LeftTupleSets trgLeftTuples,
LeftTupleSets stagedLeftTuples) {
Timer timer = timerNode.getTimer();
// Variables may have changed for ExpressionIntervalTimer, so it must be rescheduled
TimerService timerService = wm.getTimerService();
long timestamp = timerService.getCurrentTime();
String[] calendarNames = timerNode.getCalendarNames();
Calendars calendars = wm.getCalendars();
for ( LeftTuple leftTuple = srcLeftTuples.getUpdateFirst(); leftTuple != null; ) {
LeftTuple next = leftTuple.getStagedNext();
LeftTupleList leftTuples = tm.getInsertOrUpdateLeftTuples();
DefaultJobHandle jobHandle = (DefaultJobHandle) leftTuple.getObject();
if ( jobHandle != null ) {
// jobHandle can be null, if the time fired straight away, and never ended up scheduling a job
synchronized ( leftTuples ) {
// the job removal and memory check is done within a sync block, incase it is executing a trigger at the
// same time we are procesing an update
scheduleLeftTuple( timerNode, tm, pmem, smem, sink, wm, timer, timerService, timestamp, calendarNames, calendars, leftTuple, trgLeftTuples, stagedLeftTuples );