public void addBlocked(final LinkedListNode node) {
// Adds the blocked to the blockers list
if ( this.blocked == null ) {
this.blocked = new LinkedList();
this.blocked.add( node );
LogicalDependency dep = ( LogicalDependency ) node;
// now ad the blocker to the blocked's list - we need to check that references are null first
AgendaItem blocked = (AgendaItem)dep.getJustified();
if ( blocked.blockers == null ) {
blocked.blockers = new LinkedList();
blocked.blockers.add( dep.getJustifierEntry() );
} else if ( dep.getJustifierEntry().getNext() == null && dep.getJustifierEntry().getPrevious() == null && blocked.getBlockers().getFirst() != dep.getJustifierEntry() ) {
blocked.blockers.add( dep.getJustifierEntry() );