Package org.drools.factmodel

Examples of org.drools.factmodel.ClassDefinition

        return mask;

    private BitSet bind( String trait, String traitable ) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
        ClassDefinition traitDef = getTrait( trait );
        if ( traitDef == null ) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException( " Unable to apply trait " + trait + " to class " + traitable + " : not a trait " );
        ClassDefinition traitableDef = getTraitable( traitable );
        if ( traitableDef == null ) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException( " Unable to apply trait " + trait + " to class " + traitable + " : not a traitable " );

        int j = 0;
        BitSet bitmask = new BitSet( traitDef.getFields().size() );
        for ( FactField field : traitDef.getFields() ) {
            String alias = ((FieldDefinition) field).resolveAlias();

            FieldDefinition concreteField = traitableDef.getFieldByAlias( alias );

            if ( concreteField != null ) {
                if ( ! traitableDef.isFullTraiting() && ! concreteField.getType().isAssignableFrom( field.getType() ) ) {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException( " Unable to apply trait " + trait + " to class " + traitable + " :" +
                                                             " trait field " + field.getName() + ":" + ( (FieldDefinition) field ).getTypeName() + " is incompatible with" +
                                                             " concrete hard field " + concreteField.getName() + ":" + concreteField.getTypeName() + ". Consider enabling logical traiting" +
                                                             " mode using @Traitable( logical = true )" );
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                                                              "Unable to find @positional definitions for :" + klazz + "\n" ) );

            ClassDefinition clsDef = tDecl.getTypeClassDef();
            if ( clsDef == null ) {
                context.getErrors().add( new DescrBuildError( context.getParentDescr(),
                                                              "Unable to find @positional field " + descr.getPosition() + " for class " + tDecl.getTypeName() + "\n" ) );

            FieldDefinition field = clsDef.getField( descr.getPosition() );
            if ( field == null ) {
                context.getErrors().add( new DescrBuildError( context.getParentDescr(),
                                                              "Unable to find @positional field " + descr.getPosition() + " for class " + tDecl.getTypeName() + "\n" ) );
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        TypeDeclaration thingType = new TypeDeclaration( Thing.class.getName() );
        thingType.setFormat( TypeDeclaration.Format.TRAIT );
        thingType.setTypeClass( Thing.class );
        builtinTypes.put( Thing.class.getCanonicalName(),
                          thingType );
        ClassDefinition def = new ClassDefinition();
        def.setClassName( thingType.getTypeClass().getName() );
        def.setDefinedClass( Thing.class );
        TraitRegistry.getInstance().addTrait( def );

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        if ( tdecl == null ) {
            // no typedeclr exists, so create one, which will be added to the cache
            tdecl = new TypeDeclaration( cls.getSimpleName() );

            // it's a new type declaration, so generate the @Position for it
            ClassDefinition clsDef = tdecl.getTypeClassDef();
            if ( clsDef == null ) {
                clsDef = new ClassDefinition();

                Collection<Field> fields = new LinkedList<Field>();
                Class< ? > tempKlass = cls;
                while ( tempKlass != null && tempKlass != Object.class ) {
                    for ( Field f : tempKlass.getDeclaredFields() ) {
                        fields.add( f );
                    tempKlass = tempKlass.getSuperclass();

                List<FieldDefinition> orderedFields = new ArrayList<FieldDefinition>( fields.size() );
                for ( int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++ ) {
                    // as these could be set in any order, initialise first, to allow setting later.
                    orderedFields.add( null );

                for ( Field fld : fields ) {
                    Position pos = fld.getAnnotation( Position.class );
                    if ( pos != null ) {
                        FieldDefinition fldDef = new FieldDefinition( fld.getName(),
                                                                      fld.getType().getName() );
                        fldDef.setIndex( pos.value() );
                        orderedFields.set( pos.value(),
                                           fldDef );
                for ( FieldDefinition fld : orderedFields ) {
                    if ( fld != null ) {
                        // it's null if there is no @Position
                        clsDef.addField( fld );

                tdecl.setTypeClassDef( clsDef );
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            // look for the supertype declaration in available packages
            TypeDeclaration superTypeDeclaration = pack.getTypeDeclaration( simpleSuperTypeName );

            if ( superTypeDeclaration != null ) {
                ClassDefinition classDef = superTypeDeclaration.getTypeClassDef();
                // inherit fields
                for ( FactField fld : classDef.getFields() ) {
                    TypeFieldDescr inheritedFlDescr = TypeFieldDescr.buildInheritedFromDefinition( fld );
                    fieldMap.put( inheritedFlDescr.getFieldName(),
                                  inheritedFlDescr );
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            annotationDescr = typeDescr.getAnnotation( TypeDeclaration.ATTR_TIMESTAMP );
            String timestamp = (annotationDescr != null) ? annotationDescr.getSingleValue() : null;
            if ( timestamp != null ) {
                type.setTimestampAttribute( timestamp );
                ClassDefinition cd = type.getTypeClassDef();
                Package pkg = pkgRegistry.getPackage();
                InternalReadAccessor reader = pkg.getClassFieldAccessorStore().getMVELReader( ClassUtils.getPackage( type.getTypeClass() ),
                                                                                              type.isTypesafe() );
                MVELDialectRuntimeData data = (MVELDialectRuntimeData) pkg.getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getDialectData( "mvel" );
                data.addCompileable( (MVELCompileable) reader );
                ((MVELCompileable) reader).compile( data );
                type.setTimestampExtractor( reader );

            annotationDescr = typeDescr.getAnnotation( TypeDeclaration.ATTR_DURATION );
            String duration = (annotationDescr != null) ? annotationDescr.getSingleValue() : null;
            if ( duration != null ) {
                type.setDurationAttribute( duration );
                ClassDefinition cd = type.getTypeClassDef();
                Package pkg = pkgRegistry.getPackage();
                InternalReadAccessor reader = pkg.getClassFieldAccessorStore().getMVELReader( ClassUtils.getPackage( type.getTypeClass() ),
                                                                                              type.isTypesafe() );
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                                                                               NoSuchFieldException {
        ClassDefinition cd = type.getTypeClassDef();
        ClassFieldAccessorStore store = pkgRegistry.getPackage().getClassFieldAccessorStore();
        for ( FieldDefinition attrDef : cd.getFieldsDefinitions() ) {
            ClassFieldAccessor accessor = store.getAccessor( cd.getDefinedClass().getName(),
                                                             attrDef.getName() );
            attrDef.setReadWriteAccessor( accessor );
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            interfaceList.add( TraitableBean.class.getName() );
        String[] interfaces = interfaceList.toArray( new String[interfaceList.size()] );

        // prepares a class definition
        ClassDefinition def = null;
        if ( type.getFormat().equals( TypeDeclaration.Format.TRAIT ) ) {
            def = new ClassDefinition( fullName,
                                       fullSuperTypes );

        } else {
            def = new ClassDefinition( fullName,
                                       interfaces );
            def.setTraitable( traitable );

        for ( String annotationName : typeDescr.getAnnotationNames() ) {
            Class annotation = resolveAnnotation( annotationName,
                                                  pkgRegistry.getTypeResolver() );
            if ( annotation != null ) {
                try {
                    AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition =
                                                                                            typeDescr.getAnnotations().get( annotationName ).getValueMap(),
                                                                                            pkgRegistry.getTypeResolver() );
                    def.addAnnotation( annotationDefinition );
                } catch ( NoSuchMethodException nsme ) {
                    this.results.add( new TypeDeclarationError( "Annotated type " + fullName + "  - undefined property in @annotation " + annotationName + ": " + nsme.getMessage() + ";",
                                                                typeDescr.getLine() ) );

        // fields definitions are created. will be used by subclasses, if any.
        // Fields are SORTED in the process
        if ( typeDescr.getFields().size() > 0 ) {
            PriorityQueue<FieldDefinition> fieldDefs = sortFields( typeDescr.getFields(),
                                                                   pkgRegistry );
            while ( fieldDefs.size() > 0 ) {
                FieldDefinition fld = fieldDefs.poll();
                def.addField( fld );

        // check whether it is necessary to build the class or not
        type.setNovel( isNovelClass( typeDescr ) );
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                        tempDeclr.setTypesafe( type.isTypesafe() );
                        tempDeclr.setNovel( true );
                        tempDeclr.setTypeClassName( tempDescr.getType().getFullName() );
                        tempDeclr.setResource( type.getResource() );

                        ClassDefinition tempDef = new ClassDefinition( target );
                        tempDef.setClassName( tempDescr.getType().getFullName() );
                        tempDef.setTraitable( false );
                        for ( FieldDefinition fld : def.getFieldsDefinitions() ) {
                            tempDef.addField( fld );
                        tempDef.setInterfaces( def.getInterfaces() );
                        tempDef.setSuperClass( def.getClassName() );
                        tempDef.setDefinedClass( resolvedType );

                        type.setFormat( TypeDeclaration.Format.POJO );

                        generateDeclaredBean( tempDescr,
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        Class coreKlass = core.getClass();

        // get the trait classDef
        ClassDefinition tdef = TraitRegistry.getInstance().getTrait( trait.getName() );
        ClassDefinition cdef = TraitRegistry.getInstance().getTraitable( coreKlass.getName() );

        String proxyName = getProxyName( tdef, cdef );
        String wrapperName = getPropertyWrapperName( tdef, cdef );

        JavaDialectRuntimeData data = ((JavaDialectRuntimeData) getPackage( tdef.getDefinedClass().getPackage().getName() ).getDialectRuntimeRegistry().
                getDialectData( "java" ));

        TraitPropertyWrapperClassBuilder propWrapperBuilder = (TraitPropertyWrapperClassBuilder) ClassBuilderFactory.getPropertyWrapperBuilderService();
//        switch ( mode ) {
//            case TRIPLES    : propWrapperBuilder = new TraitTriplePropertyWrapperClassBuilderImpl();
//                break;
//            case MAP        : propWrapperBuilder = new TraitMapPropertyWrapperClassBuilderImpl();
//                break;
//            default         : throw new RuntimeException( " This should not happen : unexpected property wrapping method " + mode );
//        }
        propWrapperBuilder.init( tdef );
        try {
            byte[] propWrapper = propWrapperBuilder.buildClass( cdef );
            data.write(JavaDialectRuntimeData.convertClassToResourcePath( wrapperName ), propWrapper );
        } catch (Exception e) {

        TraitProxyClassBuilder proxyBuilder = (TraitProxyClassBuilder) ClassBuilderFactory.getTraitProxyBuilderService();
//        switch ( mode ) {
//            case TRIPLES    : proxyBuilder = new TraitTripleProxyClassBuilderImpl();
//                break;
//            case MAP        : proxyBuilder = new TraitMapProxyClassBuilderImpl();
//                break;
//            default         : throw new RuntimeException( " This should not happen : unexpected property wrapping method " + mode );
//        }
        proxyBuilder.init( tdef );
        try {
            byte[] proxy = proxyBuilder.buildClass( cdef );
            data.write(JavaDialectRuntimeData.convertClassToResourcePath( proxyName ), proxy);
        } catch (Exception e) {


        try {
            long mask = TraitRegistry.getInstance().getFieldMask( trait.getName(), cdef.getDefinedClass().getName() );
            Class<T> proxyClass = (Class<T>) ruleBase.getRootClassLoader().loadClass( proxyName, true );
            bindAccessors( proxyClass, tdef, cdef, mask );
            Class<T> wrapperClass = (Class<T>) ruleBase.getRootClassLoader().loadClass( wrapperName, true );
            bindCoreAccessors( wrapperClass, cdef );
            return proxyClass;
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Related Classes of org.drools.factmodel.ClassDefinition

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