Package org.drools.lang.descr

Examples of org.drools.lang.descr.AttributeDescr

    AttributeDescrBuilder<P> {

    public AttributeDescrBuilderImpl(P parent,
                                     String name) {
        super( parent,
               new AttributeDescr( name ) );
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     * which will actually gobble the tokens.
     * @return
    public AttributeDescr attribute( AttributeSupportBuilder< ? > as ) {
        AttributeDescr attribute = null;
        try {
            if ( state.backtracking == 0 && input.LA( 1 ) != DRLLexer.EOF ) {
                helper.emit( Location.LOCATION_RULE_HEADER_KEYWORD );
            if ( helper.validateIdentifierKey( DroolsSoftKeywords.SALIENCE ) ) {
                attribute = salience( as );
            } else if ( helper.validateIdentifierKey( DroolsSoftKeywords.ENABLED ) ) {
                attribute = enabled( as );
            } else if ( helper.validateIdentifierKey( DroolsSoftKeywords.NO ) &&
                        helper.validateLT( 2,
                                           "-" ) &&
                        helper.validateLT( 3,
                                           DroolsSoftKeywords.LOOP ) ) {
                attribute = booleanAttribute( as,
                                              new String[]{DroolsSoftKeywords.NO, "-", DroolsSoftKeywords.LOOP} );
            } else if ( helper.validateIdentifierKey( DroolsSoftKeywords.AUTO ) &&
                        helper.validateLT( 2,
                                           "-" ) &&
                        helper.validateLT( 3,
                                           DroolsSoftKeywords.FOCUS ) ) {
                attribute = booleanAttribute( as,
                                              new String[]{DroolsSoftKeywords.AUTO, "-", DroolsSoftKeywords.FOCUS} );
            } else if ( helper.validateIdentifierKey( DroolsSoftKeywords.LOCK ) &&
                        helper.validateLT( 2,
                                           "-" ) &&
                        helper.validateLT( 3,
                                           DroolsSoftKeywords.ON ) &&
                        helper.validateLT( 4,
                                           "-" ) &&
                        helper.validateLT( 5,
                                           DroolsSoftKeywords.ACTIVE ) ) {
                attribute = booleanAttribute( as,
                                              new String[]{DroolsSoftKeywords.LOCK, "-", DroolsSoftKeywords.ON, "-", DroolsSoftKeywords.ACTIVE} );
            } else if ( helper.validateIdentifierKey( DroolsSoftKeywords.REFRACT ) ) {
                attribute = booleanAttribute( as,
                                              new String[]{ DroolsSoftKeywords.REFRACT } );
            } else if ( helper.validateIdentifierKey( DroolsSoftKeywords.AGENDA ) &&
                        helper.validateLT( 2,
                                           "-" ) &&
                        helper.validateLT( 3,
                                           DroolsSoftKeywords.GROUP ) ) {
                attribute = stringAttribute( as,
                                             new String[]{DroolsSoftKeywords.AGENDA, "-", DroolsSoftKeywords.GROUP} );
            } else if ( helper.validateIdentifierKey( DroolsSoftKeywords.ACTIVATION ) &&
                        helper.validateLT( 2,
                                           "-" ) &&
                        helper.validateLT( 3,
                                           DroolsSoftKeywords.GROUP ) ) {
                attribute = stringAttribute( as,
                                             new String[]{DroolsSoftKeywords.ACTIVATION, "-", DroolsSoftKeywords.GROUP} );
            } else if ( helper.validateIdentifierKey( DroolsSoftKeywords.RULEFLOW ) &&
                        helper.validateLT( 2,
                                           "-" ) &&
                        helper.validateLT( 3,
                                           DroolsSoftKeywords.GROUP ) ) {
                attribute = stringAttribute( as,
                                             new String[]{DroolsSoftKeywords.RULEFLOW, "-", DroolsSoftKeywords.GROUP} );
            } else if ( helper.validateIdentifierKey( DroolsSoftKeywords.DATE ) &&
                        helper.validateLT( 2,
                                           "-" ) &&
                        helper.validateLT( 3,
                                           DroolsSoftKeywords.EFFECTIVE ) ) {
                attribute = stringAttribute( as,
                                             new String[]{DroolsSoftKeywords.DATE, "-", DroolsSoftKeywords.EFFECTIVE} );
                attribute.setType( AttributeDescr.Type.DATE );
            } else if ( helper.validateIdentifierKey( DroolsSoftKeywords.DATE ) &&
                        helper.validateLT( 2,
                                           "-" ) &&
                        helper.validateLT( 3,
                                           DroolsSoftKeywords.EXPIRES ) ) {
                attribute = stringAttribute( as,
                                             new String[]{DroolsSoftKeywords.DATE, "-", DroolsSoftKeywords.EXPIRES} );
                attribute.setType( AttributeDescr.Type.DATE );
            } else if ( helper.validateIdentifierKey( DroolsSoftKeywords.DIALECT ) ) {
                attribute = stringAttribute( as,
                                             new String[]{DroolsSoftKeywords.DIALECT} );
            } else if ( helper.validateIdentifierKey( DroolsSoftKeywords.CALENDARS ) ) {
                attribute = stringListAttribute( as,
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            this.attributes = new HashMap<String, String>();
            for (Iterator<AttributeDescr> attrIter = descr.getAttributes().iterator(); attrIter.hasNext();) {
                AttributeDescr attribute =;
                if (attribute != null && attribute.getName() != null) {
                    attributes.put(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue());

        } catch (DroolsParserException e) {
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        PackageBuilder pkgBuilder = new PackageBuilder( pkg,
                                                        conf );

        ruleDescr = new RuleDescr( "test consequence builder" );
        ruleDescr.setConsequence( consequence );
        ruleDescr.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr("dialect", "mvel") );
        for ( Entry<String, Object> entry : namedConsequences.entrySet() ) {
            ruleDescr.getNamedConsequences().put( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
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    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        final Package pkg = new Package( "pkg1" );
        final RuleDescr ruleDescr = new RuleDescr( "rule 1" );
        ruleDescr.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "salience",
                                                    "(p.age + 20)/2" ) );
        ruleDescr.setConsequence( "" );

        PackageBuilder pkgBuilder = new PackageBuilder( pkg );
        DialectCompiletimeRegistry dialectRegistry = pkgBuilder.getPackageRegistry( pkg.getName() ).getDialectCompiletimeRegistry();
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                     parser.hasErrors() );
        assertNotNull( rule );

        assertEquals( "rule1",
                      rule.getName() );
        final AttributeDescr att = (AttributeDescr) rule.getAttributes().get( "no-loop" );
        assertEquals( "false",
                      att.getValue() );
        assertEquals( "no-loop",
                      att.getName() );
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        assertNotNull( rule );

        assertEquals( "rule1",
                      rule.getName() );
        final AttributeDescr att = (AttributeDescr) rule.getAttributes().get( "auto-focus" );
        assertEquals( "true",
                      att.getValue() );
        assertEquals( "auto-focus",
                      att.getName() );
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        assertNotNull( rule );

        assertEquals( "rule1",
                      rule.getName() );
        final AttributeDescr att = (AttributeDescr) rule.getAttributes().get( "ruleflow-group" );
        assertEquals( "a group",
                      att.getValue() );
        assertEquals( "ruleflow-group",
                      att.getName() );
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        final Map<String, AttributeDescr> attrs = rule.getAttributes();
        assertEquals( 6,
                      attrs.size() );

        AttributeDescr at = (AttributeDescr) attrs.get( "salience" );
        assertEquals( "salience",
                      at.getName() );
        assertEquals( "42",
                      at.getValue() );

        at = (AttributeDescr) attrs.get( "agenda-group" );
        assertEquals( "agenda-group",
                      at.getName() );
        assertEquals( "my_group",
                      at.getValue() );

        at = (AttributeDescr) attrs.get( "no-loop" );
        assertEquals( "no-loop",
                      at.getName() );
        assertEquals( "true",
                      at.getValue() );

        at = (AttributeDescr) attrs.get( "duration" );
        assertEquals( "duration",
                      at.getName() );
        assertEquals( "42",
                      at.getValue() );

        at = (AttributeDescr) attrs.get( "activation-group" );
        assertEquals( "activation-group",
                      at.getName() );
        assertEquals( "my_activation_group",
                      at.getValue() );

        at = (AttributeDescr) attrs.get( "lock-on-active" );
        assertEquals( "lock-on-active",
                      at.getName() );
        assertEquals( "true",
                      at.getValue() );
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        assertEquals( "rule1",
                      rule.getName() );
        Map<String, AttributeDescr> attrs = rule.getAttributes();
        assertEquals( 2,
                      attrs.size() );
        AttributeDescr at = (AttributeDescr) attrs.get( "salience" );
        assertEquals( "salience",
                      at.getName() );
        assertEquals( "(42)",
                      at.getValue() );
        at = (AttributeDescr) attrs.get( "agenda-group" );
        assertEquals( "agenda-group",
                      at.getName() );
        assertEquals( "my_group",
                      at.getValue() );

        rule = rules.get( 1 );
        assertEquals( "rule2",
                      rule.getName() );
        attrs = rule.getAttributes();
        assertEquals( 2,
                      attrs.size() );
        at = (AttributeDescr) attrs.get( "salience" );
        assertEquals( "salience",
                      at.getName() );
        assertEquals( "(Integer.MIN_VALUE)",
                      at.getValue() );
        at = (AttributeDescr) attrs.get( "no-loop" );
        assertEquals( "no-loop",
                      at.getName() );

        rule = rules.get( 2 );
        assertEquals( "rule3",
                      rule.getName() );
        attrs = rule.getAttributes();
        assertEquals( 2,
                      attrs.size() );
        at = (AttributeDescr) attrs.get( "enabled" );
        assertEquals( "enabled",
                      at.getName() );
        assertEquals( "(Boolean.TRUE)",
                      at.getValue() );
        at = (AttributeDescr) attrs.get( "activation-group" );
        assertEquals( "activation-group",
                      at.getName() );
        assertEquals( "my_activation_group",
                      at.getValue() );

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Related Classes of org.drools.lang.descr.AttributeDescr

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