Package org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.dt52.auditlog

Examples of org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.dt52.auditlog.ActionSetFieldColumnDetails

        dt.getAttributeCols().add( at );
        dt.getAttributeCols().add( at_ );

        ConditionCol52 c1 = new ConditionCol52();
        Pattern52 p1 = new Pattern52();
        p1.setBoundName( "c1" );
        p1.setFactType( "Driver" );
        c1.setFactField( "name" );
        c1.setOperator( "==" );
        c1.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( c1 );
        dt.getConditions().add( p1 );

        ConditionCol52 c1_ = new ConditionCol52();
        Pattern52 p1_ = new Pattern52();
        p1_.setBoundName( "c1" );
        p1_.setFactType( "Driver" );
        c1_.setFactField( "age" );
        c1_.setOperator( "==" );
        c1_.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p1_.getChildColumns().add( c1_ );
        dt.getConditions().add( p1_ );

        ConditionCol52 c2 = new ConditionCol52();
        Pattern52 p2 = new Pattern52();
        p2.setBoundName( "c1" );
        p2.setFactType( "Driver" );
        c2.setFactField( "age" );
        c2.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p2.getChildColumns().add( c2 );
        dt.getConditions().add( p2 );

        ActionSetFieldCol52 a = new ActionSetFieldCol52();
        a.setBoundName( "c1" );
        a.setFactField( "name" );
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        List<BaseColumn> allColumns = new ArrayList<BaseColumn>();
        List<CompositeColumn< ? >> allPatterns = new ArrayList<CompositeColumn< ? >>();
        allColumns.add( new RowNumberCol52() );
        allColumns.add( new DescriptionCol52() );

        Pattern52 p1 = new Pattern52();
        p1.setBoundName( "p1" );
        p1.setFactType( "Person" );
        allPatterns.add( p1 );

        ConditionCol52 col = new ConditionCol52();
        col.setFactField( "name" );
        col.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        col.setFieldType( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        col.setOperator( "==" );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( col );
        allColumns.add( col );

        Pattern52 p2 = new Pattern52();
        p2.setBoundName( "p2" );
        p2.setFactType( "Person" );
        allPatterns.add( p2 );

        ConditionCol52 col2 = new ConditionCol52();
        col2.setFactField( "name" );
        col2.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        col2.setFieldType( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        col2.setOperator( "!=" );
        p2.getChildColumns().add( col2 );
        allColumns.add( col2 );

        RuleModel rm = new RuleModel();

        //When using a TemplateDataProvider the assumption is that we
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    public void testNoConstraints() {
        GuidedDecisionTable52 dt = new GuidedDecisionTable52();

        Pattern52 p1 = new Pattern52();
        p1.setBoundName( "x" );
        p1.setFactType( "Context" );

        ConditionCol52 c = new ConditionCol52();
        c.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( c );

        dt.getConditions().add( p1 );

        ActionSetFieldCol52 asf = new ActionSetFieldCol52();
        asf.setBoundName( "x" );
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        List<CompositeColumn< ? >> allPatterns = new ArrayList<CompositeColumn< ? >>();
        allColumns.add( new RowNumberCol52() );
        allColumns.add( new DescriptionCol52() );
        allColumns.add( new MetadataCol52() );

        Pattern52 p1 = new Pattern52();
        p1.setBoundName( "p1" );
        p1.setFactType( "Person" );
        allPatterns.add( p1 );

        ConditionCol52 col1 = new ConditionCol52();
        col1.setFactField( "age" );
        col1.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        col1.setOperator( "" );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( col1 );
        allColumns.add( col1 );

        RuleModel rm = new RuleModel();

        //When using a TemplateDataProvider the assumption is that we
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    public void testUpdateModify() {
        GuidedDecisionTable52 dt = new GuidedDecisionTable52();

        Pattern52 p1 = new Pattern52();
        p1.setBoundName( "x" );
        p1.setFactType( "Context" );

        ConditionCol52 c = new ConditionCol52();
        c.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( c );
        dt.getConditions().add( p1 );

        ActionSetFieldCol52 asf = new ActionSetFieldCol52();
        asf.setBoundName( "x" );
        asf.setFactField( "age" );
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    public void testDefaultValue() {
        GuidedDecisionTable52 dt = new GuidedDecisionTable52();

        Pattern52 p1 = new Pattern52();
        p1.setBoundName( "$c" );
        p1.setFactType( "CheeseLover" );

        ConditionCol52 c = new ConditionCol52();
        c.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        c.setFactField( "favouriteCheese" );
        c.setDefaultValue( "cheddar" );
        c.setOperator( "==" );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( c );
        dt.getConditions().add( p1 );

        //With provided value
        String[][] data = new String[][]{
                new String[]{"1", "desc", "edam"},
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    public void testLimitedEntryConditionsNoConstraints() {
        GuidedDecisionTable52 dt = new GuidedDecisionTable52();
        dt.setTableFormat( TableFormat.LIMITED_ENTRY );
        dt.setTableName( "limited-entry" );

        Pattern52 p1 = new Pattern52();
        p1.setBoundName( "p1" );
        p1.setFactType( "Smurf" );
        dt.getConditions().add( p1 );

        // This is a hack consistent with how the Expanded Form decision table
        // works. I wouldn't be too surprised if this changes at some time, but
        // GuidedDTDRLPersistence.marshal does not support empty patterns at
        // present.
        LimitedEntryConditionCol52 cc1 = new LimitedEntryConditionCol52();
        cc1.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        cc1.setValue( new DTCellValue52( "y" ) );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( cc1 );

        dt.setData( upgrader.makeDataLists( new Object[][]{
                                                           new Object[]{1l, "desc", true},
                                                           new Object[]{2l, "desc", false}
                                                           } ) );
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    public void testLimitedEntryConditionsConstraints1() {
        GuidedDecisionTable52 dt = new GuidedDecisionTable52();
        dt.setTableFormat( TableFormat.LIMITED_ENTRY );
        dt.setTableName( "limited-entry" );

        Pattern52 p1 = new Pattern52();
        p1.setBoundName( "p1" );
        p1.setFactType( "Smurf" );
        dt.getConditions().add( p1 );

        LimitedEntryConditionCol52 cc1 = new LimitedEntryConditionCol52();
        cc1.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        cc1.setFieldType( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        cc1.setFactField( "name" );
        cc1.setOperator( "==" );
        cc1.setValue( new DTCellValue52( "Pupa" ) );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( cc1 );

        dt.setData( upgrader.makeDataLists( new Object[][]{
                                                           new Object[]{1l, "desc", true},
                                                           new Object[]{2l, "desc", false}
                                                           } ) );
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    public void testLimitedEntryConditionsConstraints2() {
        GuidedDecisionTable52 dt = new GuidedDecisionTable52();
        dt.setTableFormat( TableFormat.LIMITED_ENTRY );
        dt.setTableName( "limited-entry" );

        Pattern52 p1 = new Pattern52();
        p1.setBoundName( "p1" );
        p1.setFactType( "Smurf" );
        dt.getConditions().add( p1 );

        LimitedEntryConditionCol52 cc1 = new LimitedEntryConditionCol52();
        cc1.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        cc1.setFieldType( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        cc1.setFactField( "name" );
        cc1.setOperator( "==" );
        cc1.setValue( new DTCellValue52( "Pupa" ) );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( cc1 );

        LimitedEntryConditionCol52 cc2 = new LimitedEntryConditionCol52();
        cc2.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        cc2.setFieldType( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        cc2.setFactField( "name" );
        cc2.setOperator( "==" );
        cc2.setValue( new DTCellValue52( "Smurfette" ) );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( cc2 );

        LimitedEntryConditionCol52 cc3 = new LimitedEntryConditionCol52();
        cc3.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        cc3.setFieldType( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        cc3.setFactField( "colour" );
        cc3.setOperator( "==" );
        cc3.setValue( new DTCellValue52( "Blue" ) );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( cc3 );

        dt.setData( upgrader.makeDataLists( new Object[][]{
                                                           new Object[]{1l, "desc", true, false, true},
                                                           new Object[]{2l, "desc", false, true, true},
                                                           new Object[]{3l, "desc", false, false, true}
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    public void testLimitedEntryActionSet() {
        GuidedDecisionTable52 dt = new GuidedDecisionTable52();
        dt.setTableFormat( TableFormat.LIMITED_ENTRY );
        dt.setTableName( "limited-entry" );

        Pattern52 p1 = new Pattern52();
        p1.setBoundName( "p1" );
        p1.setFactType( "Smurf" );
        dt.getConditions().add( p1 );

        LimitedEntryConditionCol52 cc1 = new LimitedEntryConditionCol52();
        cc1.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        cc1.setFieldType( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_BOOLEAN );
        cc1.setFactField( "isSmurf" );
        cc1.setOperator( "==" );
        cc1.setValue( new DTCellValue52( "true" ) );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( cc1 );

        LimitedEntryActionSetFieldCol52 asf1 = new LimitedEntryActionSetFieldCol52();
        asf1.setBoundName( "p1" );
        asf1.setFactField( "colour" );
        asf1.setValue( new DTCellValue52( "Blue" ) );
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Related Classes of org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.dt52.auditlog.ActionSetFieldColumnDetails

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