GroupElement.AND );
        subrule.addChild( pattern );
        final Map<String, Declaration> map = new HashMap<String, Declaration>();
        map.put( "cheese",
                 pattern.getDeclaration() );
        declarationResolver.setDeclarations( map );
        context.setDeclarationResolver( declarationResolver );
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                           "" );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      builder.getErrors().getErrors().length );

        final GroupElement lhs = rule.getLhs();
        assertLength( 1,
                      lhs.getChildren() );

        final GroupElement not = (GroupElement) lhs.getChildren().get( 0 );
        assertLength( 1,
                      not.getChildren() );
        final Pattern pattern = (Pattern) not.getChildren().get( 0 );

        final LiteralConstraint literalConstarint = (LiteralConstraint) pattern.getConstraints().get( 0 );
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                           "" );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      builder.getErrors().getErrors().length );

        final GroupElement lhs = rule.getLhs();
        assertLength( 1,
                      lhs.getChildren() );

        final GroupElement exists = (GroupElement) lhs.getChildren().get( 0 );
        assertLength( 1,
                      exists.getChildren() );
        final Pattern pattern = (Pattern) exists.getChildren().get( 0 );

        final LiteralConstraint literalConstarint = (LiteralConstraint) pattern.getConstraints().get( 0 );
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     * @inheritDoc
    public void build(final BuildContext context,
                      final BuildUtils utils,
                      final RuleConditionElement rce) {
        final GroupElement ge = (GroupElement) rce;

        final ReteooComponentBuilder builder = this.geBuilders.get( ge.getType() );
        context.push( ge );
        context.pushRuleComponent( ge ); context,
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     * @inheritDoc
    public boolean requiresLeftActivation(final BuildUtils utils,
                                          final RuleConditionElement rce) {
        final GroupElement ge = (GroupElement) rce;

        final ReteooComponentBuilder builder = this.geBuilders.get( ge.getType() );

        return builder.requiresLeftActivation( utils,
                                               rce );
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        public void build(final BuildContext context,
                          final BuildUtils utils,
                          final RuleConditionElement rce) {

            final GroupElement ge = (GroupElement) rce;

            // iterate over each child and build it
            for ( final Iterator it = ge.getChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {

                final RuleConditionElement child = (RuleConditionElement);

                final ReteooComponentBuilder builder = utils.getBuilderFor( child );

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        public boolean requiresLeftActivation(final BuildUtils utils,
                                              final RuleConditionElement rce) {
            final GroupElement and = (GroupElement) rce;

            // need to check this because in the case of an empty rule, the root AND
            // will have no child
            if ( and.getChildren().isEmpty() ) {
                return true;

            final RuleConditionElement child = (RuleConditionElement) and.getChildren().get( 0 );
            final ReteooComponentBuilder builder = utils.getBuilderFor( child );

            return builder.requiresLeftActivation( utils,
                                                   child );
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         * If it is a group element, than a subnetwork must be created
        public void build(final BuildContext context,
                          final BuildUtils utils,
                          final RuleConditionElement rce) {
            final GroupElement not = (GroupElement) rce;

            // NOT must save some context info to restore it later
            final int currentPatternIndex = context.getCurrentPatternOffset();
            final LeftTupleSource tupleSource = context.getTupleSource();

            // get child
            final RuleConditionElement child = (RuleConditionElement) not.getChildren().get( 0 );

            // get builder for child
            final ReteooComponentBuilder builder = utils.getBuilderFor( child );

            // builds the child
                           child );

            // if it is a subnetwork
            if ( context.getObjectSource() == null && context.getTupleSource() != null ) {

                // attach right input adapter node to convert tuple source into an object source
                context.setObjectSource( (ObjectSource) utils.attachNode( context,
                                                                          new RightInputAdapterNode( context.getNextId(),
                                                                                                     context ) ) );

                // restore tuple source from before the start of the sub network
                context.setTupleSource( tupleSource );

                // create a tuple start equals constraint and set it in the context
                final TupleStartEqualsConstraint constraint = TupleStartEqualsConstraint.getInstance();
                final List<TupleStartEqualsConstraint> predicates = new ArrayList<TupleStartEqualsConstraint>();
                predicates.add( constraint );
                context.setBetaconstraints( predicates );


            final BetaConstraints betaConstraints = utils.createBetaNodeConstraint( context,
                                                                                    false );
            Behavior[] behaviors = createBehaviorArray( context );

            // then attach the NOT node. It will work both as a simple not node
            // or as subnetwork join node as the context was set appropriatelly
            // in each case
            NotNode node = null;
            if( GroupElement.FORALL_NOT.equals( not.getType() ) ) {
                node = new ForallNotNode( context.getNextId(),
                             not.getForallBaseObjectType() );
            } else {
                node = new NotNode( context.getNextId(),
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Related Classes of org.drools.rule.GroupElement$Type

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