Package org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.dt

Examples of org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.dt.AttributeCol

            hp.add( new SmallLabel( constants.Attributes() ) );
            attributeConfigWidget.add( hp );

        for ( AttributeCol atc : guidedDecisionTable.getAttributeCols() ) {
            final AttributeCol at = atc;
            HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel();

            hp.add( new HTML( "    " ) );
            hp.add( removeAttr( at ) );
            hp.add( new SmallLabel( at.getAttribute() ) );

            final TextBox defaultValue = new TextBox();
            defaultValue.setText( at.getDefaultValue() );
            defaultValue.addChangeHandler( new ChangeHandler() {
                public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) {
                    at.setDefaultValue( defaultValue.getText() );
            } );

            if ( at.getAttribute().equals( RuleAttributeWidget.SALIENCE_ATTR ) ) {
                hp.add( new HTML( "  " ) );
                final CheckBox useRowNumber = new CheckBox();
                useRowNumber.setValue( at.isUseRowNumber() );

                hp.add( useRowNumber );
                hp.add( new SmallLabel( constants.UseRowNumber() ) );
                hp.add( new SmallLabel( "(" ) );
                final CheckBox reverseOrder = new CheckBox();
                reverseOrder.setValue( at.isReverseOrder() );
                reverseOrder.setEnabled( at.isUseRowNumber() );

                useRowNumber.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {
                    public void onClick(ClickEvent sender) {
                        at.setUseRowNumber( useRowNumber.getValue() );
                        reverseOrder.setEnabled( useRowNumber.getValue() );
                } );

                reverseOrder.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {
                    public void onClick(ClickEvent sender) {
                        at.setReverseOrder( reverseOrder.getValue() );
                } );
                hp.add( reverseOrder );
                hp.add( new SmallLabel( constants.ReverseOrder() ) );
                hp.add( new SmallLabel( ")" ) );
            hp.add( new HTML( "  " ) );
            hp.add( new SmallLabel( constants.DefaultValue() ) );
            hp.add( defaultValue );

            final CheckBox hide = new CheckBox();
            hide.setValue( at.isHideColumn() );
            hide.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {
                public void onClick(ClickEvent sender) {
                    at.setHideColumn( hide.getValue() );
                    dtable.setColumnVisibility( at,
                                                !at.isHideColumn() );
            } );
            hp.add( new HTML( "  " ) );
            hp.add( hide );
            hp.add( new SmallLabel( constants.HideThisColumn() ) );
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                                                   list.setSelectedIndex( 0 );

                                                   list.addChangeHandler( new ChangeHandler() {
                                                       public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) {
                                                           AttributeCol attr = new AttributeCol();
                                                           attr.setAttribute( list.getItemText( list
                                                                   .getSelectedIndex() ) );
                                                           dtable.addColumn( attr );
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        set.setFactField( "foo" );
        dt.getActionCols().add( set );

        dt.getMetadataCols().add( new MetadataCol() );

        dt.getAttributeCols().add( new AttributeCol() );

        dt.getConditionCols().add( new ConditionCol() );

        dt.setData( RepositoryUpgradeHelper.makeDataLists( new String[][]{new String[]{"1", "hola"}} ) );
        dt.setTableName( "blah" );
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        assertEquals( "two",
                      r[1] );
        assertEquals( "three",
                      r[2] );

        AttributeCol at = new AttributeCol();
        at.setAttribute( "no-loop" );
        dt.getAttributeCols().add( at );

        r = dt.getValueList( at,
                             sce );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      r.length );
        assertEquals( "true",
                      r[0] );
        assertEquals( "false",
                      r[1] );

        at.setAttribute( "enabled" );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      dt.getValueList( at,
                                       sce ).length );

        at.setAttribute( "salience" );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      dt.getValueList( at,
                                       sce ).length );

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        } );

        TypeSafeGuidedDecisionTable dt = new TypeSafeGuidedDecisionTable();

        AttributeCol at = new AttributeCol();
        at.setAttribute( "salience" );
        AttributeCol at_ = new AttributeCol();
        at_.setAttribute( "enabled" );

        dt.getAttributeCols().add( at );
        dt.getAttributeCols().add( at_ );

        ConditionCol c1 = new ConditionCol();
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        } );

        TypeSafeGuidedDecisionTable dt = new TypeSafeGuidedDecisionTable();

        AttributeCol salienceAttribute = new AttributeCol();
        salienceAttribute.setAttribute( "salience" );
        AttributeCol enabledAttribute = new AttributeCol();
        enabledAttribute.setAttribute( "enabled" );

        dt.getAttributeCols().add( salienceAttribute );
        dt.getAttributeCols().add( enabledAttribute );

        ConditionCol conditionColName = new ConditionCol();
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        DescriptionCol dc = new DescriptionCol();

        MetadataCol mdc = new MetadataCol();
        mdc.setMetadata( "cheese" );

        AttributeCol ac = new AttributeCol();
        ac.setAttribute( "salience" );

        ActionSetFieldCol asfc = new ActionSetFieldCol();
        asfc.setBoundName( "d1" );
        asfc.setFactField( "age" );
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        MetadataCol md = new MetadataCol();
        md.setMetadata( "legacy" );
        md.setDefaultValue( "yes" );
        dt.getMetadataCols().add( md );

        AttributeCol attr = new AttributeCol();
        attr.setAttribute( "salience" );
        attr.setDefaultValue( "66" );
        dt.getAttributeCols().add( attr );

        ConditionCol con = new ConditionCol();
        con.setBoundName( "f1" );
        con.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
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    public void test2Rules() throws Exception {
        TypeSafeGuidedDecisionTable dt = new TypeSafeGuidedDecisionTable();
        dt.setTableName( "michael" );

        AttributeCol attr = new AttributeCol();
        attr.setAttribute( "salience" );
        attr.setDefaultValue( "66" );
        dt.getAttributeCols().add( attr );

        ConditionCol con = new ConditionCol();
        con.setBoundName( "f1" );
        con.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
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    public void testInterpolate() {
        TypeSafeGuidedDecisionTable dt = new TypeSafeGuidedDecisionTable();
        dt.setTableName( "michael" );

        AttributeCol attr = new AttributeCol();
        attr.setAttribute( "salience" );
        attr.setDefaultValue( "66" );
        dt.getAttributeCols().add( attr );

        ConditionCol con = new ConditionCol();
        con.setBoundName( "f1" );
        con.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
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Related Classes of org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.dt.AttributeCol

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