Package org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.dt

Examples of org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.dt.GuidedDecisionTable


    public void testNoConstraints() {
        GuidedDecisionTable dt = new GuidedDecisionTable();
        ConditionCol c = new ConditionCol();
        c.setBoundName( "x" );
        c.setFactType( "Context" );
        c.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        dt.getConditionCols().add( c );
        ActionSetFieldCol asf = new ActionSetFieldCol();
        asf.setBoundName( "x" );
        asf.setFactField( "age" );
        asf.setType( "String" );

        dt.getActionCols().add( asf );

        String[][] data = new String[][]{
                new String[]{"1", "desc", "y", "old"}
        dt.setData( data );

        String drl = GuidedDTDRLPersistence.getInstance().marshal( dt );

        // System.err.println(drl);

        assertTrue( drl.indexOf( "Context( )" ) > -1 );
        assertTrue( drl.indexOf( "x.setAge" ) > drl.indexOf( "Context( )" ) );
        assertFalse( drl.indexOf( "update( x );" ) > -1 );

        dt.setData( new String[][]{
                new String[]{"1", "desc", "", "old"}
            } );
        drl = GuidedDTDRLPersistence.getInstance().marshal( dt );
        assertEquals( -1,
                      drl.indexOf( "Context( )" ) );
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    public void testUpdateModify() {
        GuidedDecisionTable dt = new GuidedDecisionTable();
        ConditionCol c = new ConditionCol();
        c.setBoundName( "x" );
        c.setFactType( "Context" );
        c.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        dt.getConditionCols().add( c );
        ActionSetFieldCol asf = new ActionSetFieldCol();
        asf.setBoundName( "x" );
        asf.setFactField( "age" );
        asf.setType( "String" );
        asf.setUpdate( true );

        dt.getActionCols().add( asf );

        String[][] data = new String[][]{
                new String[]{"1", "desc", "y", "old"}
        dt.setData( data );

        String drl = GuidedDTDRLPersistence.getInstance().marshal( dt );

        System.err.println( drl );

        assertTrue( drl.indexOf( "Context( )" ) > -1 );
        assertTrue( drl.indexOf( "x.setAge" ) > drl.indexOf( "Context( )" ) );

        dt.setData( new String[][]{
                new String[]{"1", "desc", "", "old"}
            } );
        drl = GuidedDTDRLPersistence.getInstance().marshal( dt );
        assertEquals( -1,
                      drl.indexOf( "Context( )" ) );
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public class GuidedDTDRLPersistenceTest extends TestCase {

  public void test2Rules() throws Exception {
    GuidedDecisionTable dt = new GuidedDecisionTable();
    dt.tableName = "michael";

    AttributeCol attr = new AttributeCol();
    attr.attr = "salience";
        attr.defaultValue = "66";
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    public void testInterpolate() {
        GuidedDecisionTable dt = new GuidedDecisionTable();
        dt.tableName = "michael";

        AttributeCol attr = new AttributeCol();
        attr.attr = "salience";
        attr.defaultValue = "66";
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    public void testInOperator() {
        GuidedDecisionTable dt = new GuidedDecisionTable();
        dt.tableName = "michael";

        AttributeCol attr = new AttributeCol();
        attr.attr = "salience";
        attr.defaultValue = "66";
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  public void testNoConstraints() {
    GuidedDecisionTable dt = new GuidedDecisionTable();
    ConditionCol c = new ConditionCol();
    c.boundName = "x";
    c.factType = "Context";
    c.constraintValueType = ISingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;
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  public void testUpdateModify() {
    GuidedDecisionTable dt = new GuidedDecisionTable();
    ConditionCol c = new ConditionCol();
    c.boundName = "x";
    c.factType = "Context";
    c.constraintValueType = ISingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;
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  public void testRoundTrip() {

    GuidedDecisionTable dt = new GuidedDecisionTable();

    dt.actionCols.add(new ActionInsertFactCol());
    ActionSetFieldCol set = new ActionSetFieldCol();
    set.factField = "foo";

    dt.getMetadataCols().add(new MetadataCol());

    dt.attributeCols.add(new AttributeCol());

    dt.conditionCols.add(new ConditionCol()); = new String[][] {
        new String[] {"hola"}
    dt.tableName = "blah";
    dt.descriptionWidth = 42;

    String xml = GuidedDTXMLPersistence.getInstance().marshal(dt);
    assertEquals(-1, xml.indexOf("ActionSetField"));
    assertEquals(-1, xml.indexOf("ConditionCol"));
    assertEquals(-1, xml.indexOf("GuidedDecisionTable"));

    GuidedDecisionTable dt_ = GuidedDTXMLPersistence.getInstance().unmarshal(xml);
    assertEquals(42, dt_.descriptionWidth);
    assertEquals("blah", dt_.tableName);
    assertEquals(1, dt_.getMetadataCols().size());
    assertEquals(1, dt_.attributeCols.size());
    assertEquals(2, dt_.actionCols.size());
    assertEquals(1, dt_.conditionCols.size());

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  public void testBackwardsCompatability() throws Exception {
    String xml = BRLPersistenceTest.loadResource("ExistingDecisionTable.xml");
    GuidedDecisionTable dt_ = GuidedDTXMLPersistence.getInstance().unmarshal(xml);
    assertEquals(42, dt_.descriptionWidth);
    assertEquals("blah", dt_.tableName);
    assertEquals(1, dt_.getMetadataCols().size());
    assertEquals(1, dt_.attributeCols.size());
    assertEquals(2, dt_.actionCols.size());
    assertEquals(1, dt_.conditionCols.size());

    assertTrue(dt_.actionCols.get(1) instanceof ActionSetFieldCol );
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//  }
    public void testValueLists() {
        GuidedDecisionTable dt = new GuidedDecisionTable();

        //add cols for LHS
        ConditionCol c1 = new ConditionCol();
        c1.boundName = "c1";
        c1.factType = "Driver";
        c1.factField = "name";
        c1.constraintValueType = ISingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;

        ConditionCol c1_ = new ConditionCol();
        c1_.boundName = "c1";
        c1_.factType = "Driver";
        c1_.factField = "name";
        c1_.constraintValueType = ISingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_RET_VALUE;


        ConditionCol c1__ = new ConditionCol();
        c1__.boundName = "c1";
        c1__.factType = "Driver";
        c1__.factField = "name";
        c1__.constraintValueType = ISingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;
        c1__.valueList = "one,two,three";

        ConditionCol c2 = new ConditionCol();
        c2.boundName = "c2";
        c2.factType = "Driver";
        c2.factField = "nothing";
        c2.constraintValueType = ISingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;

        ActionSetFieldCol asf = new ActionSetFieldCol();
        asf.boundName = "c1";
        asf.factField = "name";

        ActionInsertFactCol ins = new ActionInsertFactCol();
        ins.boundName = "x";
        ins.factField = "rating";
        ins.factType = "Person";

        ActionInsertFactCol ins_ = new ActionInsertFactCol();
        ins_.boundName = "x";
        ins_.factField = "rating";
        ins_.factType = "Person";
        ins_.valueList = "one,two,three";

        ActionSetFieldCol asf_ = new ActionSetFieldCol();
        asf_.boundName = "c1";
        asf_.factField = "goo";

        ActionSetFieldCol asf__ = new ActionSetFieldCol();
        asf__.boundName = "c1";
        asf__.factField = "goo";
        asf__.valueList = "one,two,three";

        SuggestionCompletionEngine sce = new SuggestionCompletionEngine();
        sce.putDataEnumList("", new String[]{"bob", "michael"});
        sce.putDataEnumList("Person.rating", new String[]{"1", "2"});

        String[] r = dt.getValueList(c1, sce);
        assertEquals(2, r.length);
        assertEquals("bob", r[0]);
        assertEquals("michael", r[1]);

        assertEquals(0, dt.getValueList(c1_, sce).length);

        r = dt.getValueList(c1__, sce);
        assertEquals(3, r.length);
        assertEquals("one", r[0]);
        assertEquals("two", r[1]);
        assertEquals("three", r[2]);

        assertEquals(0, dt.getValueList(c2, sce).length);

        r = dt.getValueList(asf, sce);
        assertEquals(2, r.length);
        assertEquals("bob", r[0]);
        assertEquals("michael", r[1]);

        r = dt.getValueList(ins, sce);
        assertEquals(2, r.length);
        assertEquals("1", r[0]);
        assertEquals("2", r[1]);

        r = dt.getValueList(ins_, sce);
        assertEquals(3, r.length);
        assertEquals("one", r[0]);
        assertEquals("two", r[1]);
        assertEquals("three", r[2]);

        assertEquals(0, dt.getValueList(asf_, sce).length);

        r = dt.getValueList(asf__, sce);
        assertEquals(3, r.length);
        assertEquals("one", r[0]);
        assertEquals("two", r[1]);
        assertEquals("three", r[2]);

        AttributeCol at = new AttributeCol();
        at.attr = "no-loop";

        r = dt.getValueList(at, sce);
        assertEquals(2, r.length);
        assertEquals("true", r[0]);
        assertEquals("false", r[1]);

        at.attr = "enabled";
        assertEquals(2, dt.getValueList(at, sce).length);

        at.attr = "salience";
        assertEquals(0, dt.getValueList(at, sce).length);

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Related Classes of org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.dt.GuidedDecisionTable

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