Package org.drools.core.util

Examples of org.drools.core.util.FastIterator$IteratorAdapter

        this.constraints.updateFromFactHandle( memory.getContext(),
                                               rightTuple.getFactHandle() );

        LeftTupleMemory leftMemory = memory.getLeftTupleMemory();       
        FastIterator leftIt = getLeftIterator( leftMemory );       
        LeftTuple firstLeftTuple = getFirstLeftTuple( rightTuple, leftMemory, context, leftIt );
        LeftTuple firstBlocked = rightTuple.getBlocked();
        // we now have  reference to the first Blocked, so null it in the rightTuple itself, so we can rebuild
        // first process non-blocked tuples, as we know only those ones are in the left memory.
        for ( LeftTuple leftTuple = firstLeftTuple; leftTuple != null; ) {
            // preserve next now, in case we remove this leftTuple
            LeftTuple temp = (LeftTuple) leftTuple );

            // we know that only unblocked LeftTuples are  still in the memory
            if ( this.constraints.isAllowedCachedRight( memory.getContext(),
                                                        leftTuple ) ) {
                leftTuple.setBlocker( rightTuple );
                rightTuple.addBlocked( leftTuple );

                // this is now blocked so remove from memory
                leftMemory.remove( leftTuple );

                // subclasses like ForallNotNode might override this propagation
                this.sink.propagateAssertLeftTuple( leftTuple,
                                                    true );

            leftTuple = temp;

        if ( firstBlocked != null ) {
            boolean useComparisonIndex = memory.getRightTupleMemory().getIndexType().isComparison();

            // now process existing blocks, we only process existing and not new from above loop
            FastIterator rightIt = getRightIterator( memory.getRightTupleMemory() );
            RightTuple rootBlocker = useComparisonIndex ? null : (RightTuple);
            RightTupleList list = rightTuple.getMemory();
            // we must do this after we have the next in memory
            // We add to the end to give an opportunity to re-match if in same bucket
            memory.getRightTupleMemory().removeAdd( rightTuple );

            if ( !useComparisonIndex && rootBlocker == null && list == rightTuple.getMemory() ) {
                // we are at the end of the list, but still in same bucket, so set to self, to give self a chance to rematch
                rootBlocker = rightTuple;
            // iterate all the existing previous blocked LeftTuples
            for ( LeftTuple leftTuple = (LeftTuple) firstBlocked; leftTuple != null; ) {
                LeftTuple temp = leftTuple.getBlockedNext();

                leftTuple.setBlockedPrevious( null ); // must null these as we are re-adding them to the list
                leftTuple.setBlockedNext( null );

                leftTuple.setBlocker( null );

                this.constraints.updateFromTuple( memory.getContext(),
                                                  leftTuple );

                if (useComparisonIndex) {
                    rootBlocker = getFirstRightTuple( leftTuple, memory.getRightTupleMemory(), context, rightIt );

                // we know that older tuples have been checked so continue next
                for ( RightTuple newBlocker = rootBlocker; newBlocker != null; newBlocker = (RightTuple) newBlocker ) ) {
                    if ( this.constraints.isAllowedCachedLeft( memory.getContext(),
                                                               newBlocker.getFactHandle() ) ) {
                        leftTuple.setBlocker( newBlocker );
                        newBlocker.addBlocked( leftTuple );
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        this.constraints.updateFromFactHandle( memory.getContext(),
                                               rightTuple.getFactHandle() );       
        LeftTupleMemory leftMemory = memory.getLeftTupleMemory();       
        FastIterator it = getLeftIterator( leftMemory );
        for (LeftTuple leftTuple = getFirstLeftTuple( rightTuple, leftMemory, context, it );  leftTuple != null; ) {     
            // preserve next now, in case we remove this leftTuple
            LeftTuple temp = (LeftTuple);

            // we know that only unblocked LeftTuples are  still in the memory
            if ( this.constraints.isAllowedCachedRight( memory.getContext(),
                                                        leftTuple ) ) {
                leftTuple.setBlocker( rightTuple );
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        FastIterator it = memory.getRightTupleMemory().fastIterator();

        // assign now, so we can remove from memory before doing any possible propagations
        final RightTuple rootBlocker = (RightTuple);

        memory.getRightTupleMemory().remove( rightTuple );

        if ( rightTuple.getBlocked() == null ) {

        for ( LeftTuple leftTuple = (LeftTuple) rightTuple.getBlocked(); leftTuple != null; ) {
            LeftTuple temp = leftTuple.getBlockedNext();

            leftTuple.setBlocker( null );
            leftTuple.setBlockedPrevious( null );
            leftTuple.setBlockedNext( null );

            this.constraints.updateFromTuple( memory.getContext(),
                                              leftTuple );

            // we know that older tuples have been checked so continue next
            for ( RightTuple newBlocker = rootBlocker; newBlocker != null; newBlocker = (RightTuple) ) {
                if ( this.constraints.isAllowedCachedLeft( memory.getContext(),
                                                           newBlocker.getFactHandle() ) ) {
                    leftTuple.setBlocker( newBlocker );
                    newBlocker.addBlocked( leftTuple );
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                                PropagationContext context,
                                InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory) {
        final BetaMemory memory = (BetaMemory) workingMemory.getNodeMemory( this );
        RightTupleMemory rightMemory = memory.getRightTupleMemory();
        FastIterator rightIt = getRightIterator( rightMemory );        
        RightTuple firstRightTuple = getFirstRightTuple(leftTuple, rightMemory, context, rightIt);
        // If in memory, remove it, because we'll need to add it anyway if it's not blocked, to ensure iteration order
        RightTuple blocker = leftTuple.getBlocker();
        if ( blocker == null ) {
            memory.getLeftTupleMemory().remove( leftTuple );
        } else {
            // check if we changed bucket
            if ( rightMemory.isIndexed() && !rightIt.isFullIterator()  ) {               
                // if newRightTuple is null, we assume there was a bucket change and that bucket is empty               
                if ( firstRightTuple == null || firstRightTuple.getMemory() != blocker.getMemory() ) {
                    // we changed bucket, so blocker no longer blocks
                    blocker.removeBlocked( leftTuple );
                    leftTuple.setBlocker( null );
                    leftTuple.setBlockedPrevious( null );
                    leftTuple.setBlockedNext( null );
                    blocker = null;

        this.constraints.updateFromTuple( memory.getContext(),
                                          leftTuple );

        // if we where not blocked before (or changed buckets), or the previous blocker no longer blocks, then find the next blocker
        if ( blocker == null || !this.constraints.isAllowedCachedLeft( memory.getContext(),
                                                                       blocker.getFactHandle() ) ) {

            if ( blocker != null ) {
                // remove previous blocker if it exists, as we know it doesn't block any more
                blocker.removeBlocked( leftTuple );
                leftTuple.setBlocker( null );
                leftTuple.setBlockedPrevious( null );
                leftTuple.setBlockedNext( null );
            // find first blocker, because it's a modify, we need to start from the beginning again       
            for ( RightTuple newBlocker = firstRightTuple; newBlocker != null; newBlocker = (RightTuple) ) {
                if ( this.constraints.isAllowedCachedLeft( memory.getContext(),
                                                           newBlocker.getFactHandle() ) ) {
                    leftTuple.setBlocker( newBlocker );
                    newBlocker.addBlocked( leftTuple );
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                                               rightTuple.getFactHandle() );

        LeftTupleMemory leftMemory = memory.getLeftTupleMemory();

        FastIterator leftIt = getLeftIterator( leftMemory );       
        LeftTuple firstLeftTuple = getFirstLeftTuple( rightTuple, leftMemory, context, leftIt );
        LeftTuple firstBlocked = rightTuple.getBlocked();
        // we now have  reference to the first Blocked, so null it in the rightTuple itself, so we can rebuild

        // first process non-blocked tuples, as we know only those ones are in the left memory.
        for ( LeftTuple leftTuple = firstLeftTuple; leftTuple != null; ) {
            // preserve next now, in case we remove this leftTuple
            LeftTuple temp = (LeftTuple);

            // we know that only unblocked LeftTuples are  still in the memory
            if ( this.constraints.isAllowedCachedRight( memory.getContext(),
                                                        leftTuple ) ) {
                leftTuple.setBlocker( rightTuple );
                rightTuple.addBlocked( leftTuple );

                // this is now blocked so remove from memory
                leftMemory.remove( leftTuple );

                // subclasses like ForallNotNode might override this propagation
                propagateRetractLeftTuple( context,
                                           leftTuple );

            leftTuple = temp;

        if ( firstBlocked != null ) {
            // now process existing blocks, we only process existing and not new from above loop
            FastIterator rightIt = getRightIterator( memory.getRightTupleMemory() );

            boolean useComparisonIndex = memory.getRightTupleMemory().getIndexType().isComparison();
            RightTuple rootBlocker = useComparisonIndex ? null : (RightTuple);

            RightTupleList list = rightTuple.getMemory();

            // we must do this after we have the next in memory
            // We add to the end to give an opportunity to re-match if in same bucket
            memory.getRightTupleMemory().removeAdd( rightTuple );

            if ( !useComparisonIndex && rootBlocker == null && list == rightTuple.getMemory() ) {
                // we are at the end of the list, so set to self, to give self a chance to rematch
                rootBlocker = rightTuple;

            // iterate all the existing previous blocked LeftTuples
            for ( LeftTuple leftTuple = (LeftTuple) firstBlocked; leftTuple != null; ) {
                LeftTuple temp = leftTuple.getBlockedNext();

                leftTuple.setBlocker( null );
                leftTuple.setBlockedPrevious( null );
                leftTuple.setBlockedNext( null );

                this.constraints.updateFromTuple( memory.getContext(),
                                                  leftTuple );

                if (useComparisonIndex) {
                    rootBlocker = getFirstRightTuple( leftTuple, memory.getRightTupleMemory(), context, rightIt );

                // we know that older tuples have been checked so continue next
                for ( RightTuple newBlocker = rootBlocker; newBlocker != null; newBlocker = (RightTuple) newBlocker ) ) {
                    if ( this.constraints.isAllowedCachedLeft( memory.getContext(),
                                                               newBlocker.getFactHandle() ) ) {
                        leftTuple.setBlocker( newBlocker );
                        newBlocker.addBlocked( leftTuple );
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                                       LeftTupleSink sink,
                                       InternalWorkingMemory wm) {
        if ( source instanceof JoinNode || source instanceof NotNode || source instanceof FromNode ||source instanceof AccumulateNode ) {

            BetaMemory memory;
            FastIterator localIt;
            if ( source instanceof FromNode ) {
                memory = ((FromMemory) wm.getNodeMemory( (MemoryFactory) source )).betaMemory;
            } else if ( source instanceof AccumulateNode ) {
                memory = ((AccumulateMemory) wm.getNodeMemory( (MemoryFactory) source )).betaMemory;
            } else {
                memory = (BetaMemory) wm.getNodeMemory( (MemoryFactory) source );

            localIt = memory.getLeftTupleMemory().fullFastIterator();
            LeftTuple leftTuple = BetaNode.getFirstLeftTuple( memory.getLeftTupleMemory(),
                                                              localIt );

            while ( leftTuple != null ) {
                for ( LeftTuple childleftTuple = leftTuple.getFirstChild(); childleftTuple != null; childleftTuple = childleftTuple.getLeftParentNext() ) {
                    if ( childleftTuple.getLeftTupleSink() == sink ) {
                        return childleftTuple;
                leftTuple = (LeftTuple) leftTuple );
        if ( source instanceof ExistsNode ) {
            BetaMemory memory = (BetaMemory) wm.getNodeMemory( (MemoryFactory) source );
            FastIterator localIt = memory.getRightTupleMemory().fullFastIterator();

            RightTuple rightTuple = BetaNode.getFirstRightTuple( memory.getRightTupleMemory(),
                                                                 localIt );

            while ( rightTuple != null ) {
                if ( rightTuple.getBlocked() != null ) {
                    for ( LeftTuple leftTuple = rightTuple.getBlocked(); leftTuple != null; leftTuple = leftTuple.getBlockedNext() ) {
                        for ( LeftTuple childleftTuple = leftTuple.getFirstChild(); childleftTuple != null; childleftTuple = childleftTuple.getLeftParentNext() ) {
                            if ( childleftTuple.getLeftTupleSink() == sink ) {
                                return childleftTuple;

                rightTuple = (RightTuple) rightTuple );
        } else if ( source instanceof LeftInputAdapterNode ) {
            ObjectTypeNode otn = null;
            ObjectSource os = ((LeftInputAdapterNode) source).getParentObjectSource();
            while ( !(os instanceof ObjectTypeNode) ) {
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            factHandleEntry = null;
            otnIterator = null;

        } else if ( source instanceof JoinNode || source instanceof NotNode|| source instanceof FromNode || source instanceof AccumulateNode ) {
            BetaMemory memory;
            FastIterator localIt;
            if ( source instanceof FromNode ) {
                memory = ((FromMemory) wm.getNodeMemory( (MemoryFactory) source )).betaMemory;
            } else if ( source instanceof AccumulateNode ) {
                memory = ((AccumulateMemory) wm.getNodeMemory( (MemoryFactory) source )).betaMemory;
            } else {
                memory = (BetaMemory) wm.getNodeMemory( (MemoryFactory) source );

            localIt = memory.getLeftTupleMemory().fullFastIterator( leftTuple.getLeftParent() );

            LeftTuple childLeftTuple = leftTuple;
            if ( childLeftTuple != null ) {
                leftTuple = childLeftTuple.getLeftParent();

                while ( leftTuple != null ) {
                    if ( childLeftTuple == null ) {
                        childLeftTuple = leftTuple.getFirstChild();
                    } else {
                        childLeftTuple = childLeftTuple.getLeftParentNext();
                    for ( ; childLeftTuple != null; childLeftTuple = childLeftTuple.getLeftParentNext() ) {
                        if ( childLeftTuple.getLeftTupleSink() == sink ) {
                            return childLeftTuple;
                    leftTuple = (LeftTuple) leftTuple );
        if ( source instanceof ExistsNode ) {
            BetaMemory memory = (BetaMemory) wm.getNodeMemory( (MemoryFactory) source );

            RightTuple rightTuple = leftTuple.getLeftParent().getBlocker();
            FastIterator localIt = memory.getRightTupleMemory().fullFastIterator( rightTuple );

            for ( LeftTuple childleftTuple = leftTuple.getLeftParentNext(); childleftTuple != null; childleftTuple = childleftTuple.getLeftParentNext() ) {
                if ( childleftTuple.getLeftTupleSink() == sink ) {
                    return childleftTuple;

            leftTuple = leftTuple.getLeftParent();

            // now move onto next RightTuple                                               
            while ( rightTuple != null ) {
                if ( rightTuple.getBlocked() != null ) {
                    if ( leftTuple != null ) {
                        leftTuple = leftTuple.getBlockedNext();
                    } else {
                        leftTuple = rightTuple.getBlocked();
                    for ( ; leftTuple != null; leftTuple = leftTuple.getBlockedNext() ) {
                        for ( LeftTuple childleftTuple = leftTuple.getFirstChild(); childleftTuple != null; childleftTuple = childleftTuple.getLeftParentNext() ) {
                            if ( childleftTuple.getLeftTupleSink() == sink ) {
                                return childleftTuple;

                rightTuple = (RightTuple) rightTuple );

        } else if ( source instanceof EvalConditionNode || source instanceof QueryElementNode ) {
            LeftTuple childLeftTuple = leftTuple;
            if ( leftTuple != null ) {
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        this.constraints.updateFromTuple( contextEntry,
                                          leftTuple );
        FastIterator it = getRightIterator(rightMemory);
        for ( RightTuple rightTuple = getFirstRightTuple(leftTuple, rightMemory, context, it); rightTuple != null; rightTuple = (RightTuple) {
            if ( this.constraints.isAllowedCachedLeft( contextEntry,
                                                       rightTuple.getFactHandle() ) ) {
                leftTuple.setBlocker( rightTuple );

                if ( useLeftMemory ) {
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            LeftTupleMemory ltm = bm.getLeftTupleMemory();
            RightTupleMemory rtm = bm.getRightTupleMemory();
            ContextEntry[] contextEntry = bm.getContext();
            BetaConstraints constraints = joinNode.getRawConstraints();
            FastIterator it = joinNode.getRightIterator( rtm );

            for ( LeftTuple leftTuple = srcLeftTuples.getInsertFirst(); leftTuple != null; ) {
                LeftTuple next = leftTuple.getStagedNext();
                PropagationContext context = leftTuple.getPropagationContext();
                boolean useLeftMemory = true;

                if ( !tupleMemoryEnabled ) {
                    // This is a hack, to not add closed DroolsQuery objects
                    Object object = leftTuple.get( 0 ).getObject();
                    if ( !(object instanceof DroolsQuery) || !((DroolsQuery) object).isOpen() ) {
                        useLeftMemory = false;

                if ( useLeftMemory ) {
                    ltm.add( leftTuple );

                constraints.updateFromTuple( contextEntry,
                                             leftTuple );

                for ( RightTuple rightTuple = joinNode.getFirstRightTuple( leftTuple,
                                                                           it ); rightTuple != null; rightTuple = (RightTuple) rightTuple ) ) {
                    if ( constraints.isAllowedCachedLeft( contextEntry,
                                                          rightTuple.getFactHandle() ) ) {
                        trgLeftTuples.addInsert( sink.createLeftTuple( leftTuple,
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            LeftTupleMemory ltm = bm.getLeftTupleMemory();
            RightTupleMemory rtm = bm.getRightTupleMemory();
            ContextEntry[] contextEntry = bm.getContext();
            BetaConstraints constraints = joinNode.getRawConstraints();
            FastIterator it = joinNode.getLeftIterator( ltm );

            for ( RightTuple rightTuple = srcRightTuples.getInsertFirst(); rightTuple != null; ) {
                RightTuple next = rightTuple.getStagedNext();
                rtm.add( rightTuple );
                PropagationContext context = rightTuple.getPropagationContext();

                constraints.updateFromFactHandle( contextEntry,
                                                  rightTuple.getFactHandle() );

                for ( LeftTuple leftTuple = joinNode.getFirstLeftTuple( rightTuple, ltm, context, it ); leftTuple != null; leftTuple = (LeftTuple) leftTuple ) ) {
                    trgLeftTuples.addInsert( sink.createLeftTuple( leftTuple,
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Related Classes of org.drools.core.util.FastIterator$IteratorAdapter

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