scenario );
return singleScenarioresult;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
log.error( "Unable to load a required class.",
e );
throw new DetailedSerializationException( "Unable to load a required class.",
e.getMessage() );
} catch (ConsequenceException e) {
String messageShort = "There was an error executing the consequence of rule [" + e.getRule().getName() + "]";
String messageLong = e.getMessage();
if ( e.getCause() != null ) {
messageLong += "\nCAUSED BY " + e.getCause().getMessage();
log.error( messageShort + ": " + messageLong,
e );
throw new DetailedSerializationException( messageShort,
messageLong );
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error( "Unable to run the scenario.",
e );
throw new DetailedSerializationException( "Unable to run the scenario.",
e.getMessage() );