rightTuple.getFactHandle() );
LeftTupleMemory leftMemory = memory.getLeftTupleMemory();
FastIterator leftIt = getLeftIterator( leftMemory );
LeftTuple firstLeftTuple = getFirstLeftTuple( rightTuple, leftMemory, context, leftIt );
LeftTuple firstBlocked = rightTuple.getBlocked();
// we now have reference to the first Blocked, so null it in the rightTuple itself, so we can rebuild
// first process non-blocked tuples, as we know only those ones are in the left memory.
for ( LeftTuple leftTuple = firstLeftTuple; leftTuple != null; ) {
// preserve next now, in case we remove this leftTuple
LeftTuple temp = (LeftTuple);
// we know that only unblocked LeftTuples are still in the memory
if ( this.constraints.isAllowedCachedRight( memory.getContext(),
leftTuple ) ) {
leftTuple.setBlocker( rightTuple );
rightTuple.addBlocked( leftTuple );
// this is now blocked so remove from memory
leftMemory.remove( leftTuple );
// subclasses might override this propagation
propagateRetractLeftTuple( context,
leftTuple );
leftTuple = temp;
if ( firstBlocked != null ) {
// now process existing blocks, we only process existing and not new from above loop
FastIterator rightIt = getRightIterator( memory.getRightTupleMemory() );
boolean useComparisonIndex = memory.getRightTupleMemory().getIndexType().isComparison();
RightTuple rootBlocker = useComparisonIndex ? null : (RightTuple);
RightTupleList list = rightTuple.getMemory();
// we must do this after we have the next in memory
// We add to the end to give an opportunity to re-match if in same bucket
memory.getRightTupleMemory().removeAdd( rightTuple );
if ( !useComparisonIndex && rootBlocker == null && list == rightTuple.getMemory() ) {
// we are at the end of the list, so set to self, to give self a chance to rematch
rootBlocker = rightTuple;
// iterate all the existing previous blocked LeftTuples
for ( LeftTuple leftTuple = (LeftTuple) firstBlocked; leftTuple != null; ) {
LeftTuple temp = leftTuple.getBlockedNext();
leftTuple.setBlocker( null );
leftTuple.setBlockedPrevious( null );
leftTuple.setBlockedNext( null );
this.constraints.updateFromTuple( memory.getContext(),
leftTuple );
if (useComparisonIndex) {
rootBlocker = getFirstRightTuple( leftTuple, memory.getRightTupleMemory(), context, rightIt );
// we know that older tuples have been checked so continue next
for ( RightTuple newBlocker = rootBlocker; newBlocker != null; newBlocker = (RightTuple) newBlocker ) ) {
if ( this.constraints.isAllowedCachedLeft( memory.getContext(),
newBlocker.getFactHandle() ) ) {
leftTuple.setBlocker( newBlocker );
newBlocker.addBlocked( leftTuple );