Package org.drools.lang.descr

Examples of org.drools.lang.descr.LiteralRestrictionDescr

        assertEquals( 1,
                      descrs.getDescrs().size() );
        PatternDescr pat = (PatternDescr) descrs.getDescrs().get( 0 );
        FieldConstraintDescr fieldConstr = (FieldConstraintDescr) pat.getConstraint().getDescrs().get( 0 );
        LiteralRestrictionDescr restr = (LiteralRestrictionDescr) fieldConstr.getRestrictions().get( 0 );

        assertEquals( "not matches",
                      restr.getEvaluator() );
        assertEquals( "[abc]*",
                      restr.getText() );
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                InternalReadAccessor extractor = getFieldReadAccessor( context, relDescr, pattern.getObjectType(), values[0], null, true );
                if (extractor == null) {
                    normalizedExpr = subExprs[i++];
                } else {
                    ValueType vtype = extractor.getValueType();
                    LiteralRestrictionDescr restrictionDescr = new LiteralRestrictionDescr( relDescr.getOperator(),
                                                                                            LiteralRestrictionDescr.TYPE_STRING );
                    normalizedExpr = normalizeMVELLiteralExpression( vtype,
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        ValueType vtype = extractor.getValueType();
        String operator = relDescr.getOperator().trim();
        LiteralRestrictionDescr restrictionDescr = buildLiteralRestrictionDescr(context, relDescr, value2, operator, isConstant);

        if (restrictionDescr != null) {
            FieldValue field = getFieldValue(context, vtype, restrictionDescr);
            if (field != null) {
                Constraint constraint = getConstraintBuilder( context ).buildLiteralConstraint(context, pattern, vtype, field, expr, value1, operator, value2, extractor, restrictionDescr);
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                                                                   String rightValue,
                                                                   String operator,
                                                                   boolean isRightLiteral) {
        // is it a literal? Does not include enums
        if ( isRightLiteral ) {
            return new LiteralRestrictionDescr(operator, exprDescr.isNegated(), exprDescr.getParameters(), rightValue, LiteralRestrictionDescr.TYPE_STRING);

        // is it an enum?
        int dotPos = rightValue.lastIndexOf( '.' );
        if ( dotPos >= 0 ) {
            final String mainPart = rightValue.substring( 0,
                                                     dotPos );
            String lastPart = rightValue.substring( dotPos + 1 );
            try {
                context.getDialect().getTypeResolver().resolveType( mainPart );
                if ( lastPart.indexOf( '(' ) < 0 && lastPart.indexOf( '.' ) < 0 && lastPart.indexOf( '[' ) < 0 ) {
                    return new LiteralRestrictionDescr(operator, exprDescr.isNegated(), exprDescr.getParameters(), rightValue, LiteralRestrictionDescr.TYPE_STRING );
            } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
                // do nothing as this is just probing to see if it was a class, which we now know it isn't :)
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        final PatternDescr patternDescr = new PatternDescr( Cheese.class.getName(),
                                                            "stilton" );

        final FieldConstraintDescr literalDescr = new FieldConstraintDescr( "type" );
        literalDescr.addRestriction( new LiteralRestrictionDescr( "==",
                                                                  null ) );

        patternDescr.addConstraint( literalDescr );

        ruleDescr.setConsequence( "" );
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        AndDescr lhs = new AndDescr();
        ruleDescr.setLhs( lhs );
        PatternDescr patternDescr = new PatternDescr( Cheese.class.getName(),
                                                      "stilton" );
        FieldConstraintDescr literalDescr = new FieldConstraintDescr( "type" );
        literalDescr.addRestriction( new LiteralRestrictionDescr( "==",
                                                                  null ) );
        patternDescr.addConstraint( literalDescr );
        ruleDescr.setConsequence( "" );

        ruleDescr = new RuleDescr( "rule-1" );
        ruleDescr.setLocation( 42,
                               43 );
        packageDescr.addRule( ruleDescr );
        lhs = new AndDescr();
        ruleDescr.setLhs( lhs );
        patternDescr = new PatternDescr( Cheese.class.getName(),
                                         "stilton" );
        literalDescr = new FieldConstraintDescr( "type" );
        literalDescr.addRestriction( new LiteralRestrictionDescr( "!=",
                                                                  null ) );
        patternDescr.addConstraint( literalDescr );
        ruleDescr.setConsequence( "" );

        ruleDescr = new RuleDescr( "rule-2" );
        ruleDescr.setLocation( 42,
                               43 );
        packageDescr.addRule( ruleDescr );
        lhs = new AndDescr();
        ruleDescr.setLhs( lhs );
        patternDescr = new PatternDescr( Cheese.class.getName(),
                                         "stilton" );

        literalDescr = new FieldConstraintDescr( "type" );
        literalDescr.addRestriction( new LiteralRestrictionDescr( "!=",
                                                                  null ) );

        patternDescr.addConstraint( literalDescr );
        ruleDescr.setConsequence( "" );
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        final BindingDescr fieldBindingDescr = new BindingDescr( "$type",
                                                                 "type" );

        final FieldConstraintDescr literalDescr = new FieldConstraintDescr( "type" );
        literalDescr.addRestriction( new LiteralRestrictionDescr( "==",
                                                                  "stilton" ) );

        pattern1.addConstraint( fieldBindingDescr );
        pattern1.addConstraint( literalDescr );
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            return false; // impossible to create extractor

        ValueType vtype = extractor.getValueType();
        String operator = relDescr.getOperator().trim();
        LiteralRestrictionDescr restrictionDescr = buildLiteralRestrictionDescr(context, relDescr, value2, operator, isConstant);

        if (restrictionDescr != null) {
            FieldValue field = getFieldValue(context, vtype, restrictionDescr);
            if (field != null) {
                Constraint constraint = buildLiteralConstraint(context, vtype, field, expr, value1, operator, value2, extractor, restrictionDescr);
                if (constraint != null) {
                    return true;

        Restriction restriction = null;
        Declaration[] declarations = null;
        Declaration declr = null;

        if ( value2.indexOf( '(' ) < 0 && value2.indexOf( '.' ) < 0 && value2.indexOf( '[' ) < 0 ) {
            declr = context.getDeclarationResolver().getDeclaration( context.getRule(), value2 );

            if ( declr == null ) {
                // trying to create implicit declaration
                final Pattern thisPattern = (Pattern) context.getBuildStack().peek();
                declr = this.createDeclarationObject( context,
                                                      thisPattern );
                if ( declr == null ) {
                    // maybe it was a class literal ?
                    try {
                        final Class< ? > cls = context.getDialect().getTypeResolver().resolveType( value2 );
                        restrictionDescr = new LiteralRestrictionDescr( operator,
                                                                        LiteralRestrictionDescr.TYPE_STRING ); // default type
                        restriction = buildLiteralRestriction( context,
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                                         String rightValue,
                                         String operator,
                                         boolean isRightLiteral) {
        // is it a literal? Does not include enums
        if ( isRightLiteral )
            return new LiteralRestrictionDescr(operator, exprDescr.isNegated(), exprDescr.getParameters(), rightValue, LiteralRestrictionDescr.TYPE_STRING);

        // is it an enum?
        int dotPos = rightValue.lastIndexOf( '.' );
        if ( dotPos >= 0 ) {
            final String mainPart = rightValue.substring( 0,
                                                     dotPos );
            String lastPart = rightValue.substring( dotPos + 1 );
            try {
                context.getDialect().getTypeResolver().resolveType( mainPart );
                if ( lastPart.indexOf( '(' ) < 0 && lastPart.indexOf( '.' ) < 0 && lastPart.indexOf( '[' ) < 0 ) {
                    return new LiteralRestrictionDescr(operator, exprDescr.isNegated(), exprDescr.getParameters(), rightValue, LiteralRestrictionDescr.TYPE_STRING );
            } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
                // do nothing as this is just probing to see if it was a class, which we now know it isn't :)
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            Restriction restriction = null;
            // is it a literal? Does not include enums
            if ( isRightLiteral ) {
                restriction = buildLiteralRestriction( context,
                                                       new LiteralRestrictionDescr( operator,
                                                                                    LiteralRestrictionDescr.TYPE_STRING ) ); // default type
                if ( restriction == null ) {
                    // otherwise we just get wierd errors after this point on literals
            } else {
                // is it an enum?
                int dotPos = rightValue.lastIndexOf( '.' );
                if ( dotPos >= 0 ) {
                    final String mainPart = rightValue.substring( 0,
                                                             dotPos );
                    String lastPart = rightValue.substring( dotPos + 1 );
                    try {
                        final Class< ? > cls = context.getDialect().getTypeResolver().resolveType( mainPart );
                        if ( lastPart.indexOf( '(' ) < 0 && lastPart.indexOf( '.' ) < 0 && lastPart.indexOf( '[' ) < 0 ) {
                            restriction = buildLiteralRestriction( context,
                                                                   new LiteralRestrictionDescr( operator,
                                                                                                LiteralRestrictionDescr.TYPE_STRING ) ); // default type
                    } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
                        // do nothing as this is just probing to see if it was a class, which we now know it isn't :)

            if ( restriction != null ) {
                pattern.addConstraint( new LiteralConstraint( extractor,
                                                              (LiteralRestriction) restriction ) );

            Declaration declr = null;
            if ( rightValue.indexOf( '(' ) < 0 && rightValue.indexOf( '.' ) < 0 && rightValue.indexOf( '[' ) < 0 ) {
                declr = context.getDeclarationResolver().getDeclaration( context.getRule(),
                                                                               rightValue );

                if ( declr == null ) {
                    // trying to create implicit declaration
                    final Pattern thisPattern = (Pattern) context.getBuildStack().peek();
                    declr = this.createDeclarationObject( context,
                                                          thisPattern );
                    if ( declr == null ) {
                        // maybe it was a class literal ?
                        try {
                            final Class< ? > cls = context.getDialect().getTypeResolver().resolveType( rightValue );
                            restriction = buildLiteralRestriction( context,
                                                                   new LiteralRestrictionDescr( operator,
                                                                                                LiteralRestrictionDescr.TYPE_STRING ) ); // default type
                        } catch ( ClassNotFoundException cnfe ) {
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Related Classes of org.drools.lang.descr.LiteralRestrictionDescr

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