context.setObjectTypeNodeMemoryEnabled( false );
context.setAlphaNodeMemoryAllowed( false );
ObjectTypeNode otn = new ObjectTypeNode( context.getNextId(),
(EntryPointNode) context.getObjectSource(),
context );
if ( objectType.isEvent() && EventProcessingOption.STREAM.equals( context.getRuleBase().getConfiguration().getEventProcessingMode() ) ) {
long expirationOffset = getExpiratioOffsetForType( context,
objectType );
if( expirationOffset != -1 ) {
// expiration policy is set, so use it
otn.setExpirationOffset( expirationOffset );
} else {
// otherwise calculate it based on behaviours and temporal constraints
for ( Behavior behavior : pattern.getBehaviors() ) {
if ( behavior.getExpirationOffset() != -1 ) {
expirationOffset = Math.max( behavior.getExpirationOffset(),
expirationOffset );
long distance = context.getTemporalDistance().getExpirationOffset( pattern );
if( distance == -1 ) {
// it means the rules have no temporal constraints, or
// the constraints require events to be hold forever. In this
// case, we allow type declarations to override the implicit
// expiration offset by defining an expiration policy with the
// @expires tag
otn.setExpirationOffset( expirationOffset );
} else {
otn.setExpirationOffset( Math.max( distance, expirationOffset ) );
context.setObjectSource( (ObjectSource) utils.attachNode( context,