Package org.drools.lang

Examples of org.drools.lang.ExpanderException

        //expand and check for errors
        String drl = expander.expand( source );
        if ( expander.hasErrors() ) {
            List exErrs = expander.getErrors();
            for ( Iterator iter = exErrs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                ExpanderException ex = (ExpanderException);
                logger.logError( new ContentAssemblyError( asset,
                                                           ex.getMessage() ) );

        builder.addPackageFromDrl( new StringReader( drl ) );
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                expanded.append( lhsFragment );
                expanded.append( 8 ) ); // adding query trailer

            } else {
                // strange behavior
                this.addError( new ExpanderException( "Unable to expand statement: " + constr,
                                                      0 ) );
            m.appendReplacement( buf,
                                 Matcher.quoteReplacement( expanded.toString() ) );
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                              int line,
                              Map<String, Integer> use,
                              boolean showSingleSteps) {
        if ( entries.size() == 0 ) {
            if ( line > 0 ) {
                this.addError( new ExpanderException( "No mapping entries for expanding: " + exp,
                                                      line ) );
            return exp;
        if ( showSingleSteps ) {
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                                    showSteps );

                // do we need to report errors for that?
                if ( lines[i].equals( expanded[lastExpanded] ) ) {
                    // report error
                    this.addError( new ExpanderException( "Unable to expand: " + lines[i].replaceAll( "[\n\r]",
                                                                                                      "" ).trim(),
                                                          i + lineOffset ) );
                // but if the original starts with a "-", it means we need to add it
                // as a constraint to the previous pattern
                if ( trimmed.startsWith( "-" ) && (!lines[i].equals( expanded[lastExpanded] )) ) {
                    if ( lastPattern >= 0 ) {
                        ConstraintInformation c = ConstraintInformation.findConstraintInformationInPattern( expanded[lastPattern] );
                        if ( c.start > -1 ) {
                            // rebuilding previous pattern structure
                            expanded[lastPattern] = expanded[lastPattern].substring( 0,
                                                                                     c.start ) + c.constraints + ((c.constraints.trim().length() == 0) ? "" : ", ") + expanded[lastExpanded].trim() + expanded[lastPattern].substring( c.end );
                        } else {
                            // error, pattern not found to add constraint to
                            this.addError( new ExpanderException( "No pattern was found to add the constraint to: " + lines[i].trim(),
                                                                  i + lineOffset ) );
                } else {
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                                    showSteps );

                // do we need to report errors for that?
                if ( lines[i].equals( expanded[lastExpanded] ) ) {
                    // report error
                    this.addError( new ExpanderException( "Unable to expand: " + lines[i],
                                                          i + lineOffset ) );

                // If the original starts with a "-", it means we need to add it
                // as a modify term to the previous pattern
                if ( trimmed.startsWith( "-" ) && (!lines[i].equals( expanded[lastExpanded] )) ) {
                    int lastMatchStart = -1;
                    int lastMatchEnd = -1;
                    String modifiers = "";
                    if ( lastPattern >= 0 ) {
                        final Matcher m2 = modifyFinder.matcher( expanded[lastPattern] );
                        while ( m2.find() ) {
                            lastMatchStart = m2.start();
                            lastMatchEnd = m2.end();
                            modifiers = 1 ).trim();
                    if ( lastMatchStart > -1 ) {
                        // rebuilding previous modify structure
                        expanded[lastPattern] = expanded[lastPattern].substring( 0,
                                                                                 lastMatchStart )
                                                + "{ " + modifiers +
                                                ((modifiers.length() == 0) ? "" : ", ") +
                                                expanded[lastExpanded].trim() + " }" +
                                                expanded[lastPattern].substring( lastMatchEnd );
                    } else {
                        // error, pattern not found to add constraint to
                        this.addError( new ExpanderException( "No modify was found to add the modifier to: " + lines[i].trim(),
                                                              i + lineOffset ) );
                } else {
                    lastPattern = lastExpanded;
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                expanded.append( this.expandLHS( 8 ), countNewlines( fragment ) + 1 ) ); // adding expanded LHS
                expanded.append( 9 ) ); // adding query trailer
                expanded.append( "\n" );
            } else {
                // strange behavior
                this.addError( new ExpanderException( "Unable to expand statement: " + constr,
                                                      0 ) );
            m.appendReplacement( buf,
                                 expanded.toString().replaceAll( "\\$",
                                                                 "\\\\\\$" ) );
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                // do we need to report errors for that?
                if ( lines[i].equals( expanded[lastExpanded] ) ) {
                    // report error
                    this.addError( new ExpanderException( "Unable to expand: " + lines[i].replaceAll( "[\n\r]", "" ).trim(),
                                                          i + lineOffset ) );
                // but if the original starts with a "-", it means we need to add it
                // as a constraint to the previous pattern
                if ( trimmed.startsWith( "-" ) && (!lines[i].equals( expanded[lastExpanded] )) ) {
                    int lastMatchStart = -1;
                    int lastMatchEnd = -1;
                    String constraints = "";
                    if ( lastPattern >= 0 ) {
                        final Matcher m2 = patternFinder.matcher( expanded[lastPattern] );
                        while ( m2.find() ) {
                            lastMatchStart = m2.start();
                            lastMatchEnd = m2.end();
                            constraints = 1 ).trim();
                    if ( lastMatchStart > -1 ) {
                        // rebuilding previous pattern structure
                        expanded[lastPattern] = expanded[lastPattern].substring( 0,
                                                                               lastMatchStart ) + "( " + constraints + ((constraints.length() == 0) ? "" : ", ") + expanded[lastExpanded].trim() + " )" + expanded[lastPattern].substring( lastMatchEnd );
                    } else {
                        // error, pattern not found to add constraint to
                        // TODO: can we report character position?
                        this.addError( new ExpanderException( "No pattern was found to add the constraint to: " + lines[i].trim(),
                                                              i + lineOffset ) );
                } else {
                    lastPattern = lastExpanded;
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                buf.append( expanded );
                // do we need to report errors for that?
                if ( lines[i].equals( expanded ) ) {
                    // report error
                    this.addError( new ExpanderException( "Unable to expand: " + lines[i],
                                                          i + lineOffset ) );
            buf.append( "\n" );
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        final String expanded = expander.expand( source );
        if ( expander.hasErrors() ) {
            String err = "";
            for ( Iterator iter = expander.getErrors().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                ExpanderException ex = (ExpanderException);
                err  = err + "\n Line:[" + ex.getLine() + "] " + ex.getMessage();
            throw new DroolsParserException(err);
        return expanded;
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                "then" + NL + "    bar 42" + NL + "\tgoober" + NL + "end";
        ex.expand( source );
        assertTrue( ex.hasErrors() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ex.getErrors().size() );
        ExpanderException err = (ExpanderException) ex.getErrors().get( 0 );
        assertEquals( 4,
                      err.getLine() );
        err = (ExpanderException) ex.getErrors().get( 1 );
        assertEquals( 7,
                      err.getLine() );

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Related Classes of org.drools.lang.ExpanderException

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