//Ensure all Processes (RuleFlow, BPMN, BPMN2) have their package name updated to that of the containing Guvnor package
private void fixProcessPackageNames(final String moduleUUID) {
final ModuleItem newModule = rulesRepository.loadModuleByUUID( moduleUUID );
final AssetItemIterator assetIterator = newModule.listAssetsByFormat( new String[]{AssetFormats.RULE_FLOW_RF, AssetFormats.BPMN_PROCESS, AssetFormats.BPMN2_PROCESS} );
while ( assetIterator.hasNext() ) {
final AssetItem asset = assetIterator.next();
final String assetFormat = asset.getFormat();
final ContentHandler contentHandler = ContentManager.getHandler( assetFormat );
if ( contentHandler instanceof ICanHasAttachment ) {
ICanHasAttachment attachmentHandler = (ICanHasAttachment) contentHandler;
try {